下面的代码测试caffe-lenet中权重w,b以及bottom,up数据大小变化的情况。理解caffe-lenet中的具体实现。并对mnist数据集进行了测试。对于caffe生成的mean.binaryproto文件其在matlab中同样遵循[width * height *c]以及bgr模式。
mnist数据集的 :mean.binaryproto文件,mnist_test 和mnist_test_label。
clearvars;close all;
if exist('../+caffe', 'dir')
error('Please run this demo from caffe/matlab/demo');
%% load mnist_test_data and mean_file
% width * height * c and bgr
mean_file = caffe.io.read_mean('mean.binaryproto');
load mnist_test.mat; % mnist_test
load mnist_test_labels.mat; % mnist_test_labels
tnum = 6; % test_num
true_label = mnist_test_labels(1:tnum)';
test_img = reshape(mnist_test,[size(mnist_test,1) 28 28]);
test_img = permute(test_img,[3 2 1]); %交互三个维度。
test_img = test_img(:,:,1:tnum); % 可显示化的,height * width * nsamples
% convert [h * w * n] to [w * h * n]
test_img = permute(test_img,[2 1 3]);
% 减去均值文件
test_img = bsxfun(@minus,test_img,mean_file);
% 尺度化
test_img = test_img * 0.00390625; % 除以 255
%convert [w * h * n] to [w * h * c * n]
test_img = reshape(test_img,[size(test_img,1) size(test_img,2) 1 size(test_img,3)]);
%% 预测
net_model = 'lenet.prototxt';
net_weights = '1lenet_iter_10000.caffemodel';
phase = 'test';
net = caffe.Net(net_model, net_weights, phase);
% input_feature must be a cell
scores = net.forward({test_img});
scores = scores{1};
[~,max_label] = max(scores);
pre_label = max_label - 1; % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
%% 将层的权重和偏移,以及输入,输出数据的大小打印出来。
% conv1 ==> bottom: "data" top: "conv1"
% pool1 ==> bottom: "conv1" top: "pool1"
% conv2 ==> bottom: "pool1" top: "conv2"
% pool2 ==> bottom: "conv2" top: "pool2"
% ip1 ==> bottom: "pool2" top: "ip1"
% relu1 ==> bottom: "ip1" top: "ip1
% ip2 ==> bottom: "ip1" top: "ip2"
% prob ==> bottom: "ip2" top: "prob"
params = cell(8,3);
params{1,1} = 'conv1'; params{1,2} = 'data'; params{1,3} = 'conv1';
params{2,1} = 'pool1'; params{2,2} = 'conv1'; params{2,3} = 'pool1';
params{3,1} = 'conv2'; params{3,2} = 'pool1'; params{3,3} = 'conv2';
params{4,1} = 'pool2'; params{4,2} = 'conv2'; params{4,3} = 'pool2';
params{5,1} = 'ip1'; params{5,2} = 'pool2'; params{5,3} = 'ip1';
params{6,1} = 'relu1'; params{6,2} = 'ip1'; params{6,3} = 'ip1';
params{7,1} = 'ip2'; params{7,2} = 'ip1'; params{7,3} = 'ip2';
params{8,1} = 'prob'; params{8,2} = 'ip2'; params{8,3} = 'prob';
matlab_show = true;
% matlab中 权重w,偏置b,bottom和top数据格式如下,group = 1(default):
% w = [width * height * c * num_output1] [width * height * num_output1 * num_output2] ...
% b = [num_output 1];
% bottom and top : [width * height * c * nsamples] [width * height * num_output1 * nsamples]...
for i = 1:size(params,1)
if strcmp(params{i,1}(1:end-1),'conv') || strcmp(params{i,1}(1:end-1),'ip')
conv1_layer_w = net.layers(params{i,1}).params(1).get_data();
conv1_layer_b = net.layers(params{i,1}).params(2).get_data();
if matlab_show == false
% convert [width * height * c * n] to [n * c * height * witdh]
conv1_layer_w = permute(conv1_layer_w,[4 3 2 1]);
elseif strcmp(params{i,1}(1:end-1),'pool')
%conv1_layer_w = net.layers(params{i,1}).params(1).get_data();
bottom = net.blobs(params{i,2}).get_data();
top = net.blobs(params{i,3}).get_data();
if matlab_show == false
% convert [width * height * c * n] to [n * c * height * witdh]
bottom = permute(bottom,[4 3 2 1]);
top = permute(top,[4 3 2 1]);
if strcmp(params{i,1}(1:end-1),'conv') || strcmp(params{i,1}(1:end-1),'ip')
disp([params{i,1} '_layer: w: [' num2str(size(conv1_layer_w)) '] ;b: [' num2str(size(conv1_layer_b)) '] ']);
disp([ params{i,2} ': [' num2str(size(bottom)) '] ;' params{i,3} ': [' num2str(size(top)) ']']);
输出结果给出了测试的6个样本的预测标签和正确标签。以及各个层的参数大小和数据的大小。打印的方式采用matlab数据的存储方式。我们可以看到经过池化层后的数据为:pool2 : [4 4 50 6],紧接着是全连接层ip1_layer: w :[800 500],这里在prototxt中设置的num_output为500。我们可以看到: 800 = 4 * 4 * 50 ,因此是所有神经元都进行了连接,而没有像很多博客给的文中全连接层是通过进一步的卷积核(例如5*5(当然这里肯定不行)或者其他大小的卷积核)卷积实现的。
name: "LeNet"
layer {
name: "data"
type: "Input"
top: "data"
input_param { shape: { dim: 6 dim: 1 dim: 28 dim: 28 } }
layer {
name: "conv1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "data"
top: "conv1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
convolution_param {
num_output: 20
kernel_size: 5
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
layer {
name: "pool1"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv1"
top: "pool1"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2
layer {
name: "conv2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "pool1"
top: "conv2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
convolution_param {
num_output: 50
kernel_size: 5
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
layer {
name: "pool2"
type: "Pooling"
bottom: "conv2"
top: "pool2"
pooling_param {
pool: MAX
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2
layer {
name: "ip1"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "pool2"
top: "ip1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
inner_product_param {
num_output: 500
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
layer {
name: "relu1"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "ip1"
top: "ip1"
layer {
name: "ip2"
type: "InnerProduct"
bottom: "ip1"
top: "ip2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
param {
lr_mult: 2
inner_product_param {
num_output: 10
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_filler {
type: "constant"
layer {
name: "prob"
type: "Softmax"
bottom: "ip2"
top: "prob"