RGB-Depth SLAM Review 2018
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) have made the real time dense reconstruction possible increasing theprospects of navigation, tracking, and augmented reality problems. Some breakthroughs have been achieved in this regard during past few decades and more remarkable works are still going on. This paper presents an overview of SLAM approaches that have been developed till now. Kinect Fusion algorithm, its variants and further developed approaches are discussed in detailed. The algorithms and approaches are compared for their effectiveness in tracking and mapping based on Root Mean Square error over online available datasets.
As far as an optimal perception of phenomenal consciousness is concerned, theories based on representation of the mind are based on models of the information processing paradigm [1]. These are as much in correspondence to the neurobiological or functional theories, at this point we are confronted with several arguments on the basis of inversion or absent qualia [2]. Such considerations exhibit a preceding pattern based on the assumption of holding complete knowledge of the neural and functional states that are in subservience to the occurrence of the consciousness that is phenomenal. This can still be conceived as the neural states which are also defined as the states with similar casual responsibilities or with similar representational function [3], [4].
These occur with no phenomenal content in any way or such states being accompanied by contents that are phenomenal with broad variation from the usual ones. In definition, visual information processing entails the visual cognitive skills that permit us the processing and interpretation of meaning from visualized information that we attain through eye sight. Therefore, visual perception plays are vital role in aspects of cognitive and intelligence skills such as spelling, math and reading ( [5]). On the other hand, visual perceptual deficits can lead to challenges in learning, recognition and remembrance of letters, wording, and confusion of likeness as well as minor variations in addition to differentiating the main ideal from the details of insignificance.
Visual perceptual processing can be sub segmented into the categories that comprise of visual discrimination, figure grounding, closure, memory, sequential memorization, constancy, spatial relations as well as visual motor integration. Note should be taken of perception as active procedures of location and information extraction form the setting while learning entails the procedures of acquisition of information
through experiences of information storage. In which case, thought is the manipulative stance upon information for solving challenges ( [6]). Such that it is eased to extract information (perception) which creates an ease in thought procedures becoming. In overall it is accepted that human vision takes the form of extreme powerful processing of information towards facilitation of the interaction of the world
that surrounds us. However, even in the face of extended and extensive efforts of research encompassing multiple fields of exploration, the fundamentals that underlay as well as operational principles of visual information procedures remain largely unknown.
We are still not able to ascertain the origin and distance along the route from eyes to the sensory input area known as the cortex. It is in this area that the conversion into object meaningful representation is undertaken under conscious manipulation of the brain ( [7]). Nearly half of the human brain in the cerebral cortex region is charged with the processes of visual information although even with extended and extensive research efforts that are encompassed a conundrum still persists. Present theories on visual information processing are held in the consideration of human visual information processing being interplay of the two inversely directed procedural streams.
Past research has presented a demonstration of distance and physical enviroment being among the aspects that impairs processing of information, although it remains unknown whether such impairment is on all the levels of information processing or in the onset states instead of the later stages. Those faced with the condition of mapping algorithms suffer from deficiencies of attention that are impairment
to the capability of selective procedures of visual information that is incoming. The early levels of information processing are held in the description of being those that entail the detection as well as response of simplified stimuli. An assignment on the assessment of such function is the inspection time that has previously been demonstrated to entail sensitivity to pharmacological agents.
This is as well as being the most reliable and validated within the cultural fairness of information processing measures of cognitive ability ( [5]). Past assessment findings have also presented the impact of nicotine on information procedures as being held in the overall regard in the form of a measure of speed within the early levels of information processing. These include the speed of visual encoding that comprises of the ability of making observations or inspections on sensory input on which the discrimination of relative magnitude rests. This is in contrast to assignments such as reaction time which is summarization entails the involvement of increased response oriented measures of complete decision making time that comprise of total information processing.
