* This file is part of ORB-SLAM2.
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal (University of Zaragoza)
* For more information see
* ORB-SLAM2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ORB-SLAM2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with ORB-SLAM2. If not, see .
namespace ORB_SLAM2
class ORBmatcher
* @param nnratio: 比例
* @param checkOri: 是否进行方向一致性检测
ORBmatcher(float nnratio=0.6, bool checkOri=true);
// Computes the Hamming distance between two ORB descriptors
static int DescriptorDistance(const cv::Mat &a, const cv::Mat &b);
// Search matches between Frame keypoints and projected MapPoints. Returns number of matches
// Used to track the local map (Tracking)
* @brief 在Frame和vpMapPoints之间进行搜索匹配,用来跟踪局部地图,
* 主要利用MapPoint的描述子和Frame的特征点描述子进行匹配
* @param F : 跟踪关键帧
* @param vpMapPoints: 局部地图点
* @param th: 阈值,决定搜索窗口大小
int SearchByProjection(Frame &F, const std::vector<MapPoint*> &vpMapPoints, const float th=3);
// Project MapPoints tracked in last frame into the current frame and search matches.
// Used to track from previous frame (Tracking)
/// th :decide the search windows size
/// bMono: is monocular camera ?
/// 1.project last frame's 3D map point to current frame
/// 2.compute the current frame's keypoints descriptor's Haming distance to the map points
/// 3.find the closest map point in current frame.
int SearchByProjection(Frame &CurrentFrame, const Frame &LastFrame, const float th, const bool bMono);
// Project MapPoints seen in KeyFrame into the Frame and search matches.
// Used in relocalisation (Tracking)
* @brief 将关键帧的MapPoint投影到CurrentFrame,然后寻找匹配关系
int SearchByProjection(Frame &CurrentFrame, KeyFrame* pKF, const std::set<MapPoint*> &sAlreadyFound, const float th, const int ORBdist);
// Project MapPoints using a Similarity Transformation and search matches.
// Used in loop detection (Loop Closing)
* @brief 通过相似变换Scw将vpPoints投影到pKF,通过计算描述子距离寻找匹配关系
int SearchByProjection(KeyFrame* pKF, cv::Mat Scw, const std::vector<MapPoint*> &vpPoints, std::vector<MapPoint*> &vpMatched, int th);
// Search matches between MapPoints in a KeyFrame and ORB in a Frame.
// Brute force constrained to ORB that belong to the same vocabulary node (at a certain level)
// Used in Relocalisation and Loop Detection
int SearchByBoW(KeyFrame *pKF, Frame &F, std::vector<MapPoint*> &vpMapPointMatches);
int SearchByBoW(KeyFrame *pKF1, KeyFrame* pKF2, std::vector<MapPoint*> &vpMatches12);
// Matching for the Map Initialization (only used in the monocular case)
/// F1: init frame, F2: current frame, vbPrevMatched:为F1的特征点的像素坐标, vnMatches12: matched keypoint result, windowsSize:search windows size
* 只用于单目的地图初始化,遍历F1的特征点,为F1的每一个特征点在F2中找到一个最相近的特征点
int SearchForInitialization(Frame &F1, Frame &F2, std::vector<cv::Point2f> &vbPrevMatched, std::vector<int> &vnMatches12, int windowSize=10);
// Matching to triangulate new MapPoints. Check Epipolar Constraint.
* 在pKF1和pKF2之间寻找匹配特征点,用来三角化,并用Epipolar约束,用BOW加速匹配
int SearchForTriangulation(KeyFrame *pKF1, KeyFrame* pKF2, cv::Mat F12,
std::vector<pair<size_t, size_t> > &vMatchedPairs, const bool bOnlyStereo);
// Search matches between MapPoints seen in KF1 and KF2 transforming by a Sim3 [s12*R12|t12]
// In the stereo and RGB-D case, s12=1
int SearchBySim3(KeyFrame* pKF1, KeyFrame* pKF2, std::vector<MapPoint *> &vpMatches12, const float &s12, const cv::Mat &R12, const cv::Mat &t12, const float th);
// Project MapPoints into KeyFrame and search for duplicated MapPoints.
int Fuse(KeyFrame* pKF, const vector<MapPoint *> &vpMapPoints, const float th=3.0);
// Project MapPoints into KeyFrame using a given Sim3 and search for duplicated MapPoints.
int Fuse(KeyFrame* pKF, cv::Mat Scw, const std::vector<MapPoint*> &vpPoints, float th, vector<MapPoint *> &vpReplacePoint);
static const int TH_LOW;
static const int TH_HIGH;
static const int HISTO_LENGTH;
bool CheckDistEpipolarLine(const cv::KeyPoint &kp1, const cv::KeyPoint &kp2, const cv::Mat &F12, const KeyFrame *pKF);
float RadiusByViewingCos(const float &viewCos);
/// find the 3 largest vector.size()' index in array histogram
* 在直方图中找到三个最大值,并返回它们的索引
void ComputeThreeMaxima(std::vector<int>* histo, const int L, int &ind1, int &ind2, int &ind3);
/// if the threshold between best match and second match, smaller the value, the better match
float mfNNratio;
bool mbCheckOrientation;
}// namespace ORB_SLAM
#endif // ORBMATCHER_H
* This file is part of ORB-SLAM2.
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal (University of Zaragoza)
* For more information see
* ORB-SLAM2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ORB-SLAM2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with ORB-SLAM2. If not, see .
#include "ORBmatcher.h"
#include "Thirdparty/DBoW2/DBoW2/FeatureVector.h"
using namespace std;
namespace ORB_SLAM2
/// the threshold of descriptor, Haming dis less than threshold
/// will be conside as correpondence keypoints
const int ORBmatcher::TH_HIGH = 100;
const int ORBmatcher::TH_LOW = 50;
/// The histogram lenght, divide 0-360 degree to HISTO_LENGTH kinds uniform
/// for example, if HISTO_LENGTH=3, then the angle 0-360 is divide to 0-120, 120-240, and 240-360.
