Intellij IDEA 出现“Usage of API documented as @since 1.7+”的解决办法


This inspection finds all usages of methods that have @since tag in their documentation.  This may be useful when development is performed under newer SDK version as the target platform for production


Intellij IDEA 出现“Usage of API documented as @since 1.7+”的解决办法_第1张图片


Intellij IDEA 出现“Usage of API documented as @since 1.7+”的解决办法_第2张图片

看代码意思是,那个方法是自Java1.7开始的,但是,看我图上面的language level 才是5,级别不够,所以,就报错了。在这个编辑器里面有好 几个地方都有关于这个jdk的版本的设置。

这么改完之后,乍一看好像没问题了,但是,一会问题就又出来啦,还得如下,在maven build 里面添加如下的插件,设置一下Java的版本就好啦。

[html] view plain copy
  1. <build>    
  2.     <plugins>    
  3.         <plugin>    
  4.             <groupId>org.apache.maven.pluginsgroupId>    
  5.             <artifactId>maven-compiler-pluginartifactId>    
  6.             <version>3.6.0version>    
  7.             <configuration>    
  8.                 <source>1.8source>    
  9.                 <target>1.8target>    
  10.             configuration>    
  11.         plugin>    
  12.     plugins>    
  13. build>   

你可能感兴趣的:(Intellij IDEA 出现“Usage of API documented as @since 1.7+”的解决办法)