Although, there is no research of examination of the impacts administration of 3D scene construction in a similar response, there are limited studies based on the examination of the impacts of 3D scene construction in the early stages of information processing with utilization of other assignments ( [6]). With the application of visual tracking assignments, it was ascertained that the speed of detection experienced impairment from 3D scene construction that that these impacts where greater in dual task settings with comparison to single task settings. Such outcomes have been held in the description of being the deleterious impacts of 3D scene construction on the centralized processing capacity and on information processing availability on the capacity of information processing with time.
Further investigations of early information processing are based on the examination of the mismatched negative component of auditory event relation potential as well as reports of reduced dosage of 3D scene construction attenuation of the event relation potential signal. In this case, the mismatched negative component suppression was solid within stimuli deviation as reduced which the indication of relatively reduced blood 3D scene construction concentration is. The detection of minimal deviations for instance that needed in the course of the inspection time assignment more so in case of hampering in which case similar outcomes have been discovered in simplified reaction time assignments with double level of intensified stimuli. These studies produced outcomes of an increase in response time as well as the impairment of stimuli detection which is a suggestion of the influence on sensory perceptual procedures and the measure of attentiveness ( [7]).
Current discoveries in the arena of visual information processing are based on the reflection of the elementary principles of vision as well as the utilization of visual information based on cognitive attributes. This is based on the notion of such work leading to the verge of development based on the grounds of optimism within the several computational theories of sophistication that incorporate data that
is neurobiological and behavioral. These theories entail the flourishing of the skillful exploitation of the neural-imaging and computation of simulative technologies, these permits answering of questions that are subtle regarding the component subsystems within vision.
This algorithm applies information matrices sparsely production by the generation of graphs using observed interdependencies in case the observations are connected and if they contain information about the similar landmark. Graph SLAM allows for the capability of constructing a map from an environment while simultaneously creating associated localization with the map for navigation in unknown settings when external referencing systems such as GPS are absent. This intuitive approach utilizes a graph with nodes in correspondence to the robot poses at varied points within time and whose edges are representative of the constraint in between the poses. The latter is gained from environment observations of from movement actions as performed by the robot. Upon construction of a graph, the map could be computed by searching the nodes spatial configuration that is notably consistent with modeled measurements by the edges.
该算法利用观察到的相互依赖关系生成的图来生成稀疏的信息矩阵,如果这些图中包含关于相似地标的信息,则这些图是相互关联的。Graph SLAM允许从环境中构造地图,同时在没有GPS等外部引用系统的情况下创建与地图相关的定位,用于未知设置的导航。这种直观的方法利用了一个图形,其中的节点对应于机器人在不同时间点的姿态,其边缘代表姿态之间的约束。后者是通过对机器人所执行的运动动作的环境观察而获得的。在构建一个图之后,可以通过搜索节点空间配置来计算该地图,该节点空间配置与通过边缘建模的测量值非常一致。
From the image above, we note that particular nodes within the graph are in correspondence to the pose of the robot. Proximal poses are linked by the edges with model spatial constraints between the robot poses that are derived from measurements among the consecutive poses of model odometry measurements. This is whereas the other edges are representative of the spatial constraints based from several observations of the similar section of the environment. The graph-based SLAM method develops a simple estimation challenge by abstraction of raw sensor readings. These readings as substituted by the graph edges which are viewed as ”virtual measurements”. Increased detail within an edge between the two nodes holds the label of a probability distribution over locations that are relative to the two
poses with conditioning to mutual measurements.
Visual real-time tracking in regard to established and unknown scenes is critical as well as an incontrovertible aspect in vision-based AR applications. Multiple algorithm contributions over the years. It is at this point that we introduce RGB-D Camera-Based Parallel Tracking and Meshing as an adaptation and updating of the algorithms utilized in estimating the motion of the camera as well as AR in accordance to the availability of the end user in computational abilities in permitting to gain impressive tracking outcomes in limited AR workspaces. The fact is that estimation of camera motion using environment tracking as well as parallel constructing feature based sparse mapping that creates a possibility in part to the generalization of multi-core processors found in desktop and laptop computers. Of recent is has been revealed that increased computation power within a singular standard of a hand-held video camera is connected to a powerful computer using computational power gained from the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The possibility to attain a dense representation of a desktop setting as well as increased texturing scenery whereas as undertaking tracking with the use RGB-D Camera-Based Parallel Tracking and Meshing. The online created map density can be increased with the use stereo-dense matching in addition to GPU founded implementations as shown by GPU to be utilized for effective replacement of the global bundle adjustment aspects of SLAM optimized based systems for instance RGBD Camera-Based Parallel Tracking and Meshing as well as inherent parallelization refinement with step founded Monte Carlo simulations therefore freeing tools on the CPU for other assignments.