const int ORBmatcher::HISTO_LENGTH = 30;
ORBmatcher::ORBmatcher(float nnratio, bool checkOri) : mfNNratio(nnratio), mbCheckOrientation(checkOri)
int ORBmatcher::SearchByProjection(Frame &F, const vector<MapPoint *> &vpMapPoints, const float th)
int nmatches = 0;
const bool bFactor = th != 1.0;
///loop all local MapPoint
for (size_t iMP = 0; iMP < vpMapPoints.size(); iMP++)
MapPoint *pMP = vpMapPoints[iMP];
if (!pMP->mbTrackInView)
if (pMP->isBad())
const int &nPredictedLevel = pMP->mnTrackScaleLevel;
// The size of the window will depend on the viewing direction
/// comfirm search radius according to view angle cos
float r = RadiusByViewingCos(pMP->mTrackViewCos);
if (bFactor)
r *= th;
/// get ketpoints in search radius and scale level range
const vector<size_t> vIndices =
F.GetFeaturesInArea(pMP->mTrackProjX, pMP->mTrackProjY, r * F.mvScaleFactors[nPredictedLevel], nPredictedLevel - 1, nPredictedLevel);
if (vIndices.empty())
const cv::Mat MPdescriptor = pMP->GetDescriptor();
int bestDist = 256;
int bestLevel = -1;
int bestDist2 = 256;
int bestLevel2 = -1;
int bestIdx = -1;
// Get best and second matches with near keypoints
for (vector<size_t>::const_iterator vit = vIndices.begin(), vend = vIndices.end(); vit != vend; vit++)
const size_t idx = *vit;
if (F.mvpMapPoints[idx])
if (F.mvpMapPoints[idx]->Observations() > 0)
if (F.mvuRight[idx] > 0)
const float er = fabs(pMP->mTrackProjXR - F.mvuRight[idx]);
if (er > r * F.mvScaleFactors[nPredictedLevel])
const cv::Mat &d = F.mDescriptors.row(idx);
const int dist = DescriptorDistance(MPdescriptor, d);
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist2 = bestDist;
bestDist = dist;
bestLevel2 = bestLevel;
bestLevel = F.mvKeysUn[idx].octave;
bestIdx = idx;
else if (dist < bestDist2)
bestLevel2 = F.mvKeysUn[idx].octave;
bestDist2 = dist;
// Apply ratio to second match (only if best and second are in the same scale level)
if (bestDist <= TH_HIGH)
if (bestLevel == bestLevel2 && bestDist > mfNNratio * bestDist2)
F.mvpMapPoints[bestIdx] = pMP;
return nmatches;
float ORBmatcher::RadiusByViewingCos(const float &viewCos)
if (viewCos > 0.998)
return 2.5;
return 4.0;
/// check kp1 and kp2 meet the F12 epipololar line constrant
bool ORBmatcher::CheckDistEpipolarLine(const cv::KeyPoint &kp1, const cv::KeyPoint &kp2, const cv::Mat &F12, const KeyFrame *pKF2)
// Epipolar line in second image l = x1'F12 = [a b c]
/// x1' * F12 * x2 = 0, map kp1 to epipolor line in key frame 2
const float a = kp1.pt.x * F12.at<float>(0, 0) + kp1.pt.y * F12.at<float>(1, 0) + F12.at<float>(2, 0);
const float b = kp1.pt.x * F12.at<float>(0, 1) + kp1.pt.y * F12.at<float>(1, 1) + F12.at<float>(2, 1);
const float c = kp1.pt.x * F12.at<float>(0, 2) + kp1.pt.y * F12.at<float>(1, 2) + F12.at<float>(2, 2);
/// compute distance from keypoint to epipolar line
// 计算kp2特征点到极线的距离:
// 极线l:ax + by + c = 0
// (u,v)到l的距离为: |au+bv+c| / sqrt(a^2+b^2)
const float num = a * kp2.pt.x + b * kp2.pt.y + c;
const float den = a * a + b * b;
if (den == 0)
return false;
const float dsqr = num * num / den;
return dsqr < 3.84 * pKF2->mvLevelSigma2[kp2.octave];
/**find the correspondence between pK's MapPoint and F' KeyPoint use DBOW */
int ORBmatcher::SearchByBoW(KeyFrame *pKF, Frame &F, vector<MapPoint *> &vpMapPointMatches)
/// get KeyFrame's MapPoint
const vector<MapPoint *> vpMapPointsKF = pKF->GetMapPointMatches();
vpMapPointMatches = vector<MapPoint *>(F.N, static_cast<MapPoint *>(NULL));
const DBoW2::FeatureVector &vFeatVecKF = pKF->mFeatVec;
int nmatches = 0;
vector<int> rotHist[HISTO_LENGTH];
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
const float factor = 1.0f / HISTO_LENGTH;
// We perform the matching over ORB that belong to the same vocabulary node (at a certain level)
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator KFit = vFeatVecKF.begin();
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator Fit = F.mFeatVec.begin();
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator KFend = vFeatVecKF.end();
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator Fend = F.mFeatVec.end();
/// DBoW2::FeatureVector == std::map
/// loop vFeatVecKF and F.mFeatVec all node
while (KFit != KFend && Fit != Fend)
/// (only the belong to the same DBOW node id, keypoint can be matched)
if (KFit->first == Fit->first)
/// feature index
const vector<unsigned int> vIndicesKF = KFit->second;
const vector<unsigned int> vIndicesF = Fit->second;
/// loop all keyframe features
for (size_t iKF = 0; iKF < vIndicesKF.size(); iKF++)
///1.get keypoint's index
const unsigned int realIdxKF = vIndicesKF[iKF];
///2.get feature's MapPoint
MapPoint *pMP = vpMapPointsKF[realIdxKF];
if (!pMP)
if (pMP->isBad())
///3.get keypoints' descriptor
const cv::Mat &dKF = pKF->mDescriptors.row(realIdxKF);
int bestDist1 = 256;
int bestIdxF = -1;
int bestDist2 = 256;
/// loop all frame's keypoints
for (size_t iF = 0; iF < vIndicesF.size(); iF++)
const unsigned int realIdxF = vIndicesF[iF];
/// not null, means this keypoints has been matched before,ignore
if (vpMapPointMatches[realIdxF])
const cv::Mat &dF = F.mDescriptors.row(realIdxF);
/// compute the Haming distance between keyframe's descriptor and frame's descriptor
const int dist = DescriptorDistance(dKF, dF);
/// find the best two matched keypoint
if (dist < bestDist1)
bestDist2 = bestDist1;
bestDist1 = dist;
bestIdxF = realIdxF;
else if (dist < bestDist2)
bestDist2 = dist;
/// if best matche keypoint meet TH_LOW
if (bestDist1 <= TH_LOW)
/// if the best matched and second matched differ a lot, then match success
if (static_cast<float>(bestDist1) < mfNNratio * static_cast<float>(bestDist2))
vpMapPointMatches[bestIdxF] = pMP;
const cv::KeyPoint &kp = pKF->mvKeysUn[realIdxKF];
/// check orientation
if (mbCheckOrientation)
float rot = kp.angle - F.mvKeys[bestIdxF].angle;
if (rot < 0.0)
rot += 360.0f;
int bin = round(rot * factor);
if (bin == HISTO_LENGTH)
bin = 0;
assert(bin >= 0 && bin < HISTO_LENGTH);
else if (KFit->first < Fit->first)
KFit = vFeatVecKF.lower_bound(Fit->first);
Fit = F.mFeatVec.lower_bound(KFit->first);
if (mbCheckOrientation)
int ind1 = -1;
int ind2 = -1;
int ind3 = -1;
ComputeThreeMaxima(rotHist, HISTO_LENGTH, ind1, ind2, ind3);
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
if (i == ind1 || i == ind2 || i == ind3)
for (size_t j = 0, jend = rotHist[i].size(); j < jend; j++)
vpMapPointMatches[rotHist[i][j]] = static_cast<MapPoint *>(NULL);
return nmatches;
int ORBmatcher::SearchByProjection(KeyFrame *pKF, cv::Mat Scw, const vector<MapPoint *> &vpPoints, vector<MapPoint *> &vpMatched, int th)
// Get Calibration Parameters for later projection
const float &fx = pKF->fx;
const float &fy = pKF->fy;
const float &cx = pKF->cx;
const float &cy = pKF->cy;
// Decompose Scw
cv::Mat sRcw = Scw.rowRange(0, 3).colRange(0, 3);
const float scw = sqrt(sRcw.row(0).dot(sRcw.row(0)));
cv::Mat Rcw = sRcw / scw;
cv::Mat tcw = Scw.rowRange(0, 3).col(3) / scw;
cv::Mat Ow = -Rcw.t() * tcw;
// Set of MapPoints already found in the KeyFrame
set<MapPoint *> spAlreadyFound(vpMatched.begin(), vpMatched.end());
spAlreadyFound.erase(static_cast<MapPoint *>(NULL));
int nmatches = 0;
// For each Candidate MapPoint Project and Match
for (int iMP = 0, iendMP = vpPoints.size(); iMP < iendMP; iMP++)
MapPoint *pMP = vpPoints[iMP];
// Discard Bad MapPoints and already found
if (pMP->isBad() || spAlreadyFound.count(pMP))
// Get 3D Coords.
