1、get around(在英国也用get round)
If you get around a rule or law, you find a way of doing something that the rule or law is intended to prevent, without actually breaking it. 避开
If you prime someone todo something, you prepare them to do it, for example by giving them information about it beforehand.
V n 、V n for n、be V-ed to-inf 准备
a. To intimidate, as by a display of confidence or authority
b. To deceive, hoodwink
c. to confuse, bewilder
4.pop out(of something)
to jump out of something; to burst out of something.
to annoy someone, especially by asking them many times to do something. 近义词: harness
6. ego
n.Someone'segois their sense of their own worth. For example, if someone has a largeego, they think they are very important and valuable.
ego是自我,a large/massive ego则是自大。
7. egotism
n.Egotism is the quality of being egotistic.
Verbs push the sentence forward and give it momentum. Use active verbs. Use precise verbs.
Most adverbs and adjectives are unnecessary.
Prune out the little qualifiers.
Punctuation: Short sentence is better than long sentence. Don't use the exclamation point unless you must to achieve a certain effect. Use the semicolon sparingly. The dash can amplify or justify in the second part of the sentence a thought you state in the first part, and two dashes can set apart a parenthetical thought within a longer sentence. The colon can't be taken over in bringing your sentence to a brief halt before you plunge into a long list.
Mood changers: Learn to alert the reader as soon as possible to any change in mood from the previous sentence. "But" is the strongest word at the start that announces total contrast with what has gone before.
Contractions make your style warmer and truer to your personality.
Always use "that" unless it makes your meaning ambiguous. If your sentence needs a comma to achieve its precise meaning, it probably needs "which".
Don't use concept nouns, they have no people and no working verbs.
Don't string two or three nouns together where one noun or one verb will do.
Don't overstate.
Don't inflate an incident to make it more outlandish than it actually was. Take care of your credibility.
Dictated sentences tend to be pompous, sloppy and redundant.
Writing is not a contest. Your only contest is with yourself.
Your subconscious mind does more writing than you think.
The quickest fix for solving a problem in a sentence is removing it.
Keep your paragraphs short.
Avoid the sexism.
Computer is a good tool that can save writer's time and energy.
Trust your material, just tell the truth.
Write the subject you are interested.
Nonfiction as literature:
For most people learning to write, the most comfortable path is nonfiction. Good writing is good writing, whatever form it takes and whatever we call it.
Writing about people
1. Decide what person you want to interview.
2. Be prepared.
3.Never go into an interview without doing whatever homework you cam.
4. Make a list of likely questions.
5. Don't fear.
6. Get away from the tape recorder, write things down.
7. Tell the person you're interviewing to stop when he is talking faster than you write.
8. Distill the essence from the note. Keep the context true.
Write about places
two principles:
1. Style: choose your word with unusual care.
2.Substance: be intensely selective.
Writing about yourself
Of all the subjects available to you as a writer, the one you know best is yourself, give yourself permisson to write about yourself. Think narrow. Memoir isn't the summary of a life, it's a window into a life. It's the art of inventing the truth, one secret of the art is detail.
这本书阅读起来稍显吃力,因为生词对我来说有点多了,有时候查词会打断我的阅读连贯性,所以我读完以后还会再看一下中文版加深理解。Part III 教我们如何写不同题材的文章,最棒的是作者拿了很多书的片段来举例子。