The following algorithm is a novel direct monocular SLAM method that operates with direct image intensities rather than the use of key points for tracking and mapping. Camera tracking utilizes direct image alignment whereas geometry is estimated in the format of semi-dense depth maps gained through filtration of several pixel wise stereo comparisons. Thereafter, a Sim (3) pose-graph of key frames is created to permit for the development of scale-drift correction with large scale maps comprising of loop-closures. It should be noted that LSD-SLAM could be operated in real time on a CPU as well as smartphones. This algorithm comprises of three core components namely tracking, map optimization and depth map estimation. The tracking feature persistently tracks new camera images by estimating the rigid body pose in regard to the present key frame and the uses of the pose in the past frame as a point of initialization. On the other hand, the depth map estimation feature applies tracked frames for either refinement or replacement of the present key frame. Refinement of depth is achieved by filtration over several per-pixel, limited based line stereo comparisons as well as interleaved spatial regularization as the default proposition. Should the camera extend to far, initialization of a new key frame is implemented by projection of points from existent and proximal key frames. Furthermore, upon replacement of a key frame as a reference tracking, the depth map will not be additionally refined but rather integrated into the global mapping with use of the map optimization feature. In this case, for detection of loop closures as well as scale drifting, the same transform to proximal key frames inclusive of the direct predecessor is estimated with use of the scale aware and direct image alignment.
The algorithm holds the capability of computation of camera trajectory in real time with heavily exploitation of the parallel format of the SLAM challenge, separation of time constraints in pose estimation from less pressing issues for instance building of maps and refinement of assignments. In addition, the stereo setting permits for reconstruction of a metric 3D map for particular stereo frame d images,
improvement of mapping procedure accuracy in respect to monocular SLAM and limiting the common bootstrapping challenge. Furthermore, the actual scale of the environment is a critical aspect for robots when in it comes to interaction with the surrounding workspace. In order to permit for robotic mobile navigation and achieve autonomous assignments, it must be understood for its pose (position and orientation) as well as hold an environment (map) representation. In settings where robots do not have a past map and external information availed of the pose, it is necessitated to undertake both assignments simultaneously. The challenge of the robot and constraint the map of the environment in a simultaneous action is known as SLAM. However, in order to tackle the challenge of stereo vision, we introduced the S-PTAM (Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping) algorithm as an approach whose intention is to operate real-time of an extended duration of lengthy trajectories to permit for estimation of the pose with accuracy as it is built upon sparse mapped environments with a global coordinate system [8], [9]. By using optimal performance, this algorithm is able to decouple localization and mapping assignments for the SLAM challenge with two independent threads which permits us to take the benefit of multi core processors. In addition to localization as well as mapping modules, the loop closure function is able to recognize locations from historically visited points. These detected loops are then applied for refinement of the map and trajectory estimation to effectively lower the accumulated error of the method. It is on this basis that S-PTAM operates on the visual features from extraction of images availed by the stereo camera.
