BlueNRG-2(过Ble Mesh1.0认证,Ble5.0认证)

qN: 非主流的Ble5.0 SOC, STM32技术栈的小伙伴可以了解下.


BlueNRG-Mesh 面向智能家居的 蓝牙低功耗网络

BlueNRG-2新一代蓝牙低功耗 片上系统


BlueNRG-2  Bluetooth® low energy wireless system-on-chip

Bluetooth low energy single mode system-on-chip compliant with Bluetooth 5.0 specifications:

  • master, slave and multiple simultaneous roles
  • LE data packet length extension
  • Programmable 256 kB Flash
  • High performance, ultra-low power Cortex-M0 32-bit based architecture core
  • 24 kB RAM with retention (two 12 kB banks)
  • Up to +8 dBm available output power (at antenna connector)
  • Excellent RF link budget (up to 96 dB)
  • Accurate RSSI to allow power control
  • 8.3 mA TX current (@ -2 dBm, 3.0 V)
  • Down to 1 µA current consumption with active BLE stack (sleep mode)
  • ST companion integrated balun/filter chips are available
  • Average advertisement current consumption 15.34 µA (advertisement interval 1000 ms) – 1 year, 8 months, 19 days with 230 mAh battery (CR2032)
  • Average connection current consumption 7.059 µA (connection interval 1000 ms) – 3 years, 10 months, 12 days with 230 mAh battery (CR2032)
  • Pre-programmed bootloader via UART
  • QFN32, QFN48 and WCSP34 package options

ST新一代蓝牙低功耗应用处理器已 通过蓝牙5.0认证,可确保与最新一 代智能手机的互联操作,并具有超 低功耗和稳健的RF性能,可延长应 用的电池寿命。

具有大容量集成内存和数量可扩展的 GPIO以外,bluenrg-2还采用了最新 的低功耗蓝牙协议栈,该协议栈增加 了最先进的通讯技术、安全和隐私功 能,并扩展了数据包长度,从而提高 了数据传输速度。

BlueNRG-2(过Ble Mesh1.0认证,Ble5.0认证)_第1张图片

BlueNRG-2(过Ble Mesh1.0认证,Ble5.0认证)_第2张图片

BlueNRG-2(过Ble Mesh1.0认证,Ble5.0认证)_第3张图片

BlueNRG-2(过Ble Mesh1.0认证,Ble5.0认证)_第4张图片


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