












  -1  交通信号灯控制原理方框图


   -2 交通信号灯控制系统整体电路图






module fdiv( clk1, f1khz, ); output f1khz; input clk1; //50000KHz input reg f1khz; integer aa=0; always @(posedge clk1) begin if(aa<25000000) begin aa=aa+1; f1khz<=1'b0; end else begin aa= 0; f1khz <= 1'b1; end end endmodule  






library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity ad is port( clk,main,branch:in bit; main_red,main_yellow,main_green,branch_red, branch_yellow,branch_green: out bit ; ge,shi: out integer ); end ad; architecture behave of ad is type state_type is (a,b,c,d); signal state :state_type; begin cnt:process(clk) variable s: integer range 0 to 44 ; variable clr,en :bit; begin if (clk'event and clk='1') then if clr='0' then s:=0; elsif en='0'then s:=1; else s:=s+1; end if; case state is when a=>main_red<='1';main_yellow<='1';main_green<='0'; branch_red<='0';branch_yellow<='1';branch_green<='1'; if(branch and main)='1' then if s=44 then state<=b;clr:='0';en:='0'; else state<=a;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if; elsif(branch and (not main))='1' then state<=b;clr:='0';en:='0'; else state<=a;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if; when b=>main_red<='1';main_yellow<='0';main_green<='1'; branch_red<='0';branch_yellow<='1';branch_green<='1'; if s=4 then state<=c;clr:='0';en:='0'; else state<=b;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if; when c=>main_red<='0';main_yellow<='1';main_green<='1'; branch_red<='1';branch_yellow<='1';branch_green<='0'; if(main and branch)='1' then if s=24 then state<=d;clr:='0';en:='0'; else state<=c;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if; elsif branch='0' then state<=d;clr:='0';en:='0'; else state<=c;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if; when d=>main_red<='0';main_yellow<='1';main_green<='1'; branch_red<='1';branch_yellow<='0';branch_green<='1'; if s=3 then state<=a;clr:='0';en:='0'; else state<=d;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if; shi<=s/10; if(s>=0) then ge <=(s rem 10); else ge<=0; end if; end case; end if; end process cnt; end behave;  





library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity led is port( ge,shi:in integer; hexs: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) ; hexg: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) ); end led; architecture behave of led is begin process(ge, shi) begin case shi is when 0 => hexs<="0000001"; when 1 => hexs<="1001111"; when 2 => hexs<="0010010"; when 3 => hexs<="0000110"; when 4 => hexs<="1001100"; when others =>hexs<="0000001"; end case; case ge is when 0 => hexg<="0000001"; when 1 => hexg<="1001111"; when 2 => hexg<="0010010"; when 3 => hexg<="0000110"; when 4 => hexg<="1001100"; when 5 => hexg<="0100100"; when 6 => hexg<="0100000"; when 7 => hexg<="0001111"; when 8 => hexg<="0000000"; when 9 => hexg<="0000100"; when others => hexg<="1111111"; end case; end process; end behave;  


