
Key performance indicator or widely known as KPI is a way of measuring an employee's progress towards the goals that a company is trying to achieve. It depends on the company, it can be done monthly, quarterly etc. Every employee has a different idea on this. For a boss, it may help them know the standing of the team-what do they need to retain and what do they need to improve and this is a big factor for them to adjust the volume to balance the workers in their company. For a regular employee, it seems that no one really likes KPI unless their performance is really that great. First, it shows your real work and your contribution such as how many cases have you copied for the past month, how many mistakes have you had. Without KPI, it's easy to say we've done that and this but if we have the data then of course it's hard to say this since it will reflect on your KPI. For example, without KPI, you may hear someone saying they did great even if they didn't. So my dears, KPI can help us to know what we did in the past, our achievements and shortcomings. We shouldn't fear KPI, we should refer to it to enhance our ability to work more effectively and save more time so that we may meet our better self and find a better job in the future. What do you think about KPI?
