

一、 人员分工

二、 业务流程图

三、 系统功能结构图

四、 UML类图

五、 详细设计




六、 遇到的问题和解决方法



一、 人员分工



















二、 业务流程图



三、 系统功能结构图




四、 UML类图


五、 详细设计









六、 遇到的问题和解决方法

float x = y * gameObject.GetComponent().aspect;
Request error (error): UnityEditor.AsyncHTTPClient:Done(State, Int32)



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;



public class Item


    public string itemName;                                     //itemName of the item

    public int itemID;                                          //itemID of the item

    public string itemDesc;                                     //itemDesc of the item

    public Sprite itemIcon;                                     //itemIcon of the item

    public GameObject itemModel;                                //itemModel of the item

    public int itemValue = 1;                                   //itemValue is at start 1

    public ItemType itemType;                                   //itemType of the Item

    public float itemWeight;                                    //itemWeight of the item

    public int maxStack = 1;

    public int indexItemInList = 999;    

    public int rarity;



    public List itemAttributes = new List();    


    public Item(){}


    public Item(string name, int id, string desc, Sprite icon, GameObject model, int maxStack, ItemType type, string sendmessagetext, List itemAttributes)                 //function to create a instance of the Item


        itemName = name;

        itemID = id;

        itemDesc = desc;

        itemIcon = icon;

        itemModel = model;

        itemType = type;

        this.maxStack = maxStack;

        this.itemAttributes = itemAttributes;



    public Item getCopy()


        return (Item)this.MemberwiseClone();        





using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class PickUpItem : MonoBehaviour


    public Item item;

    private Inventory _inventory;

    private GameObject _player;

    // Use this for initialization


    void Start()


        _player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

        if (_player != null)

            _inventory = _player.GetComponent().inventory.GetComponent();



    // Update is called once per frame

    void Update()


        if (_inventory != null && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))


            float distance = Vector3.Distance(this.gameObject.transform.position, _player.transform.position);


            if (distance <= 3)


                bool check = _inventory.checkIfItemAllreadyExist(item.itemID, item.itemValue);

                if (check)


                else if (_inventory.ItemsInInventory.Count < (_inventory.width * _inventory.height))


                    _inventory.addItemToInventory(item.itemID, item.itemValue);








        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))


            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);//从摄像机发出到点击坐标的射线

            RaycastHit hitInfo;

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo))


                Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, hitInfo.point);//划出射线,只有在scene视图中才能看到

                GameObject gameObj = hitInfo.collider.gameObject;

                Debug.Log("click object name is " + gameObj.name);

                if (gameObj.tag == "Item")//当射线碰撞目标为boot类型的物品 ,执行拾取操作


                    _inventory.addItemToInventory(item.itemID, item.itemValue);




                    Debug.Log("pick up!");







using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using UnityEngine.UI;

using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

using System;


public class ConsumeItem : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler


    public Item item;

    private static Tooltip tooltip;

    public ItemType[] itemTypeOfSlot;

    public static EquipmentSystem eS;

    public GameObject duplication;

    public static GameObject mainInventory;


    void Start()


        item = GetComponent().item;

        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Tooltip") != null)

            tooltip = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Tooltip").GetComponent();

        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("EquipmentSystem") != null)

            eS = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent().characterSystem.GetComponent();


        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainInventory") != null)

            mainInventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainInventory");



    public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData data)


        if (this.gameObject.transform.parent.parent.parent.GetComponent() == null)


            bool gearable = false;

            Inventory inventory = transform.parent.parent.parent.GetComponent();


            if (eS != null)

                itemTypeOfSlot = eS.itemTypeOfSlots;


            if (data.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Right)


                //item from craft system to inventory

                if (transform.parent.GetComponent() != null)


                    bool check = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent().inventory.GetComponent().checkIfItemAllreadyExist(item.itemID, item.itemValue);


                    if (!check)


                        GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent().inventory.GetComponent().addItemToInventory(item.itemID, item.itemValue);



                    CraftSystem cS = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent().craftSystem.GetComponent();


                    CraftResultSlot result = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent().craftSystem.transform.GetChild(3).GetComponent();

                    result.temp = 0;


                    gearable = true;





                    bool stop = false;

                    if (eS != null)