cv::Mat p3Dw = pMP->GetWorldPos();
// Transform into Camera Coords.
cv::Mat p3Dc = Rcw * p3Dw + tcw;
// Depth must be positive
if (p3Dc.at<float>(2) < 0.0)
// Project into Image
const float invz = 1 / p3Dc.at<float>(2);
const float x = p3Dc.at<float>(0) * invz;
const float y = p3Dc.at<float>(1) * invz;
const float u = fx * x + cx;
const float v = fy * y + cy;
// Point must be inside the image
if (!pKF->IsInImage(u, v))
// Depth must be inside the scale invariance region of the point
const float maxDistance = pMP->GetMaxDistanceInvariance();
const float minDistance = pMP->GetMinDistanceInvariance();
cv::Mat PO = p3Dw - Ow;
const float dist = cv::norm(PO);
if (dist < minDistance || dist > maxDistance)
// Viewing angle must be less than 60 deg
cv::Mat Pn = pMP->GetNormal();
if (PO.dot(Pn) < 0.5 * dist)
int nPredictedLevel = pMP->PredictScale(dist, pKF);
// Search in a radius
const float radius = th * pKF->mvScaleFactors[nPredictedLevel];
const vector<size_t> vIndices = pKF->GetFeaturesInArea(u, v, radius);
if (vIndices.empty())
// Match to the most similar keypoint in the radius
const cv::Mat dMP = pMP->GetDescriptor();
int bestDist = 256;
int bestIdx = -1;
for (vector<size_t>::const_iterator vit = vIndices.begin(), vend = vIndices.end(); vit != vend; vit++)
const size_t idx = *vit;
if (vpMatched[idx])
const int &kpLevel = pKF->mvKeysUn[idx].octave;
if (kpLevel < nPredictedLevel - 1 || kpLevel > nPredictedLevel)
const cv::Mat &dKF = pKF->mDescriptors.row(idx);
const int dist = DescriptorDistance(dMP, dKF);
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist = dist;
bestIdx = idx;
if (bestDist <= TH_LOW)
vpMatched[bestIdx] = pMP;
return nmatches;
int ORBmatcher::SearchForInitialization(Frame &F1, Frame &F2, vector<cv::Point2f> &vbPrevMatched, vector<int> &vnMatches12, int windowSize)
int nmatches = 0;
vnMatches12 = vector<int>(F1.mvKeysUn.size(), -1);
vector<int> rotHist[HISTO_LENGTH];
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
const float factor = 1.0f / HISTO_LENGTH;
vector<int> vMatchedDistance(F2.mvKeysUn.size(), INT_MAX);
vector<int> vnMatches21(F2.mvKeysUn.size(), -1);
for (size_t i1 = 0, iend1 = F1.mvKeysUn.size(); i1 < iend1; i1++)
cv::KeyPoint kp1 = F1.mvKeysUn[i1];
int level1 = kp1.octave;
if (level1 > 0)
vector<size_t> vIndices2 = F2.GetFeaturesInArea(vbPrevMatched[i1].x, vbPrevMatched[i1].y, windowSize, level1, level1);
if (vIndices2.empty())
cv::Mat d1 = F1.mDescriptors.row(i1);
int bestDist = INT_MAX;
int bestDist2 = INT_MAX;
int bestIdx2 = -1;
for (vector<size_t>::iterator vit = vIndices2.begin(); vit != vIndices2.end(); vit++)
size_t i2 = *vit;
cv::Mat d2 = F2.mDescriptors.row(i2);
int dist = DescriptorDistance(d1, d2);
if (vMatchedDistance[i2] <= dist)
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist2 = bestDist;
bestDist = dist;
bestIdx2 = i2;
else if (dist < bestDist2)
bestDist2 = dist;
if (bestDist <= TH_LOW)
if (bestDist < (float)bestDist2 * mfNNratio)
if (vnMatches21[bestIdx2] >= 0)
vnMatches12[vnMatches21[bestIdx2]] = -1;
vnMatches12[i1] = bestIdx2;
vnMatches21[bestIdx2] = i1;
vMatchedDistance[bestIdx2] = bestDist;
if (mbCheckOrientation)
float rot = F1.mvKeysUn[i1].angle - F2.mvKeysUn[bestIdx2].angle;
if (rot < 0.0)
rot += 360.0f;
int bin = round(rot * factor);
if (bin == HISTO_LENGTH)
bin = 0;
assert(bin >= 0 && bin < HISTO_LENGTH);
if (mbCheckOrientation)
int ind1 = -1;
int ind2 = -1;
int ind3 = -1;
ComputeThreeMaxima(rotHist, HISTO_LENGTH, ind1, ind2, ind3);
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
if (i == ind1 || i == ind2 || i == ind3)
for (size_t j = 0, jend = rotHist[i].size(); j < jend; j++)
int idx1 = rotHist[i][j];
if (vnMatches12[idx1] >= 0)
vnMatches12[idx1] = -1;
//Update prev matched
for (size_t i1 = 0, iend1 = vnMatches12.size(); i1 < iend1; i1++)
if (vnMatches12[i1] >= 0)
vbPrevMatched[i1] = F2.mvKeysUn[vnMatches12[i1]].pt;
return nmatches;
int ORBmatcher::SearchByBoW(KeyFrame *pKF1, KeyFrame *pKF2, vector<MapPoint *> &vpMatches12)
const vector<cv::KeyPoint> &vKeysUn1 = pKF1->mvKeysUn;
* DBoW2::FeatureVector的数据类型 std::map >
* 储存着NodeId和特征点在Frame的索引值
const DBoW2::FeatureVector &vFeatVec1 = pKF1->mFeatVec;
const vector<MapPoint *> vpMapPoints1 = pKF1->GetMapPointMatches();
const cv::Mat &Descriptors1 = pKF1->mDescriptors;
const vector<cv::KeyPoint> &vKeysUn2 = pKF2->mvKeysUn;
const DBoW2::FeatureVector &vFeatVec2 = pKF2->mFeatVec;
const vector<MapPoint *> vpMapPoints2 = pKF2->GetMapPointMatches();
const cv::Mat &Descriptors2 = pKF2->mDescriptors;
vpMatches12 = vector<MapPoint *>(vpMapPoints1.size(), static_cast<MapPoint *>(NULL));
vector<bool> vbMatched2(vpMapPoints2.size(), false);
vector<int> rotHist[HISTO_LENGTH];
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
const float factor = 1.0f / HISTO_LENGTH;
int nmatches = 0;
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator f1it = vFeatVec1.begin();
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator f2it = vFeatVec2.begin();