3D scene reconstruction and mapping has been a crucial and important assignment within the arena of moveable robotics since it is critical need for various techniques specifically including path planning, semantic mapping, localization, navigation, and telepresence. Two major approaches towards 3D reconstruction are: offline multi-view stereo (MVS) based reconstruction and live incremental dense scene reconstruction. Many compelling results have been produced since past few years by exploring multi view stereo (MVS) and
format derived on the basis of motion (SfM) techniques. Multi perspective stereo has been used extensively in photogrammetry for dense surface reconstruction ( [10]) while the problem of accurate camera tracking has been cattered by SfM algorithms along with sparse reconstruction from large datasets of unordered images ( [11]). Although some groundbreaking results have been achieved but most of
both SfM and MVS approaches have not been driven by live implementations. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), unlike SfM and SVM, provides live motion tracking and re-structuring while applying input from a single commodity sensor but for a sequential ordered set of images. Various 3D mapping techniques offer different functionalities but all of them work almost on the same pipeline; of spatial aligning consecutive data frames at first, detecting the loop closures, and aligning the complete data sequence in a globally consistent manner. Although the developed systems provided satisfactory accuracy through point clouds and colored cameras but most of them are
computationally exhaustive and inaccurate for dense depth reconstruction especially in dark environments or scenes with sparsely textured features [12]. Based on the sensors used, 3D reconstruction can be achieved via three routes: using Multiview stereo, Laser scanning, or depth cameras. Multiview stereo is the traditional technique of photogrammetry where overlapping multi views of an object are captured for relative camera pose estimation and scene reconstruction is done via selected control points to get 3D coordinates of the objects points through space intersection. Laser scanners work on the principle of time of flight where scene tracking is achieved via transmitted laser pulses that are received back by the scanner with high accuracy.
The most recent and popular approaches are of constructing 3D scenes using RGB depth cameras that, working on the principle of time of flight, measure the pixel depth along with color information of the pixels. Some early work on SLAM in 3D reconstruction over past few decades includes a range of approaches and their extensions. 3D reconstruction has been explored extensively with some point cloud models with real-time tracking like MonoSLAM ( [13]) being the first successful effort on real-time tracking and active 3D mapping with only one camera. This had motivated many other works for online, though sparse, but fine and accurate reconstruction with freely moving hand-held cameras based on probabilistic models ( [14]). Some later research focused on performing tracking and mapping in parallel instead of adopting probabilistic models. Parallel Tracking and Mapping system (PTAM) worked on the hierarchy of live tracking via feature optimization over spatially-distributed key frames for n-point pose estimation and expanding the maps obtained via bundle adjustment and global pose optimization ( [15]). Although the mono SLAM approaches set the benchmarks in real-time 3D mapping and developed robust camera tracking systems, but the AR (Augmented Reality), and other live robust mapping and robot navigation applications cannot rely on sparse point clouds generated as a result of these systems. This triggered the work towards generating live dense maps using depth information of the scene via Multiview stereo approaches combined with PTAM for live camera tracking and robust pose estimation ([16]). But the availability of depth camera has made the task further easier and current approaches have set their focus on large scale 3D mapping using depth commodity sensors. Considering the importance of SLAM approaches and their applications in field of robotics, this paper reveals a general understanding of the development of SLAM approaches for dense surface mapping and reconstruction in real-time using depth cameras as commodity sensors. An introduction of Kinect sensor is presented with its unique use in depth mapping and reconstruction for Augmented Reality (AR) applications. The focus is set on KinectFusion algorithms and marks achieved from them or their integration with other tracking and mapping algorithms. [17]
目前比较流行的方法是利用RGB深度相机构建三维场景,利用飞行时间原理测量像素的深度以及像素的颜色信息。过去几十年里,SLAM在3D重建方面的一些早期工作包括一系列方法及其扩展。随着实时跟踪的点云模型的广泛应用,三维重建已经得到了广泛的探索,例如MonoSLAM([13])是第一个成功的实时跟踪和只有一个摄像头的主动三维映射。这激发了许多其他在线工作,虽然稀疏,但精细和准确的重建与自由移动的手持相机基于概率模型([14])。后来的一些研究集中在并行执行跟踪和映射,而不是采用概率模型。并行跟踪与映射系统(PTAM)通过对空间分布的关键帧进行特征优化实现实时跟踪的层次结构,用于n点姿态估计和扩展通过bundle平差和全局姿态优化([15])获得的地图。虽然mono SLAM方法设定了实时三维映射的基准,并开发了健壮的相机跟踪系统,但AR(增强现实)和其他实时健壮映射和机器人导航应用不能依赖于这些系统生成的稀疏点云。这触发了使用多视点立体方法结合PTAM实时摄像机跟踪和稳健姿态估计([16])生成实时密集地图的工作。但深度相机的可用性使这一任务变得更加容易,目前的方法已经将重点放在使用深度商品传感器的大规模3D绘图上。考虑到SLAM方法的重要性及其在机器人领域的应用,本文揭示了将深度相机作为商品传感器用于密集地表测绘和实时重建的SLAM方法的发展概况。介绍了Kinect传感器在深度映射和增强现实(AR)重建中的独特应用。重点是Kinect Fusion算法和标记的实现或与其他跟踪和建图算法的集成。[17]
Depth cameras, with their ability to measure objects depth from camera (based on time-of-flight or active stereo) in addition to RGB measurement, have paved a new wave of techniques in SLAM and Augmented Reality (AR). Incorporation of RGB-D cameras has allowed SLAM to benefit from range sensing along with visual data to handle the issues like data association and loop closures in visual Odometry along with visual SLAM ( [11]). Kinect sensor, among other RBG-D cameras, is the most notable depth device to be used in revolutionary approaches being developed for real-time tracking and surface mapping algorithms.