                        for (int i = 0; i < eS.slotsInTotal; i++)


                            if (itemTypeOfSlot[i].Equals(item.itemType))


                                if (eS.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).childCount == 0)


                                    stop = true;

                                    if (eS.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).parent.parent.GetComponent() != null && this.gameObject.transform.parent.parent.parent.GetComponent() != null) { }





                                    this.gameObject.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;



                                    gearable = true;

                                    if (duplication != null)








                        if (!stop)


                            for (int i = 0; i < eS.slotsInTotal; i++)


                                if (itemTypeOfSlot[i].Equals(item.itemType))


                                    if (eS.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).childCount != 0)


                                        GameObject otherItemFromCharacterSystem = eS.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).GetChild(0).gameObject;

                                        Item otherSlotItem = otherItemFromCharacterSystem.GetComponent().item;

                                        if (item.itemType == ItemType.UFPS_Weapon)








                                            if (item.itemType != ItemType.Backpack)



                                        if (this == null)


                                            GameObject dropItem = (GameObject)Instantiate(otherSlotItem.itemModel);


                                            dropItem.GetComponent().item = otherSlotItem;

                                            dropItem.transform.localPosition = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform.localPosition;






                                            otherItemFromCharacterSystem.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                                            if (this.gameObject.transform.parent.parent.parent.GetComponent() != null)




                                            this.gameObject.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;



                                        gearable = true;                                        

                                        if (duplication != null)













                if (!gearable && item.itemType != ItemType.UFPS_Ammo && item.itemType != ItemType.UFPS_Grenade)



                    Item itemFromDup = null;

                    if (duplication != null)

                        itemFromDup = duplication.GetComponent().item;





                    if (itemFromDup != null)



                        if (itemFromDup.itemValue <= 0)


                            if (tooltip != null)






                    if (item.itemValue <= 0)


                        if (tooltip != null)














    public void consumeIt()


        Inventory inventory = transform.parent.parent.parent.GetComponent();


        bool gearable = false;


        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("EquipmentSystem") != null)

            eS = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent().characterSystem.GetComponent();


        if (eS != null)

            itemTypeOfSlot = eS.itemTypeOfSlots;


        Item itemFromDup = null;

        if (duplication != null)

            itemFromDup = duplication.GetComponent().item;       


        bool stop = false;

        if (eS != null)



            for (int i = 0; i < eS.slotsInTotal; i++)


                if (itemTypeOfSlot[i].Equals(item.itemType))


                    if (eS.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).childCount == 0)


                        stop = true;


                        this.gameObject.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;




                        gearable = true;

                        if (duplication != null)







            if (!stop)


                for (int i = 0; i < eS.slotsInTotal; i++)


                    if (itemTypeOfSlot[i].Equals(item.itemType))


                        if (eS.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).childCount != 0)


                            GameObject otherItemFromCharacterSystem = eS.transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).GetChild(0).gameObject;

                            Item otherSlotItem = otherItemFromCharacterSystem.GetComponent().item;

                            if (item.itemType == ItemType.UFPS_Weapon)








                                if (item.itemType != ItemType.Backpack)



                            if (this == null)


                                GameObject dropItem = (GameObject)Instantiate(otherSlotItem.itemModel);


                                dropItem.GetComponent().item = otherSlotItem;

                                dropItem.transform.localPosition = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform.localPosition;






                                otherItemFromCharacterSystem.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                                if (this.gameObject.transform.parent.parent.parent.GetComponent() != null)




                                this.gameObject.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;



                            gearable = true;

                            if (duplication != null)












        if (!gearable && item.itemType != ItemType.UFPS_Ammo && item.itemType != ItemType.UFPS_Grenade)



            if (duplication != null)

                itemFromDup = duplication.GetComponent().item;






            if (itemFromDup != null)



                if (itemFromDup.itemValue <= 0)


                    if (tooltip != null)







            if (item.itemValue <= 0)


                if (tooltip != null)









    public void createDuplication(GameObject Item)


        Item item = Item.GetComponent().item;

        GameObject dup = mainInventory.GetComponent().addItemToInventory(item.itemID, item.itemValue);