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator f1end = vFeatVec1.end();
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator f2end = vFeatVec2.end();
while (f1it != f1end && f2it != f2end)
if (f1it->first == f2it->first)
for (size_t i1 = 0, iend1 = f1it->second.size(); i1 < iend1; i1++)
const size_t idx1 = f1it->second[i1];
MapPoint *pMP1 = vpMapPoints1[idx1];
if (!pMP1)
if (pMP1->isBad())
const cv::Mat &d1 = Descriptors1.row(idx1);
int bestDist1 = 256;
int bestIdx2 = -1;
int bestDist2 = 256;
for (size_t i2 = 0, iend2 = f2it->second.size(); i2 < iend2; i2++)
const size_t idx2 = f2it->second[i2];
MapPoint *pMP2 = vpMapPoints2[idx2];
if (vbMatched2[idx2] || !pMP2)
if (pMP2->isBad())
const cv::Mat &d2 = Descriptors2.row(idx2);
int dist = DescriptorDistance(d1, d2);
if (dist < bestDist1)
bestDist2 = bestDist1;
bestDist1 = dist;
bestIdx2 = idx2;
else if (dist < bestDist2)
bestDist2 = dist;
if (bestDist1 < TH_LOW)
if (static_cast<float>(bestDist1) < mfNNratio * static_cast<float>(bestDist2))
vpMatches12[idx1] = vpMapPoints2[bestIdx2];
vbMatched2[bestIdx2] = true;
if (mbCheckOrientation)
float rot = vKeysUn1[idx1].angle - vKeysUn2[bestIdx2].angle;
if (rot < 0.0)
rot += 360.0f;
int bin = round(rot * factor);
if (bin == HISTO_LENGTH)
bin = 0;
assert(bin >= 0 && bin < HISTO_LENGTH);
else if (f1it->first < f2it->first)
{ //在vFeatVec1中找到第一个不小于f2it->first的NodeId
f1it = vFeatVec1.lower_bound(f2it->first);
f2it = vFeatVec2.lower_bound(f1it->first);
if (mbCheckOrientation)
int ind1 = -1;
int ind2 = -1;
int ind3 = -1;
ComputeThreeMaxima(rotHist, HISTO_LENGTH, ind1, ind2, ind3);
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
if (i == ind1 || i == ind2 || i == ind3)
for (size_t j = 0, jend = rotHist[i].size(); j < jend; j++)
vpMatches12[rotHist[i][j]] = static_cast<MapPoint *>(NULL);
return nmatches;
/// Find matches between not tracked keypoints,Matching speed-up by ORB Vocabulary,
/// Compare only ORB that share the same node
int ORBmatcher::SearchForTriangulation(KeyFrame *pKF1, KeyFrame *pKF2, cv::Mat F12,
vector<pair<size_t, size_t>> &vMatchedPairs, const bool bOnlyStereo)
const DBoW2::FeatureVector &vFeatVec1 = pKF1->mFeatVec;
const DBoW2::FeatureVector &vFeatVec2 = pKF2->mFeatVec;
//Compute epipole in second image
/// camera center in world frame
cv::Mat Cw = pKF1->GetCameraCenter();
/// pKF2 rotation and translation
cv::Mat R2w = pKF2->GetRotation();
cv::Mat t2w = pKF2->GetTranslation();
/// pKF1's camera center pose in pKF2 frame
cv::Mat C2 = R2w * Cw + t2w;
/// 将pKF1的光心投影到pKF2的像素平面,得到极点(ex,ey)
const float invz = 1.0f / C2.at<float>(2);
const float ex = pKF2->fx * C2.at<float>(0) * invz + pKF2->cx;
const float ey = pKF2->fy * C2.at<float>(1) * invz + pKF2->cy;
// Find matches between not tracked keypoints
// Matching speed-up by ORB Vocabulary
// Compare only ORB that share the same node
int nmatches = 0;
vector<bool> vbMatched2(pKF2->N, false);
vector<int> vMatches12(pKF1->N, -1);
vector<int> rotHist[HISTO_LENGTH];
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
const float factor = 1.0f / HISTO_LENGTH;
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator f1it = vFeatVec1.begin();
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator f2it = vFeatVec2.begin();
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator f1end = vFeatVec1.end();
DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator f2end = vFeatVec2.end();
while (f1it != f1end && f2it != f2end)
if (f1it->first == f2it->first)
for (size_t i1 = 0, iend1 = f1it->second.size(); i1 < iend1; i1++)
const size_t idx1 = f1it->second[i1];
MapPoint *pMP1 = pKF1->GetMapPoint(idx1);
// If there is already a MapPoint skip
if (pMP1)
const bool bStereo1 = pKF1->mvuRight[idx1] >= 0;
if (bOnlyStereo)
if (!bStereo1)
const cv::KeyPoint &kp1 = pKF1->mvKeysUn[idx1];
const cv::Mat &d1 = pKF1->mDescriptors.row(idx1);
int bestDist = TH_LOW;
int bestIdx2 = -1;
for (size_t i2 = 0, iend2 = f2it->second.size(); i2 < iend2; i2++)
size_t idx2 = f2it->second[i2];
MapPoint *pMP2 = pKF2->GetMapPoint(idx2);
// If we have already matched or there is a MapPoint skip
if (vbMatched2[idx2] || pMP2)
const bool bStereo2 = pKF2->mvuRight[idx2] >= 0;
if (bOnlyStereo)
if (!bStereo2)
const cv::Mat &d2 = pKF2->mDescriptors.row(idx2);
const int dist = DescriptorDistance(d1, d2);
if (dist > TH_LOW || dist > bestDist)
const cv::KeyPoint &kp2 = pKF2->mvKeysUn[idx2];
/// not stereo frame
if (!bStereo1 && !bStereo2)
const float distex = ex - kp2.pt.x;
const float distey = ey - kp2.pt.y;
if (distex * distex + distey * distey < 100 * pKF2->mvScaleFactors[kp2.octave])
if (CheckDistEpipolarLine(kp1, kp2, F12, pKF2))
bestIdx2 = idx2;
bestDist = dist;
if (bestIdx2 >= 0)
const cv::KeyPoint &kp2 = pKF2->mvKeysUn[bestIdx2];
vMatches12[idx1] = bestIdx2;
if (mbCheckOrientation)
float rot = kp1.angle - kp2.angle;
if (rot < 0.0)
rot += 360.0f;
int bin = round(rot * factor);
if (bin == HISTO_LENGTH)
bin = 0;
assert(bin >= 0 && bin < HISTO_LENGTH);
else if (f1it->first < f2it->first)
f1it = vFeatVec1.lower_bound(f2it->first);
