
%SMOOTH  Smooth data.
%   Z = SMOOTH(Y) smooths data Y using a 5-point moving average.
%   Z = SMOOTH(Y,SPAN) smooths data Y using SPAN as the number of points used
%   to compute each element of Z.
%   Z = SMOOTH(Y,SPAN,METHOD) smooths data Y with specified METHOD. The
%   available methods are:
%           'moving'   - Moving average (default)
%           'lowess'   - Lowess (linear fit) 线性拟合
%           'loess'    - Loess (quadratic fit)
%           'sgolay'   - Savitzky-Golay
%           'rlowess'  - Robust Lowess (linear fit)
%           'rloess'   - Robust Loess (quadratic fit)
%   Z = SMOOTH(Y,METHOD) uses the default SPAN 5.
%   Z = SMOOTH(Y,SPAN,'sgolay',DEGREE) and Z = SMOOTH(Y,'sgolay',DEGREE)
%   additionally specify the degree of the polynomial to be used in the
%   Savitzky-Golay method. The default DEGREE is 2. DEGREE must be smaller
%   than SPAN.
%   Z = SMOOTH(X,Y,...) additionally specifies the X coordinates.  If X is
%   not provided, methods that require X coordinates assume X = 1:N, where
%   N is the length of Y.
%   Notes:
%   1. When X is given and X is not uniformly distributed, the default method
%   is 'lowess'.  The 'moving' method is not recommended.
%   2. For the 'moving' and 'sgolay' methods, SPAN must be odd.
%   If an even SPAN is specified, it is reduced by 1.
%   3. If SPAN is greater than the length of Y, it is reduced to the
%   length of Y.
%   4. In the case of (robust) lowess and (robust) loess, it is also
%   possible to specify the SPAN as a percentage of the total number
%   of data points. When SPAN is less than or equal to 1, it is
%   treated as a percentage.
%   For example:
%   Z = SMOOTH(Y) uses the moving average method with span 5 and
%   X=1:length(Y).
%   Z = SMOOTH(Y,7) uses the moving average method with span 7 and
%   X=1:length(Y).
%   Z = SMOOTH(Y,'sgolay') uses the Savitzky-Golay method with DEGREE=2,
%   SPAN = 5, X = 1:length(Y).
%   Z = SMOOTH(X,Y,'lowess') uses the lowess method with SPAN=5.
%   Z = SMOOTH(X,Y,SPAN,'rloess') uses the robust loess method.
%   Z = SMOOTH(X,Y) where X is unevenly distributed uses the
%   'lowess' method with span 5.
%   Z = SMOOTH(X,Y,8,'sgolay') uses the Savitzky-Golay method with
%   span 7 (8 is reduced by 1 to make it odd).
%   Z = SMOOTH(X,Y,0.3,'loess') uses the loess method where span is
%   30% of the data, i.e. span = ceil(0.3*length(Y)).
%   See also SPLINE.

%   Copyright 2001-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