        Item.GetComponent().duplication = dup;

        dup.GetComponent().duplication = Item;



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;


using UnityEditor;


using UnityEngine.UI;

using System.Collections.Generic;


public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour




    private GameObject prefabCanvasWithPanel;


    private GameObject prefabSlot;


    private GameObject prefabSlotContainer;


    private GameObject prefabItem;


    private GameObject prefabDraggingItemContainer;


    private GameObject prefabPanel;




    private ItemDataBaseList itemDatabase;


    //GameObjects which are alive


    private string inventoryTitle;


    private RectTransform PanelRectTransform;


    private Image PanelImage;


    private GameObject SlotContainer;


    private GameObject DraggingItemContainer;


    private RectTransform SlotContainerRectTransform;


    private GridLayoutGroup SlotGridLayout;


    private RectTransform SlotGridRectTransform;


    //Inventory Settings


    public bool mainInventory;


    public List ItemsInInventory = new List();


    public int height;


    public int width;


    public bool stackable;


    public static bool inventoryOpen;



    //GUI Settings


    public int slotSize;


    public int iconSize;


    public int paddingBetweenX;


    public int paddingBetweenY;


    public int paddingLeft;


    public int paddingRight;


    public int paddingBottom;


    public int paddingTop;


    public int positionNumberX;


    public int positionNumberY;


    InputManager inputManagerDatabase;


    //event delegates for consuming, gearing

    public delegate void ItemDelegate(Item item);

    public static event ItemDelegate ItemConsumed;

    public static event ItemDelegate ItemEquip;

    public static event ItemDelegate UnEquipItem;


    public delegate void InventoryOpened();

    public static event InventoryOpened InventoryOpen;

    public static event InventoryOpened AllInventoriesClosed;


    void Start()


        if (transform.GetComponent() == null)





        inputManagerDatabase = (InputManager)Resources.Load("InputManager");



    public void sortItems()


        int empty = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount == 0 && empty == -1)

                empty = i;



                if (empty > -1)


                    if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount != 0)


                        RectTransform rect = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent();


                        rect.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                        i = empty + 1;

                        empty = i;







    void Update()






    public void setAsMain()


        if (mainInventory)

            this.gameObject.tag = "Untagged";

        else if (!mainInventory)

            this.gameObject.tag = "MainInventory";



    public void OnUpdateItemList()





    public void closeInventory()






    public void openInventory()



        if (InventoryOpen != null)




    public void checkIfAllInventoryClosed()


        GameObject canvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas");


        for (int i = 0; i < canvas.transform.childCount; i++)


            GameObject child = canvas.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;

            if (!child.activeSelf && (child.tag == "EquipmentSystem" || child.tag == "Panel" || child.tag == "MainInventory" || child.tag == "CraftSystem"))


                if (AllInventoriesClosed != null && i == canvas.transform.childCount - 1)



            else if (child.activeSelf && (child.tag == "EquipmentSystem" || child.tag == "Panel" || child.tag == "MainInventory" || child.tag == "CraftSystem"))



            else if (i == canvas.transform.childCount - 1)


                if (AllInventoriesClosed != null)







    public void ConsumeItem(Item item)


        if (ItemConsumed != null)




    public void EquiptItem(Item item)


        if (ItemEquip != null)




    public void UnEquipItem1(Item item)


        if (UnEquipItem != null)





    [MenuItem("Master System/Create/Inventory and Storage")]        //creating the menu item

    public static void menuItemCreateInventory()       //create the inventory at start


        GameObject Canvas = null;

        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas") == null)


            GameObject inventory = new GameObject();

            inventory.name = "Inventories";

            Canvas = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Canvas - Inventory") as GameObject);

            Canvas.transform.SetParent(inventory.transform, true);

            GameObject panel = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Panel - Inventory") as GameObject);

            panel.GetComponent().localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            panel.transform.SetParent(Canvas.transform, true);

            GameObject draggingItem = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/DraggingItem") as GameObject);

            draggingItem.transform.SetParent(Canvas.transform, true);

            Inventory temp = panel.AddComponent();

            Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/EventSystem") as GameObject);






            GameObject panel = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Panel - Inventory") as GameObject);

            panel.transform.SetParent(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform, true);

            panel.GetComponent().localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            Inventory temp = panel.AddComponent();