Kinect sensor, a low-cost commodity platform mainly to detect human gestures in gaming and other entertainment applications, has shown its potential in simultaneous localization and mapping approaches to an unprecedented level. It applies an internal ASIC to generate 11-bit 640x480 depth map of a pixel at 30 Hz. Although map quality suffers from certain technical challenges (like motion blur at faster speeds), the information available is significant enough to be utilized by real-time 3D reconstruction algorithms. There have also been algorithms available to improve sensor accuracy ( [18], [19]) depending upon sensors use or systems requirements.
Kinect 是一个低成本的商品平台,主要用于在游戏和其他娱乐应用中检测人类的手势。它使用一个内部ASIC来生成一个30赫兹像素的11位640x480深度图。虽然地图质量受到某些技术挑战(如速度更快的运动模糊),但可用的信息足够重要,可以被实时3D重建算法利用。还有一些算法可以根据传感器的使用或系统的要求来提高传感器的精度([18]、[19])。
Developed by [16], KinectFusion algorithm was the first attempt to real-time volumetric reconstruction of a scene in variable lightning conditions ( [16]). Using information gained through Kinect sensor in form of input, while utilizing a coarse-to-fine iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm to simultaneously track camera pose and construct a medium sized 3D model in real-time by tracking a live depth frame
relative to a global finished model. At a given time k, the transformation matrix given below was used to describe the 6 DOF, that mapped the camera coordinate frame to a global frame g, such as shown in 1.
Kinect Fusion算法是由[16]开发的,首次尝试在可快速变化条件下([16])对场景进行实时体积重建。利用Kinect传感器获取的输入信息,同时利用由粗到精的迭代最近点(ICP)算法同时跟踪相机姿态,通过跟踪与全局完成模型相关的活深度帧实时构建中等大小的3D模型。在给定时刻k,利用下面给出的变换矩阵来描述将摄像机坐标系映射到全局坐标系g的6自由度,如1所示。
In equation 1, SE3 := {R, t|R ∈ SO3, t ∈ R3}. This means, any point Pk ∈ R3 in the camera frame is mapped to global coordinate frame via transformation Pg = Tg,kPk. The algorithm was able to do real-time volumetric reconstruction in four steps surface measurement, surface reconstruction update, surface prediction, and sensor pose estimation (Figure 2) explained below:
式(1)中SE3:= {R, t|R∈SO3, t∈R3}。这意味着,通过变换Pg = Tg,kPk,将相机帧内任意点Pk∈R3映射到全局坐标系。该算法能够进行实时的体积重建,包括四个步骤:表面测量、表面重建更新、表面预测和传感器姿态估计(图2)。
Tracking drifting occurs when sensor is faced with large planner scenes which accounts for systems shortcomings, but Kinect fusion provides a powerful basis for large scale volumetric reconstruction and dense modeling with various approaches projected by [16]. The Point Cloud Library developed by Rusu and Cousins [20] implements the Kinect fusion algorithm to develop Kinfu: an open source
implementation hirearchy along with other methods for point clouds manipulation and 3D reconstruction. Another extension of Kinfu is developed recently by Korn and Pauli with an alternative algorithm for ICP for increased voxel grid hence improving scene dynamics scaning [21]. The voxel grid data used by Kinfu is used to create vertex and normal maps that are registered with the maps obtained
from sensor. But in doing so, unusual amount of information is lost. To cater this problem, Korn and Pauli have suggested
direct matching of the maps obtained from sensor with voxel grid model. The ICP algorithm developed by them is also different from the original ICP algorithm adopted for Kinfu as they,ve removed the normal threshold and use the normals computed from the depth maps for pointto-plane error metric instead of using normals from voxel grid that has shown improved robustness in terms of pose estimations with moving objects.