f2it = vFeatVec2.lower_bound(f1it->first);
if (mbCheckOrientation)
int ind1 = -1;
int ind2 = -1;
int ind3 = -1;
ComputeThreeMaxima(rotHist, HISTO_LENGTH, ind1, ind2, ind3);
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
if (i == ind1 || i == ind2 || i == ind3)
for (size_t j = 0, jend = rotHist[i].size(); j < jend; j++)
vMatches12[rotHist[i][j]] = -1;
for (size_t i = 0, iend = vMatches12.size(); i < iend; i++)
if (vMatches12[i] < 0)
vMatchedPairs.push_back(make_pair(i, vMatches12[i]));
return nmatches;
int ORBmatcher::Fuse(KeyFrame *pKF, const vector<MapPoint *> &vpMapPoints, const float th)
cv::Mat Rcw = pKF->GetRotation();
cv::Mat tcw = pKF->GetTranslation();
const float &fx = pKF->fx;
const float &fy = pKF->fy;
const float &cx = pKF->cx;
const float &cy = pKF->cy;
const float &bf = pKF->mbf;
cv::Mat Ow = pKF->GetCameraCenter();
int nFused = 0;
const int nMPs = vpMapPoints.size();
/// 1.project the map point to pKF image plane, we get pixel (u, v);
/// 2.get all center(u,v),radius range feature in pKF image plane;
/// 3.find the best feature match the map point
for (int i = 0; i < nMPs; i++)
MapPoint *pMP = vpMapPoints[i];
/// invalid pointer
if (!pMP)
/// is MapPoint bad and MapPoint can be seen by KeyFrame
if (pMP->isBad() || pMP->IsInKeyFrame(pKF))
/// MapPoint 3D Pose in world coordinate
cv::Mat p3Dw = pMP->GetWorldPos();
/// transform MapPoint to camera coordinate
cv::Mat p3Dc = Rcw * p3Dw + tcw;
// Depth must be positive
if (p3Dc.at<float>(2) < 0.0f)
const float invz = 1 / p3Dc.at<float>(2);
const float x = p3Dc.at<float>(0) * invz;
const float y = p3Dc.at<float>(1) * invz;
const float u = fx * x + cx;
const float v = fy * y + cy;
// Point must be inside the image
if (!pKF->IsInImage(u, v))
const float ur = u - bf * invz;
const float maxDistance = pMP->GetMaxDistanceInvariance();
const float minDistance = pMP->GetMinDistanceInvariance();
cv::Mat PO = p3Dw - Ow;
const float dist3D = cv::norm(PO);
// Depth must be inside the scale pyramid of the image
if (dist3D < minDistance || dist3D > maxDistance)
// Viewing angle must be less than 60 deg
cv::Mat Pn = pMP->GetNormal();
if (PO.dot(Pn) < 0.5 * dist3D)
/// according dis3d and pKf to predict pyramid scale level
int nPredictedLevel = pMP->PredictScale(dist3D, pKF);
// Search in a radius
const float radius = th * pKF->mvScaleFactors[nPredictedLevel];
const vector<size_t> vIndices = pKF->GetFeaturesInArea(u, v, radius);
if (vIndices.empty())
// Match to the most similar keypoint in the radius
const cv::Mat dMP = pMP->GetDescriptor();
int bestDist = 256;
int bestIdx = -1;
for (vector<size_t>::const_iterator vit = vIndices.begin(), vend = vIndices.end(); vit != vend; vit++)
const size_t idx = *vit;
const cv::KeyPoint &kp = pKF->mvKeysUn[idx];
const int &kpLevel = kp.octave;
if (kpLevel < nPredictedLevel - 1 || kpLevel > nPredictedLevel)
/// stereo camera
if (pKF->mvuRight[idx] >= 0)
// Check reprojection error in stereo
const float &kpx = kp.pt.x;
const float &kpy = kp.pt.y;
const float &kpr = pKF->mvuRight[idx];
const float ex = u - kpx;
const float ey = v - kpy;
const float er = ur - kpr;
const float e2 = ex * ex + ey * ey + er * er;
if (e2 * pKF->mvInvLevelSigma2[kpLevel] > 7.8)
/// monocular
const float &kpx = kp.pt.x;
const float &kpy = kp.pt.y;
const float ex = u - kpx;
const float ey = v - kpy;
const float e2 = ex * ex + ey * ey;
if (e2 * pKF->mvInvLevelSigma2[kpLevel] > 5.99)
const cv::Mat &dKF = pKF->mDescriptors.row(idx);
const int dist = DescriptorDistance(dMP, dKF);
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist = dist;
bestIdx = idx;
// If there is already a MapPoint replace otherwise add new measurement
/// if there is already a MapPoint correspondence to the feature, then
if (bestDist <= TH_LOW)
MapPoint *pMPinKF = pKF->GetMapPoint(bestIdx);
if (pMPinKF)
if (!pMPinKF->isBad())
/// pMPinKF have more key frame observation than pMp
if (pMPinKF->Observations() > pMP->Observations())
/// map point add pKF as observation
pMP->AddObservation(pKF, bestIdx);
/// key frame add map point
pKF->AddMapPoint(pMP, bestIdx);
return nFused;
int ORBmatcher::Fuse(KeyFrame *pKF, cv::Mat Scw, const vector<MapPoint *> &vpPoints, float th, vector<MapPoint *> &vpReplacePoint)
// Get Calibration Parameters for later projection
const float &fx = pKF->fx;
const float &fy = pKF->fy;
const float &cx = pKF->cx;
const float &cy = pKF->cy;
// Decompose Scw
cv::Mat sRcw = Scw.rowRange(0, 3).colRange(0, 3);
const float scw = sqrt(sRcw.row(0).dot(sRcw.row(0)));
cv::Mat Rcw = sRcw / scw;
cv::Mat tcw = Scw.rowRange(0, 3).col(3) / scw;
cv::Mat Ow = -Rcw.t() * tcw;
// Set of MapPoints already found in the KeyFrame
const set<MapPoint *> spAlreadyFound = pKF->GetMapPoints();
int nFused = 0;
const int nPoints = vpPoints.size();
// For each candidate MapPoint project and match
for (int iMP = 0; iMP < nPoints; iMP++)
MapPoint *pMP = vpPoints[iMP];
// Discard Bad MapPoints and already found
if (pMP->isBad() || spAlreadyFound.count(pMP))
// Get 3D Coords.