            GameObject draggingItem = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/DraggingItem") as GameObject);

            draggingItem.transform.SetParent(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform, true);






    public void setImportantVariables()


        PanelRectTransform = GetComponent();

        SlotContainer = transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;

        SlotGridLayout = SlotContainer.GetComponent();

        SlotGridRectTransform = SlotContainer.GetComponent();



    public void getPrefabs()


        if (prefabCanvasWithPanel == null)

            prefabCanvasWithPanel = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Canvas - Inventory") as GameObject;

        if (prefabSlot == null)

            prefabSlot = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Slot - Inventory") as GameObject;

        if (prefabSlotContainer == null)

            prefabSlotContainer = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Slots - Inventory") as GameObject;

        if (prefabItem == null)

            prefabItem = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Item") as GameObject;

        if (itemDatabase == null)

            itemDatabase = (ItemDataBaseList)Resources.Load("ItemDatabase");

        if (prefabDraggingItemContainer == null)

            prefabDraggingItemContainer = Resources.Load("Prefabs/DraggingItem") as GameObject;

        if (prefabPanel == null)

            prefabPanel = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Panel - Inventory") as GameObject;





        updateSlotAmount(width, height);


        updatePadding(paddingBetweenX, paddingBetweenY);



    public void updateItemList()



        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            Transform trans = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i);

            if (trans.childCount != 0)








    public bool characterSystem()


        if (GetComponent() != null)

            return true;


            return false;


    public void setDefaultSettings()


        if (GetComponent() == null && GetComponent() == null && GetComponent() == null)


            height = 5;

            width = 5;


            slotSize = 50;

            iconSize = 45;


            paddingBetweenX = 5;

            paddingBetweenY = 5;

            paddingTop = 35;

            paddingBottom = 10;

            paddingLeft = 10;

            paddingRight = 10;


        else if (GetComponent() != null)


            height = 1;

            width = 9;

            slotSize = 50;

            iconSize = 45;

            paddingBetweenX = 5;

            paddingBetweenY = 5;

            paddingTop = 10;

            paddingBottom = 10;

            paddingLeft = 10;

            paddingRight = 10;


        else if (GetComponent() != null)


            height = 3;

            width = 3;

            slotSize = 55;

            iconSize = 45;


            paddingBetweenX = 5;

            paddingBetweenY = 5;

            paddingTop = 35;

            paddingBottom = 95;

            paddingLeft = 25;

            paddingRight = 25;




            height = 4;

            width = 2;


            slotSize = 50;

            iconSize = 45;


            paddingBetweenX = 100;

            paddingBetweenY = 20;

            paddingTop = 35;

            paddingBottom = 10;

            paddingLeft = 10;

            paddingRight = 10;



    public void adjustInventorySize()


        int x = (((width * slotSize) + ((width - 1) * paddingBetweenX)) + paddingLeft + paddingRight);

        int y = (((height * slotSize) + ((height - 1) * paddingBetweenY)) + paddingTop + paddingBottom);

        PanelRectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(x, y);


        SlotGridRectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(x, y);


    public void updateSlotAmount(int width, int height)


        if (prefabSlot == null)

            prefabSlot = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Slot - Inventory") as GameObject;


        if (SlotContainer == null)


            SlotContainer = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabSlotContainer);


            SlotContainerRectTransform = SlotContainer.GetComponent();

            SlotGridRectTransform = SlotContainer.GetComponent();

            SlotGridLayout = SlotContainer.GetComponent();



        if (SlotContainerRectTransform == null)

            SlotContainerRectTransform = SlotContainer.GetComponent();


        SlotContainerRectTransform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;


        List itemsToMove = new List();

        List slotList = new List();

        foreach (Transform child in SlotContainer.transform)


            if (child.tag == "Slot") { slotList.Add(child.gameObject); }


        while (slotList.Count > width * height)


            GameObject go = slotList[slotList.Count - 1];

            ItemOnObject itemInSlot = go.GetComponentInChildren();

            if (itemInSlot != null)









        if (slotList.Count < width * height)


            for (int i = slotList.Count; i < (width * height); i++)


                GameObject Slot = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabSlot);