传感器在面对大型规划场景时会出现跟踪漂移,这是造成系统缺陷的原因,但是Kinect fusion为大规模的体积重建和密集建模提供了强大的基础,可以采用[16]投影的各种方法。由Rusu和Cousins[20]开发的点云库实现了Kinect融合算法来开发Kinfu:一种开源的实现层次结构以及其他点云操作和3D重建的方法。Kinfu的另一个扩展是最近由Korn和Pauli开发的,采用了一种可选的ICP算法来增加体素网格,从而改进了场景动态扫描[21]。Kinfu使用的体素网格数据用于创建顶点和法线映射,这些顶点和法线映射由传感器获得的映射进行注册。但是在这样做的过程中,会丢失大量的信息。为了解决这个问题,Korn和Pauli建议将从传感器获得的地图与体素网格模型直接匹配。ICP算法由他们也不同于原始的ICP算法采用Kinfu时,已经删除了正常阈值并使用法线计算pointto-plane深度图的误差度量而不是使用从立体像素网格法线,表明改进的健壮性和移动物体的姿势估计。
As kinetic fusion algorithm provides consistent and accurate volumetric reconstruction of smaller indoor scenes, the problem of dense 3D mapping of large indoor environments is addressed by the RGB-Depth mapping algorithm by [22], a framework that uses RGB depth camera to generate dense 3D models of even darker and featureless planner indoor environments. A joint optimization computed over
object shape as well as appearance matching (RGB features) is computed to develop alighnment between the frames followed bysparse features extraction and matching using RANSAC. Loop colosures are detected via matching data frames compared to a subset of earlier collected frames and finally an improved, globally consistent allignment is completed either via sparse bundle adjustment (SBA) or a more efficient pose grapgh optimization that is TORO in this case. What lies at the core of RGB-D mapping is its novel ICP algorithm [23], RGB-D ICP (Figure 4), that identifies the sparse feature points in each camera frame using the visual information. These identified point features
then help in RANSAC optimization. An RGB-D frame Ps is input to RGB-ICP algorithm along with target frame Pt. For an instants rotation R and translation t, the rigid transform is T§ = Rp + t. RANSAC then finds the best optimized rigid transform T∗ in order to get best alignment as shown in Equation2.
作为动态融合算法提供一致和准确的体积重建较小的室内场景,密集三维建图的问题解决了大型室内环境RGB-Depth映射算法[22],一个框架,它使用RGB深度相机生成致密的3d模型甚至黑暗和毫无特色的规划师的室内环境。通过计算物体形状和外观匹配(RGB特征)的联合优化来建立帧之间的识别,然后使用RANSAC进行稀疏特征提取和匹配。通过与早期收集的数据帧的子集进行匹配来检测循环效果,最后通过稀疏束调整(SBA)或更有效的位姿图优化(TORO)来完成一个改进的全局一致性的关联。RGB-D映射的核心是其新颖的ICP算法[23],RGB-D ICP(图4),该算法利用视觉信息来识别每个相机帧中的稀疏特征点。这些确定的点特征有助于RANSAC优化。一个RGB-D帧Ps和目标帧Pt一起被输入到RGB-ICP算法中。对于一个瞬时旋转R和平移t,刚性变换是t § = Rp + t。