Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 October 22

Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 October 22_第1张图片

【作者】Eileen Caddy



Stop for a moment in all your busyness, and see what you are putting first. Is it work? Is it living? Is it your wants? Your desires? Seek ye first My kingdom. Find your direct contact with Me and all else shall be added unto you. Do you not realise that your communion with Me means far more than anything else, for it is from this contact that all else stems. Do your part and put first things first. You cannot draw water from a well unless you get a bucket and let it down into the well, fill it with water and then draw it up. You have to do something; you have to make the effort and do your part. Standing at the top of the well looking: at the water will not draw it up. So with this spiritual life: standing around watching others find their oneness with Me will not do it for you. Every soul has to do its own inner seeking and finding.







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