                Slot.name = (slotList.Count + 1).ToString();






        if (itemsToMove != null && ItemsInInventory.Count < width * height)


            foreach (Item i in itemsToMove)









    public void updateSlotAmount()



        if (prefabSlot == null)

            prefabSlot = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Slot - Inventory") as GameObject;


        if (SlotContainer == null)


            SlotContainer = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabSlotContainer);


            SlotContainerRectTransform = SlotContainer.GetComponent();

            SlotGridRectTransform = SlotContainer.GetComponent();

            SlotGridLayout = SlotContainer.GetComponent();



        if (SlotContainerRectTransform == null)

            SlotContainerRectTransform = SlotContainer.GetComponent();

        SlotContainerRectTransform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;


        List itemsToMove = new List();

        List slotList = new List();

        foreach (Transform child in SlotContainer.transform)


            if (child.tag == "Slot") { slotList.Add(child.gameObject); }



        while (slotList.Count > width * height)


            GameObject go = slotList[slotList.Count - 1];

            ItemOnObject itemInSlot = go.GetComponentInChildren();

            if (itemInSlot != null)








        if (slotList.Count < width * height)


            for (int i = slotList.Count; i < (width * height); i++)


                GameObject Slot = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabSlot);

                Slot.name = (slotList.Count + 1).ToString();





        if (itemsToMove != null && ItemsInInventory.Count < width * height)


            foreach (Item i in itemsToMove)







    public void updateSlotSize(int slotSize)


        SlotGridLayout.cellSize = new Vector2(slotSize, slotSize);




    public void updateSlotSize()


        SlotGridLayout.cellSize = new Vector2(slotSize, slotSize);




    void updateItemSize()


        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount > 0)


                SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent().sizeDelta = new Vector2(slotSize, slotSize);

                SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetChild(2).GetComponent().sizeDelta = new Vector2(slotSize, slotSize);






    public void updatePadding(int spacingBetweenX, int spacingBetweenY)


        SlotGridLayout.spacing = new Vector2(paddingBetweenX, paddingBetweenY);

        SlotGridLayout.padding.bottom = paddingBottom;

        SlotGridLayout.padding.right = paddingRight;

        SlotGridLayout.padding.left = paddingLeft;

        SlotGridLayout.padding.top = paddingTop;



    public void updatePadding()


        SlotGridLayout.spacing = new Vector2(paddingBetweenX, paddingBetweenY);

        SlotGridLayout.padding.bottom = paddingBottom;

        SlotGridLayout.padding.right = paddingRight;

        SlotGridLayout.padding.left = paddingLeft;

        SlotGridLayout.padding.top = paddingTop;



    public void addAllItemsToInventory()


        for (int k = 0; k < ItemsInInventory.Count; k++)


            for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


                if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount == 0)


                    GameObject item = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabItem);

                    item.GetComponent().item = ItemsInInventory[k];


                    item.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                    item.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent().sprite = ItemsInInventory[k].itemIcon;








    public bool checkIfItemAllreadyExist(int itemID, int itemValue)



        int stack;

        for (int i = 0; i < ItemsInInventory.Count; i++)


            if (ItemsInInventory[i].itemID == itemID)


                stack = ItemsInInventory[i].itemValue + itemValue;

                if (stack <= ItemsInInventory[i].maxStack)


                    ItemsInInventory[i].itemValue = stack;

                    GameObject temp = getItemGameObject(ItemsInInventory[i]);

                    if (temp != null && temp.GetComponent().duplication != null)

                        temp.GetComponent().duplication.GetComponent().item.itemValue = stack;

                    return true;




        return false;


    public void addItemToInventory(int id)


        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount == 0)


                GameObject item = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabItem);

                item.GetComponent().item = itemDatabase.getItemByID(id);


                item.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                item.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent().sprite = item.GetComponent().item.itemIcon;

                item.GetComponent().item.indexItemInList = ItemsInInventory.Count - 1;








    public GameObject addItemToInventory(int id, int value)


        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount == 0)


                GameObject item = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabItem);

