运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外 - 西汉·司马迁《史记·高祖本纪》




  • 变更MTR会议室的帐号?
  • 在改密码之后需要更新MTR设备的密码?
  • 为了安全原因需要隐藏会议主题?
  • 会议室新购多一块会议交互大屏,变成了双屏会议室?我们需要打开MTR的双屏显示开关
  • 自定义MTR的主题图片?参考这篇:自定义主题让你的MTR会议与众不同



什么是MTR? Microsoft Teams Room

  1. 首先需要先创建一份名字为SkypeSettings.XML的文件。

  2. 接着就可以去修改SkypeSettings.XML里面的内容,例如以下代码配置了三个设置(自动屏幕共享,隐藏会议主题,MTR帐号)。

    PS. 当你要运维多个MTR会议室时,你不需要把所有参数都放在XML里面,只需要把要改的放进来即可,这样就可以有针对性地去维护这些会议室。

            [email protected]
            [email protected]
  3. 然后用你熟悉的方法把XML文件推送到MTR的指定目录,如下



    $movefile = "";
    $targetDevice = "\\\Users\Skype\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.SkypeRoomSystem_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\SkypeSettings.xml"; 
    Copy-Item $movefile $targetDevice
  4. 最后把MTR重启即可生效,同时系统会把这份XML给自动删除掉的(不用命令就手动重启吧~!)

    invoke-command { Shutdown /r /t 0 } -ComputerName 
  5. 如下图参考

玩转Microsoft Teams Room系列 5 - 通过XML批量配置MTR_第1张图片

玩转Microsoft Teams Room系列 5 - 通过XML批量配置MTR_第2张图片




PS D:\> .\New-MtrConfigrationFile.ps1
PS D:\> New-MtrConfigrationFile -HideMeetingName $true -Path D:\                               

PS D:\> dir Skype*                                                                             
Directory: D:\
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-ar---        2020/3/19     11:09          35611 SkypeRoomProvisioningScript.ps1
-a----        2020/5/21     17:02             98 SkypeSettings.xml

# 我列举一些常用的例子:
# 自定义主题
New-MtrConfigrationFile -ThemeName Custom -CustomThemeImageUrl 'wallpaper.jpg' -RedComponent 100 -BlueComponent 100 -GreenComponent 100 -Path D:\
# 配置MTR帐号
New-MtrConfigrationFile -UserAccount -SkypeSignInAddress '[email protected]' -ExchangeAddress '[email protected]' -DomainUsername 'Seattle\RanierConf' -Password 'password' -ConfigureDomain 'domain1, domain2' -Path D:\
# 设置双屏显示
New-MtrConfigrationFile -DualScreenMode $True -Path D:\
# 设置隐藏会议主题
New-MtrConfigrationFile -HideMeetingName $True -Path D:\

玩转Microsoft Teams Room系列 5 - 通过XML批量配置MTR_第3张图片


  • AutoScreenShare
  • HideMeetingName
    If true, meeting names are hidden.
  • UserAccount
    Container for credentials parameters. The sign in address, Exchange address, or email address are usually the same, such as [email protected].
  • IsTeamsDefaultClient
    Is Microsoft Teams the Default for new Meetings
  • BluetoothAdvertisementEnabled
    Support local Bluetooth beakoning
  • SkypeMeetingsEnabled
    Support Skype for Business Meetings
  • TeamsMeetingsEnabled
    Support Microsoft Terams Meetings
  • DualScreenMode
    If true, dual screen mode is enabled. Otherwise the device uses single screen mode.
  • SendLogs
    Configure the "Give Feedback" and "Report Issue"
  • Devices
    The connected audio device names in the child elements are the same values listed in the Device Manager app.
    The configuration can contain a device that does not presently exist on the system, such as an A/V device not currently connected to the console.
    The configuration would be retained for the respective device.
  • ThemeName
    Used to identify the theme on the client. The Theme Name options are Default, one of the provided preset themes, or Custom.
    Custom theme names always use the name Custom.
    The client UI can be set at the console to the Default or one of the presets, but use of a custom theme must be set remotely by an Administrator.
    Preset themes include:
    Blue Wave
    Digital Forest
    Pixel Perfect
    To disable the current theme, use "No Theme" for the ThemeName.
  • SkypeSignInAddress
    The sign in name for the Skype for Business or Teams device account.
  • ExchangeAddress
    The sign in name for the Exchange device account.
  • ExchangeAddress
    The domain and user name of the device, for example Seattle\RanierConf.
  • Password
    The password parameter is the same password used for the Skype for Business device account sign-in.
  • ConfigureDomain
    You can list several domains, separated by commas.
    Use one long string here!!!
  • EmailAddressForLogsAndFeedback
    Sets an optional email address that logs can be sent to when the "Give Feedback" window appears.
  • SendLogsAndFeedback
    If true, logs are sent to the admin. If false, only feedback is sent to the admin (and not logs).
  • MicrophoneForCommunication
    Sets the microphone used as the recording device in a conference.
  • SpeakerForCommunication
    Device to be used as speaker for the conference. This setting is used to set the speaker device used in a call.
  • DefaultSpeaker
    Device to be used to play the audio from an HDMI ingest source.
  • ContentCameraId
    Define the instance path for the camera configured in room to share analog whiteboard content in a meeting.
    See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/MicrosoftTeams/room-systems/xml-config-file#locate-the-content-camera-usb-instance-path
    Please note: We replace "&" with "&" for you!
    Just use the String you copied from the Device Manager/Imaging devices/Properties/Details/Device instance path
  • ContentCameraInverted
    Specify if the content camera is physically installed upside down. For content cameras that support automatic rotation, specify false.
  • ContentCameraEnhancement
    When set to true (the default), the content camera image is digitally enhanced: the whiteboard edge is detected and an appropriate zoom is selected, ink lines are enhanced, and the person writing on the whiteboard is made transparent.
    Set to false if you intend to send a raw video feed to meeting participants for spaces where a whiteboard is not drawn on with a pen and instead the camera is used to show sticky notes, posters, or other media.
    .PARAMETER CustomThemeImageUrl
    Required for a custom theme, use file name only.
  • RedComponent
    Represents the red color component.
  • GreenComponent
    Represents the green color component.
  • BlueComponent
    Represents the blue color component.


  • Manage a Microsoft Teams Rooms console settings remotely with an XML configuration file
  • New-MtrConfigrationFile.ps1