cv::Mat p3Dw = pMP->GetWorldPos();
// Transform into Camera Coords.
cv::Mat p3Dc = Rcw * p3Dw + tcw;
// Depth must be positive
if (p3Dc.at<float>(2) < 0.0f)
// Project into Image
const float invz = 1.0 / p3Dc.at<float>(2);
const float x = p3Dc.at<float>(0) * invz;
const float y = p3Dc.at<float>(1) * invz;
const float u = fx * x + cx;
const float v = fy * y + cy;
// Point must be inside the image
if (!pKF->IsInImage(u, v))
// Depth must be inside the scale pyramid of the image
const float maxDistance = pMP->GetMaxDistanceInvariance();
const float minDistance = pMP->GetMinDistanceInvariance();
cv::Mat PO = p3Dw - Ow;
const float dist3D = cv::norm(PO);
if (dist3D < minDistance || dist3D > maxDistance)
// Viewing angle must be less than 60 deg
cv::Mat Pn = pMP->GetNormal();
if (PO.dot(Pn) < 0.5 * dist3D)
// Compute predicted scale level
const int nPredictedLevel = pMP->PredictScale(dist3D, pKF);
// Search in a radius
const float radius = th * pKF->mvScaleFactors[nPredictedLevel];
const vector<size_t> vIndices = pKF->GetFeaturesInArea(u, v, radius);
if (vIndices.empty())
// Match to the most similar keypoint in the radius
const cv::Mat dMP = pMP->GetDescriptor();
int bestDist = INT_MAX;
int bestIdx = -1;
for (vector<size_t>::const_iterator vit = vIndices.begin(); vit != vIndices.end(); vit++)
const size_t idx = *vit;
const int &kpLevel = pKF->mvKeysUn[idx].octave;
if (kpLevel < nPredictedLevel - 1 || kpLevel > nPredictedLevel)
const cv::Mat &dKF = pKF->mDescriptors.row(idx);
int dist = DescriptorDistance(dMP, dKF);
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist = dist;
bestIdx = idx;
// If there is already a MapPoint replace otherwise add new measurement
if (bestDist <= TH_LOW)
MapPoint *pMPinKF = pKF->GetMapPoint(bestIdx);
if (pMPinKF)
if (!pMPinKF->isBad())
vpReplacePoint[iMP] = pMPinKF;
pMP->AddObservation(pKF, bestIdx);
pKF->AddMapPoint(pMP, bestIdx);
return nFused;
int ORBmatcher::SearchBySim3(KeyFrame *pKF1, KeyFrame *pKF2, vector<MapPoint *> &vpMatches12,
const float &s12, const cv::Mat &R12, const cv::Mat &t12, const float th)
const float &fx = pKF1->fx;
const float &fy = pKF1->fy;
const float &cx = pKF1->cx;
const float &cy = pKF1->cy;
// Camera 1 from world
cv::Mat R1w = pKF1->GetRotation();
cv::Mat t1w = pKF1->GetTranslation();
//Camera 2 from world
cv::Mat R2w = pKF2->GetRotation();
cv::Mat t2w = pKF2->GetTranslation();
//Transformation between cameras
cv::Mat sR12 = s12 * R12;
cv::Mat sR21 = (1.0 / s12) * R12.t();
cv::Mat t21 = -sR21 * t12;
const vector<MapPoint *> vpMapPoints1 = pKF1->GetMapPointMatches();
const int N1 = vpMapPoints1.size();
const vector<MapPoint *> vpMapPoints2 = pKF2->GetMapPointMatches();
const int N2 = vpMapPoints2.size();
vector<bool> vbAlreadyMatched1(N1, false);
vector<bool> vbAlreadyMatched2(N2, false);
for (int i = 0; i < N1; i++)
MapPoint *pMP = vpMatches12[i];
if (pMP)
vbAlreadyMatched1[i] = true;
int idx2 = pMP->GetIndexInKeyFrame(pKF2);
if (idx2 >= 0 && idx2 < N2)
vbAlreadyMatched2[idx2] = true;
vector<int> vnMatch1(N1, -1);
vector<int> vnMatch2(N2, -1);
// Transform from KF1 to KF2 and search
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < N1; i1++)
MapPoint *pMP = vpMapPoints1[i1];
if (!pMP || vbAlreadyMatched1[i1])
if (pMP->isBad())
cv::Mat p3Dw = pMP->GetWorldPos();
cv::Mat p3Dc1 = R1w * p3Dw + t1w;
cv::Mat p3Dc2 = sR21 * p3Dc1 + t21;
// Depth must be positive
if (p3Dc2.at<float>(2) < 0.0)
const float invz = 1.0 / p3Dc2.at<float>(2);
const float x = p3Dc2.at<float>(0) * invz;
const float y = p3Dc2.at<float>(1) * invz;
const float u = fx * x + cx;
const float v = fy * y + cy;
// Point must be inside the image
if (!pKF2->IsInImage(u, v))
const float maxDistance = pMP->GetMaxDistanceInvariance();
const float minDistance = pMP->GetMinDistanceInvariance();
const float dist3D = cv::norm(p3Dc2);
// Depth must be inside the scale invariance region
if (dist3D < minDistance || dist3D > maxDistance)
// Compute predicted octave
const int nPredictedLevel = pMP->PredictScale(dist3D, pKF2);
// Search in a radius
const float radius = th * pKF2->mvScaleFactors[nPredictedLevel];
const vector<size_t> vIndices = pKF2->GetFeaturesInArea(u, v, radius);
if (vIndices.empty())
// Match to the most similar keypoint in the radius
const cv::Mat dMP = pMP->GetDescriptor();
int bestDist = INT_MAX;
int bestIdx = -1;
for (vector<size_t>::const_iterator vit = vIndices.begin(), vend = vIndices.end(); vit != vend; vit++)
const size_t idx = *vit;
const cv::KeyPoint &kp = pKF2->mvKeysUn[idx];
if (kp.octave < nPredictedLevel - 1 || kp.octave > nPredictedLevel)
const cv::Mat &dKF = pKF2->mDescriptors.row(idx);
const int dist = DescriptorDistance(dMP, dKF);
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist = dist;
bestIdx = idx;
if (bestDist <= TH_HIGH)
vnMatch1[i1] = bestIdx;
// Transform from KF2 to KF1 and search
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < N2; i2++)
MapPoint *pMP = vpMapPoints2[i2];
if (!pMP || vbAlreadyMatched2[i2])
if (pMP->isBad())
cv::Mat p3Dw = pMP->GetWorldPos();
cv::Mat p3Dc2 = R2w * p3Dw + t2w;
cv::Mat p3Dc1 = sR12 * p3Dc2 + t12;
// Depth must be positive
if (p3Dc1.at<float>(2) < 0.0)
const float invz = 1.0 / p3Dc1.at<float>(2);