                ItemOnObject itemOnObject = item.GetComponent();

                itemOnObject.item = itemDatabase.getItemByID(id);

                if (itemOnObject.item.itemValue <= itemOnObject.item.maxStack && value <= itemOnObject.item.maxStack)

                    itemOnObject.item.itemValue = value;


                    itemOnObject.item.itemValue = 1;


                item.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                item.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent().sprite = itemOnObject.item.itemIcon;

                itemOnObject.item.indexItemInList = ItemsInInventory.Count - 1;

                if (inputManagerDatabase == null)

                    inputManagerDatabase = (InputManager)Resources.Load("InputManager");

                return item;






        return null;


    public void addItemToInventoryStorage(int itemID, int value)



        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount == 0)


                GameObject item = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabItem);

                ItemOnObject itemOnObject = item.GetComponent();

                itemOnObject.item = itemDatabase.getItemByID(itemID);

                if (itemOnObject.item.itemValue < itemOnObject.item.maxStack && value <= itemOnObject.item.maxStack)

                    itemOnObject.item.itemValue = value;


                    itemOnObject.item.itemValue = 1;


                item.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                itemOnObject.item.indexItemInList = 999;

                if (inputManagerDatabase == null)

                    inputManagerDatabase = (InputManager)Resources.Load("InputManager");









    public void updateIconSize(int iconSize)


        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount > 0)


                SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent().sizeDelta = new Vector2(iconSize, iconSize);






    public void updateIconSize()


        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount > 0)


                SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent().sizeDelta = new Vector2(iconSize, iconSize);







    public void stackableSettings(bool stackable, Vector3 posi)


        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount > 0)


                ItemOnObject item = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent();

                if (item.item.maxStack > 1)


                    RectTransform textRectTransform = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent();

                    Text text = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent();

                    text.text = "" + item.item.itemValue;

                    text.enabled = stackable;

                    textRectTransform.localPosition = posi;







    public void deleteAllItems()


        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount != 0)







    public List getItemList()


        List theList = new List();

        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount != 0)



        return theList;



    public void stackableSettings()


        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount > 0)


                ItemOnObject item = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent();

                if (item.item.maxStack > 1)


                    RectTransform textRectTransform = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent();

                    Text text = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent();

                    text.text = "" + item.item.itemValue;

                    text.enabled = stackable;

                    textRectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(positionNumberX, positionNumberY, 0);




                    Text text = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent();

                    text.enabled = false;







    public GameObject getItemGameObjectByName(Item item)


        for (int k = 0; k < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; k++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(k).childCount != 0)


                GameObject itemGameObject = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(k).GetChild(0).gameObject;

                Item itemObject = itemGameObject.GetComponent().item;

                if (itemObject.itemName.Equals(item.itemName))


                    return itemGameObject;




        return null;



    public GameObject getItemGameObject(Item item)


        for (int k = 0; k < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; k++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(k).childCount != 0)


                GameObject itemGameObject = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(k).GetChild(0).gameObject;

                Item itemObject = itemGameObject.GetComponent().item;

                if (itemObject.Equals(item))


                    return itemGameObject;




        return null;





    public void changeInventoryPanelDesign(Image image)


        Image inventoryDesign = transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent();

        inventoryDesign.sprite = (Sprite)image.sprite;

        inventoryDesign.color = image.color;

        inventoryDesign.material = image.material;

        inventoryDesign.type = image.type;

        inventoryDesign.fillCenter = image.fillCenter;



    public void deleteItem(Item item)


        for (int i = 0; i < ItemsInInventory.Count; i++)


            if (item.Equals(ItemsInInventory[i]))







    public void deleteItemFromInventory(Item item)


        for (int i = 0; i < ItemsInInventory.Count; i++)


            if (item.Equals(ItemsInInventory[i]))





    public void deleteItemFromInventoryWithGameObject(Item item)


        for (int i = 0; i < ItemsInInventory.Count; i++)


            if (item.Equals(ItemsInInventory[i]))






        for (int k = 0; k < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; k++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(k).childCount != 0)


                GameObject itemGameObject = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(k).GetChild(0).gameObject;

                Item itemObject = itemGameObject.GetComponent().item;

                if (itemObject.Equals(item))









    public int getPositionOfItem(Item item)


        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount != 0)


