
    // stack is an object for basic stack operations. Items popped to the stack are
    // expected to be changed and modified. stack does not take care of adding newly
    // initialised objects.
    type Stack struct {
        data []*big.Int

    func newstack() *Stack {
        return &Stack{data: make([]*big.Int, 0, 1024)}


    func (st *Stack) push(d *big.Int) { //追加到最末尾
        // NOTE push limit (1024) is checked in baseCheck
        //stackItem := new(big.Int).Set(d)
        //st.data = append(st.data, stackItem)
        st.data = append(st.data, d)
    func (st *Stack) pushN(ds ...*big.Int) {
        st.data = append(st.data, ds...)


    func (st *Stack) pop() (ret *big.Int) { //从最末尾取出。
        ret = st.data[len(st.data)-1]
        st.data = st.data[:len(st.data)-1]

    func (st *Stack) swap(n int) { 交换堆栈顶的元素和离栈顶n距离的元素的值。
        st.data[st.len()-n], st.data[st.len()-1] = st.data[st.len()-1], st.data[st.len()-n]

dup操作 像复制指定位置的值到堆顶

    func (st *Stack) dup(pool *intPool, n int) {

peek 操作. 偷看栈顶元素

    func (st *Stack) peek() *big.Int {
        return st.data[st.len()-1]
Back 偷看指定位置的元素

    // Back returns the n'th item in stack
    func (st *Stack) Back(n int) *big.Int {
        return st.data[st.len()-n-1]

require 保证堆栈元素的数量要大于等于n.

    func (st *Stack) require(n int) error {
        if st.len() < n {
            return fmt.Errorf("stack underflow (%d <=> %d)", len(st.data), n)
        return nil
非常简单. 就是256大小的 big.int的池,用来加速bit.Int的分配
var checkVal = big.NewInt(-42)

const poolLimit = 256

// intPool is a pool of big integers that
// can be reused for all big.Int operations.
type intPool struct {
    pool *Stack

func newIntPool() *intPool {
    return &intPool{pool: newstack()}

func (p *intPool) get() *big.Int {
    if p.pool.len() > 0 {
        return p.pool.pop()
    return new(big.Int)
func (p *intPool) put(is ...*big.Int) {
    if len(p.pool.data) > poolLimit {

    for _, i := range is {
        // verifyPool is a build flag. Pool verification makes sure the integrity
        // of the integer pool by comparing values to a default value.
        if verifyPool {

构造, memory的存储就是byte[]. 还有一个lastGasCost的记录.
type Memory struct {
    store []byte
    lastGasCost uint64

func NewMemory() *Memory {
    return &Memory{}
// Resize resizes the memory to size
func (m *Memory) Resize(size uint64) {
    if uint64(m.Len()) < size {
        m.store = append(m.store, make([]byte, size-uint64(m.Len()))...)
// Set sets offset + size to value
func (m *Memory) Set(offset, size uint64, value []byte) {
    // length of store may never be less than offset + size.
    // The store should be resized PRIOR to setting the memory
    if size > uint64(len(m.store)) {
        panic("INVALID memory: store empty")

    // It's possible the offset is greater than 0 and size equals 0. This is because
    // the calcMemSize (common.go) could potentially return 0 when size is zero (NO-OP)
    if size > 0 {
        copy(m.store[offset:offset+size], value)
Get来取值, 一个是获取拷贝, 一个是获取指针.
// Get returns offset + size as a new slice
func (self *Memory) Get(offset, size int64) (cpy []byte) {
    if size == 0 {
        return nil

    if len(self.store) > int(offset) {
        cpy = make([]byte, size)
        copy(cpy, self.store[offset:offset+size])



// GetPtr returns the offset + size
func (self *Memory) GetPtr(offset, size int64) []byte {
    if size == 0 {
        return nil

    if len(self.store) > int(offset) {
        return self.store[offset : offset+size]

    return nil
一些额外的帮助函数 在stack_table.go里面
func makeStackFunc(pop, push int) stackValidationFunc {
    return func(stack *Stack) error {
        if err := stack.require(pop); err != nil {
            return err

        if stack.len()+push-pop > int(params.StackLimit) {
            return fmt.Errorf("stack limit reached %d (%d)", stack.len(), params.StackLimit)
        return nil

func makeDupStackFunc(n int) stackValidationFunc {
    return makeStackFunc(n, n+1)

func makeSwapStackFunc(n int) stackValidationFunc {
    return makeStackFunc(n, n)