const float x = p3Dc1.at<float>(0) * invz;
const float y = p3Dc1.at<float>(1) * invz;
const float u = fx * x + cx;
const float v = fy * y + cy;
// Point must be inside the image
if (!pKF1->IsInImage(u, v))
const float maxDistance = pMP->GetMaxDistanceInvariance();
const float minDistance = pMP->GetMinDistanceInvariance();
const float dist3D = cv::norm(p3Dc1);
// Depth must be inside the scale pyramid of the image
if (dist3D < minDistance || dist3D > maxDistance)
// Compute predicted octave
const int nPredictedLevel = pMP->PredictScale(dist3D, pKF1);
// Search in a radius of 2.5*sigma(ScaleLevel)
const float radius = th * pKF1->mvScaleFactors[nPredictedLevel];
const vector<size_t> vIndices = pKF1->GetFeaturesInArea(u, v, radius);
if (vIndices.empty())
// Match to the most similar keypoint in the radius
const cv::Mat dMP = pMP->GetDescriptor();
int bestDist = INT_MAX;
int bestIdx = -1;
for (vector<size_t>::const_iterator vit = vIndices.begin(), vend = vIndices.end(); vit != vend; vit++)
const size_t idx = *vit;
const cv::KeyPoint &kp = pKF1->mvKeysUn[idx];
if (kp.octave < nPredictedLevel - 1 || kp.octave > nPredictedLevel)
const cv::Mat &dKF = pKF1->mDescriptors.row(idx);
const int dist = DescriptorDistance(dMP, dKF);
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist = dist;
bestIdx = idx;
if (bestDist <= TH_HIGH)
vnMatch2[i2] = bestIdx;
// Check agreement
int nFound = 0;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < N1; i1++)
int idx2 = vnMatch1[i1];
if (idx2 >= 0)
int idx1 = vnMatch2[idx2];
if (idx1 == i1)
vpMatches12[i1] = vpMapPoints2[idx2];
return nFound;
int ORBmatcher::SearchByProjection(Frame &CurrentFrame, const Frame &LastFrame, const float th, const bool bMono)
int nmatches = 0;
// Rotation Histogram (to check rotation consistency)
vector<int> rotHist[HISTO_LENGTH];
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
const float factor = 1.0f / HISTO_LENGTH;
const cv::Mat Rcw = CurrentFrame.mTcw.rowRange(0, 3).colRange(0, 3);
const cv::Mat tcw = CurrentFrame.mTcw.rowRange(0, 3).col(3);
/// tcw --> twc
/// twc + Rwc*tcw = 0
/// ==> twc + Rcw.t()*tcw = 0
/// ==> twc = -Rcw.t()*tcw
const cv::Mat twc = -Rcw.t() * tcw;
const cv::Mat Rlw = LastFrame.mTcw.rowRange(0, 3).colRange(0, 3);
const cv::Mat tlw = LastFrame.mTcw.rowRange(0, 3).col(3);
/// translate last frame to current frame
const cv::Mat tlc = Rlw * twc + tlw;
const bool bForward = tlc.at<float>(2) > CurrentFrame.mb && !bMono;
const bool bBackward = -tlc.at<float>(2) > CurrentFrame.mb && !bMono;
/// loop lastFrame's all keypoints
for (int i = 0; i < LastFrame.N; i++)
MapPoint *pMP = LastFrame.mvpMapPoints[i];
/// check map pointer valid
if (pMP)
/// check map point is inlier
if (!LastFrame.mvbOutlier[i])
// Project
/// get map point's pose ref world frame
cv::Mat x3Dw = pMP->GetWorldPos();
/// transform the map point to current frame
cv::Mat x3Dc = Rcw * x3Dw + tcw;
const float xc = x3Dc.at<float>(0);
const float yc = x3Dc.at<float>(1);
const float invzc = 1.0 / x3Dc.at<float>(2);
if (invzc < 0)
float u = CurrentFrame.fx * xc * invzc + CurrentFrame.cx;
float v = CurrentFrame.fy * yc * invzc + CurrentFrame.cy;
if (u < CurrentFrame.mnMinX || u > CurrentFrame.mnMaxX)
if (v < CurrentFrame.mnMinY || v > CurrentFrame.mnMaxY)
int nLastOctave = LastFrame.mvKeys[i].octave;
// Search in a window. Size depends on scale
float radius = th * CurrentFrame.mvScaleFactors[nLastOctave];
vector<size_t> vIndices2;
/// get keypoints index from scale nLastOctave to max level in radius size windows
if (bForward)
vIndices2 = CurrentFrame.GetFeaturesInArea(u, v, radius, nLastOctave);
/// get keypoints index from scale 0 to nLastOctave scale in radius size windows
else if (bBackward)
vIndices2 = CurrentFrame.GetFeaturesInArea(u, v, radius, 0, nLastOctave);
vIndices2 = CurrentFrame.GetFeaturesInArea(u, v, radius, nLastOctave - 1, nLastOctave + 1);
if (vIndices2.empty())
const cv::Mat dMP = pMP->GetDescriptor();
int bestDist = 256;
int bestIdx2 = -1;
/// find keypoint in current frame closest to this map point through compare Haming distance
for (vector<size_t>::const_iterator vit = vIndices2.begin(), vend = vIndices2.end(); vit != vend; vit++)
const size_t i2 = *vit;
if (CurrentFrame.mvpMapPoints[i2])
if (CurrentFrame.mvpMapPoints[i2]->Observations() > 0)
if (CurrentFrame.mvuRight[i2] > 0)
const float ur = u - CurrentFrame.mbf * invzc;
const float er = fabs(ur - CurrentFrame.mvuRight[i2]);
if (er > radius)
const cv::Mat &d = CurrentFrame.mDescriptors.row(i2);
const int dist = DescriptorDistance(dMP, d);
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist = dist;
bestIdx2 = i2;
/// if Haming dis less than TH_HIGH, then the map point find the corresponce keypoints in current frame
if (bestDist <= TH_HIGH)
/// construct correspondence between the map point and the current frame's keypoint
CurrentFrame.mvpMapPoints[bestIdx2] = pMP;
/// match number plus 1
/// check orientation
if (mbCheckOrientation)
/// diff angle between current keypoint's angle and correspondence's keypoint's angle
/// in last frame
float rot = LastFrame.mvKeysUn[i].angle - CurrentFrame.mvKeysUn[bestIdx2].angle;
/// converte to 0-360
if (rot < 0.0)