                Item item2 = SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent().item;

                if (item.Equals(item2))

                    return i;



        return -1;



    public void addItemToInventory(int ignoreSlot, int itemID, int itemValue)



        for (int i = 0; i < SlotContainer.transform.childCount; i++)


            if (SlotContainer.transform.GetChild(i).childCount == 0 && i != ignoreSlot)


                GameObject item = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabItem);

                ItemOnObject itemOnObject = item.GetComponent();

                itemOnObject.item = itemDatabase.getItemByID(itemID);

                if (itemOnObject.item.itemValue < itemOnObject.item.maxStack && itemValue <= itemOnObject.item.maxStack)

                    itemOnObject.item.itemValue = itemValue;


                    itemOnObject.item.itemValue = 1;


                item.GetComponent().localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                itemOnObject.item.indexItemInList = 999;













    public void updateItemIndex()


        for (int i = 0; i < ItemsInInventory.Count; i++)


            ItemsInInventory[i].indexItemInList = i;




using System;

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;


using UnityEditor;


using UnityEngine.UI;

using UnityEngine.EventSystems;



public class EquipmentSystem : MonoBehaviour



    public int slotsInTotal;


    public ItemType[] itemTypeOfSlots = new ItemType[999];


    void Start()


        ConsumeItem.eS = GetComponent();



    public void getSlotsInTotal()


        Inventory inv = GetComponent();

        slotsInTotal = inv.width * inv.height;



    [MenuItem("Master System/Create/Equipment")]        //creating the menu item

    public static void menuItemCreateInventory()       //create the inventory at start


        GameObject Canvas = null;

        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas") == null)


            GameObject inventory = new GameObject();

            inventory.name = "Inventories";

            Canvas = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Canvas - Inventory") as GameObject);

            Canvas.transform.SetParent(inventory.transform, true);

            GameObject panel = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Panel - EquipmentSystem") as GameObject);

            panel.GetComponent().localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            panel.transform.SetParent(Canvas.transform, true);

            GameObject draggingItem = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/DraggingItem") as GameObject);

            draggingItem.transform.SetParent(Canvas.transform, true);

            Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/EventSystem") as GameObject);

            Inventory inv = panel.AddComponent();







            GameObject panel = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Panel - EquipmentSystem") as GameObject);

            panel.transform.SetParent(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform, true);

            panel.GetComponent().localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            Inventory inv = panel.AddComponent();



            GameObject draggingItem = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/DraggingItem") as GameObject);


            draggingItem.transform.SetParent(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform, true);








using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;


using UnityEditor;


using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;


public class Hotbar : MonoBehaviour




    public KeyCode[] keyCodesForSlots = new KeyCode[999];


    public int slotsInTotal;



    [MenuItem("Master System/Create/Hotbar")]        //creating the menu item

    public static void menuItemCreateInventory()       //create the inventory at start


        GameObject Canvas = null;

        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas") == null)


            GameObject inventory = new GameObject();

            inventory.name = "Inventories";

            Canvas = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Canvas - Inventory") as GameObject);

            Canvas.transform.SetParent(inventory.transform, true);

            GameObject panel = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Panel - Hotbar") as GameObject);

            panel.GetComponent().localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            panel.transform.SetParent(Canvas.transform, true);

            GameObject draggingItem = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/DraggingItem") as GameObject);

            Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/EventSystem") as GameObject);

            draggingItem.transform.SetParent(Canvas.transform, true);

            Inventory inv = panel.AddComponent();







            GameObject panel = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Panel - Hotbar") as GameObject);

            panel.transform.SetParent(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform, true);

            panel.GetComponent().localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            Inventory inv = panel.AddComponent();



            GameObject draggingItem = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/DraggingItem") as GameObject);

            draggingItem.transform.SetParent(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform, true);







    void Update()


        for (int i = 0; i < slotsInTotal; i++)


            if (Input.GetKeyDown(keyCodesForSlots[i]))


                if (transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).childCount != 0 && transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent().item.itemType != ItemType.UFPS_Ammo)


                    if (transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent().duplication != null && transform.GetChild(1).GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent().item.maxStack == 1)










    public int getSlotsInTotal()


        Inventory inv = GetComponent();

        return slotsInTotal = inv.width * inv.height;





