Dstream是由一系列的RDD构成的,它同一般的RDD一样,也可以将流式数据持久化,采用同样的persisit方法,调用该方法后DStream将持久化所有的RDD数据。这对于一些需要重复计算多次或者数据需要反复被 使用的DStream特别有效。像reduceByWindow、reduceByKeyAndWindow等基于窗口操作的方法,它们默认都是有persisit操作的。而且不需要程序员手动设置。
存储级别 | 解释 |
MEMORY_ONLY | 将RDD作为非序列化的Java对象存储在jvm中。如果RDD不适合存在内存中,一些分区将不会被缓存,从而在每次需要这些分区时都需重新计算它们。这是系统默认的存储级别。 |
MEMORY_AND_DISK | 以反序列化的JAVA对象的方式存储在JVM中. 如果内存不够, RDD的一些分区将将会缓存在磁盘上,再次需要的时候从磁盘读取 |
MEMORY_ONLY_SER | 以序列化JAVA对象的方式存储 (每个分区一个字节数组). 相比于反序列化的方式,这样更高效的利用空间, 尤其是使用快速序列化时。但是读取是CPU操作很密集。 |
MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER | 与MEMORY_ONLY_SER相似, 区别是但内存不足时,存储在磁盘上而不是每次重新计算 |
DISK_ONLY | 只存储RDD在磁盘 |
MEMORY_ONLY_2, MEMORY_AND_DISK_2, etc. | 与上面的级别相同,只不过每个分区的副本只存储在两个集群节点上。 |
OFF_HEAP (experimental) | 与MEMORY_ONLY_SER类似,但将数据存储在非堆内存中。这需要启用非堆内存。 |
Spark Streaming应用程序如果不手动停止,则将一直运行下去,在实际中应用程序一般是24小时*7天不间断运行的,因此Streaming必须对诸如系统错误,JVM出错等与程序逻辑无关的错误(failures)具体很强的弹性,具备一定的非应用程序出错的容错性。Spark Streaming的Checkpoint机制便是为此设计的,它将足够多的信息checkpoint到某些具备容错性的存储系统如hdfs上,以便出错时能够迅速恢复。有两种数据可以checkpoint:
Metadata checkpointing
将流式计算的信息保存到具备容错性的存储上比如HDFS,Metadata Checkpointing适用于当streaming应用程序Driver所在的节点出错时能够恢复,元数据包括:
Configuration(配置信息) : 创建streaming应用程序的配置信息
Dstream operations : 在streaming应用程序中定义的DStreaming操作
Incomplete batches : 在队列中没有处理完的作业
Data checkpointing
具体来说,metadata checkpointing主要还是从driver失败中恢复,而Data Checkpoint用于对有状态的transformation操作进行checkpointing
- 使用了stateful转换,如果application中使用了updateStateByKey或者reduceByKeyAndWindow等stateful操作,必须提供checkpoint目录来允许定时的RDD checkpoint
- 希望能从意外中恢复driver
如果streaming app没有stateful操作,也允许friver挂掉之后再次重启 的进度丢失,就没有启动checkpoint的必要了。
来完成。另外 ,如果你 想让你的application能从driver失败中恢复,你的application要满足 :
- 若application为首次重启,将创建一个新的StreamContext实例
- 如果application是从失败中重启,将会从checkpoint目录导入checkpoint数据来重新创建StreamingContext实例。
// Function to create and setup a new StreamingContext
def functionToCreateContext():StreamingContext = {
val ssc = new StreamingContext(...) // new context
val lines = ssc.socketTextStream(...) // create Dstreams
ssc.checkpoint(ckeckpointDirectory) // set checkpoint directory
// Get SteamingContext from checkpoint data or create a new one
val context = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(ckeckpointDirectory,functionToCreateContext _)
// Do additional setup on context that needs to be done,
// irrespective of whether it is being started or restarted
context. ....
// start the context
需要注意的是,随着streaming application的持续运行,checkpoint数据占用的存储空间会不断变大。因此,需要小心设置checkpoint的时间间隔。设置的越小 ,checkpoint次数会越多,占用空间会越大;如果设置越大,会导致恢复时丢失的数据和进度越多。一般推荐设置为batch duration的5~10倍。
1. 在什么时候进行checkpoint ?
2. checkpoint的形式是怎么样的 ?
在spark Streaming中,JobGenerator用于生成每个batch对应的jobs,它有一个定时器,定时器 的周期即初始化StreamingContext时设置batchDuration。这个周期一到,JobGenerator将调用generateJobs方法来生成并提交jobs,这之后调用doCheckpoint方法来进行checkpoint。doCheckpoint方法中,会判断 当前时间与streaming application start的时间只差是否是 checkpoint duration的倍数,只有在是的情况下才进行checkpoint。
除了Checkpoint类,还有CheckpointWriter类用来导出checkpoint,CheckpointReader用来 导入checkpoint
import java.io.File
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import com.google.common.io.Files
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Time, Seconds, StreamingContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.IntParam
* Counts words in text encoded with UTF8 received from the network every second.
* Usage: RecoverableNetworkWordCount
* and describe the TCP server that Spark Streaming would connect to receive
* data. directory to HDFS-compatible file system which checkpoint data
* file to which the word counts will be appended
* and must be absolute paths
* To run this on your local machine, you need to first run a Netcat server
* `$ nc -lk 9999`
* and run the example as
* `$ ./bin/run-example org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.RecoverableNetworkWordCount \
* localhost 9999 ~/checkpoint/ ~/out`
* If the directory ~/checkpoint/ does not exist (e.g. running for the first time), it will create
* a new StreamingContext (will print "Creating new context" to the console). Otherwise, if
* checkpoint data exists in ~/checkpoint/, then it will create StreamingContext from
* the checkpoint data.
* Refer to the online documentation for more details.
object RecoverableNetworkWordCount {
def createContext(ip: String, port: Int, outputPath: String, checkpointDirectory: String)
: StreamingContext = {
println("Creating new context")
val outputFile = new File(outputPath)
if (outputFile.exists()) outputFile.delete()
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("RecoverableNetworkWordCount").setMaster("local[4]")
// Create the context with a 1 second batch size
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(1))
val lines = ssc.socketTextStream(ip, port)
val words = lines.flatMap(_.split(" "))
val wordCounts = words.map(x => (x, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
wordCounts.foreachRDD((rdd: RDD[(String, Int)], time: Time) => {
val counts = "Counts at time " + time + " " + rdd.collect().mkString("[", ", ", "]")
println("Appending to " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath)
Files.append(counts + "\n", outputFile, Charset.defaultCharset())
private object IntParam {
def unapply(str: String): Option[Int] = {
try {
} catch {
case e: NumberFormatException => None
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length != 4) {
System.err.println("You arguments were " + args.mkString("[", ", ", "]"))
|Usage: RecoverableNetworkWordCount
| . and describe the TCP server that Spark
| Streaming would connect to receive data. directory to
| HDFS-compatible file system which checkpoint data file to which the
| word counts will be appended
|In local mode, should be 'local[n]' with n > 1
|Both and must be absolute paths
""" .stripMargin
val Array(ip, IntParam(port), checkpointDirectory, outputPath) = args
val ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointDirectory,
() => {
createContext(ip, port, outputPath, checkpointDirectory)
Spark Streaming的checkpoint机制看起来很美好,却有一个硬伤。上文提到 最终刷到外部存储的是类Checkpoint对象序列化后的数据。那么在Spark Streaming application重新编译后,再去反序列化checkpoint数据就会失败。这个时候就必须新建StreamingContext。