rot += 360.0f;
/// compute the diff angle belong to which bin in the histogram
/// i think there is a bug, if HISTO_LENGTH=3, then factor=1.0/3
/// if rot = 100(deg), then bin = 33, at this time bin is large
/// >= 360, ==> HISTO_LENGTH >= 19
int bin = round(rot * factor);
if (bin == HISTO_LENGTH)
bin = 0;
/// bin range 0 - HISTO_LENGTH
assert(bin >= 0 && bin < HISTO_LENGTH);
//Apply rotation consistency
if (mbCheckOrientation)
int ind1 = -1;
int ind2 = -1;
int ind3 = -1;
/// most keypoints's diff angle belong to this three bin index
/// if not, the keypoints corresondence may be incorrect
ComputeThreeMaxima(rotHist, HISTO_LENGTH, ind1, ind2, ind3);
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
if (i != ind1 && i != ind2 && i != ind3)
for (size_t j = 0, jend = rotHist[i].size(); j < jend; j++)
CurrentFrame.mvpMapPoints[rotHist[i][j]] = static_cast<MapPoint *>(NULL);
return nmatches;
int ORBmatcher::SearchByProjection(Frame &CurrentFrame, KeyFrame *pKF, const set<MapPoint *> &sAlreadyFound, const float th, const int ORBdist)
int nmatches = 0;
/// tcw --> twc
/// twc + Rwc*tcw = 0
/// ==> twc + Rcw.t()*tcw = 0
/// ==> twc = -Rcw.t()*tcw
/// Ow == twc
const cv::Mat Rcw = CurrentFrame.mTcw.rowRange(0, 3).colRange(0, 3);
const cv::Mat tcw = CurrentFrame.mTcw.rowRange(0, 3).col(3);//在CurrentFrame坐标系下,光心相对于世界坐标系原点的坐标
const cv::Mat Ow = -Rcw.t() * tcw;//在世界坐标系下,光心相对于世界坐标系的坐标
// Rotation Histogram (to check rotation consistency)
vector<int> rotHist[HISTO_LENGTH];
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
const float factor = 1.0f / HISTO_LENGTH;
const vector<MapPoint *> vpMPs = pKF->GetMapPointMatches();
for (size_t i = 0, iend = vpMPs.size(); i < iend; i++)
MapPoint *pMP = vpMPs[i];
if (pMP)
if (!pMP->isBad() && !sAlreadyFound.count(pMP))
//将3D MapPoint投影到camera坐标系
cv::Mat x3Dw = pMP->GetWorldPos();
cv::Mat x3Dc = Rcw * x3Dw + tcw;
const float xc = x3Dc.at<float>(0);
const float yc = x3Dc.at<float>(1);
const float invzc = 1.0 / x3Dc.at<float>(2);
const float u = CurrentFrame.fx * xc * invzc + CurrentFrame.cx;
const float v = CurrentFrame.fy * yc * invzc + CurrentFrame.cy;
if (u < CurrentFrame.mnMinX || u > CurrentFrame.mnMaxX)
if (v < CurrentFrame.mnMinY || v > CurrentFrame.mnMaxY)
// Compute predicted scale level
//在世界坐标系下,计算光心到3D MapPoint的向量
cv::Mat PO = x3Dw - Ow;
float dist3D = cv::norm(PO);
const float maxDistance = pMP->GetMaxDistanceInvariance();
const float minDistance = pMP->GetMinDistanceInvariance();
// Depth must be inside the scale pyramid of the image
if (dist3D < minDistance || dist3D > maxDistance)
int nPredictedLevel = pMP->PredictScale(dist3D, &CurrentFrame);
// Search in a window
const float radius = th * CurrentFrame.mvScaleFactors[nPredictedLevel];
const vector<size_t> vIndices2 = CurrentFrame.GetFeaturesInArea(u, v, radius, nPredictedLevel - 1, nPredictedLevel + 1);
if (vIndices2.empty())
const cv::Mat dMP = pMP->GetDescriptor();
int bestDist = 256;
int bestIdx2 = -1;
for (vector<size_t>::const_iterator vit = vIndices2.begin(); vit != vIndices2.end(); vit++)
const size_t i2 = *vit;
if (CurrentFrame.mvpMapPoints[i2])
const cv::Mat &d = CurrentFrame.mDescriptors.row(i2);
const int dist = DescriptorDistance(dMP, d);
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist = dist;
bestIdx2 = i2;
if (bestDist <= ORBdist)
CurrentFrame.mvpMapPoints[bestIdx2] = pMP;
if (mbCheckOrientation)
float rot = pKF->mvKeysUn[i].angle - CurrentFrame.mvKeysUn[bestIdx2].angle;
if (rot < 0.0)
rot += 360.0f;
int bin = round(rot * factor);
if (bin == HISTO_LENGTH)
bin = 0;
assert(bin >= 0 && bin < HISTO_LENGTH);
if (mbCheckOrientation)
int ind1 = -1;
int ind2 = -1;
int ind3 = -1;
ComputeThreeMaxima(rotHist, HISTO_LENGTH, ind1, ind2, ind3);
for (int i = 0; i < HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
if (i != ind1 && i != ind2 && i != ind3)
for (size_t j = 0, jend = rotHist[i].size(); j < jend; j++)
CurrentFrame.mvpMapPoints[rotHist[i][j]] = NULL;
return nmatches;
void ORBmatcher::ComputeThreeMaxima(vector<int> *histo, const int L, int &ind1, int &ind2, int &ind3)
int max1 = 0;
int max2 = 0;
int max3 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
const int s = histo[i].size();
if (s > max1)
max3 = max2;
max2 = max1;
max1 = s;
ind3 = ind2;
ind2 = ind1;
ind1 = i;
else if (s > max2)
max3 = max2;
max2 = s;
ind3 = ind2;
ind2 = i;
else if (s > max3)
max3 = s;
ind3 = i;
if (max2 < 0.1f * (float)max1)
ind2 = -1;
ind3 = -1;
else if (max3 < 0.1f * (float)max1)
ind3 = -1;
// Bit set count operation from
// http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#CountBitsSetParallel
* 计算两个描述子之间的汉明距离,即不同位的个数
* 描述子为256位,这里用了位运算的一些技巧
* 0x55555555->0101 0101 0101 0101
* 0x33333333->0011 0011 0011 0011
int ORBmatcher::DescriptorDistance(const cv::Mat &a, const cv::Mat &b)
const int *pa = a.ptr<int32_t>();
const int *pb = b.ptr<int32_t>();
int dist = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++, pa++, pb++)
unsigned int v = *pa ^ *pb;
v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);
v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333);
dist += (((v + (v >> 4)) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24;
return dist;
} // namespace ORB_SLAM2