GRBL v1.1版本原点复位功能的介绍

GRBL v1.1版本原点复位功能的wiki翻译

Set up the HomingCycle

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Correctly configured axes.



Home switches pins andwiring


3 digital input pins are used for signaling Grbl:


· Pin 9 X Axislimit/Home input pin

· Pin 10 Y Axislimit/Home input pin

· Pin 12 Z Axislimit/Home input pin

· 第9端口是X轴限位的输入引脚

· 第10端口是Y轴限位的输入引脚

· 第12端口是Z轴限位的输入引脚

Another place that explain the Limit switchconfiguration: Wiring-Limit-Switches


Limit switches usually have three terminals. One iscommon terminal, one is normally open to common terminal and another one isnormally closed to common. In this case, we are going to use two terminals,normally open (NO) and common (COM). Use of NC instead of NO is enabled by configuring$5=1. All the common lines go to the arduino's GND, the NO lines go to the pin for that axis. This will resultin this wiring:


· *X- limit NO-> Arduino Pin 9

· *X- limit COM-> Arduino Pin GND

· *X+ limit NO-> Arduino Pin 9

· *X+ limit COM-> Arduino Pin GND

· *Y- limit NO-> Arduino Pin 10

· *Y- limit COM-> Arduino Pin GND

· *Y+ limit NO-> Arduino Pin 10

· *Y+ limit COM-> Arduino Pin GND

· *Z- limit NO-> Arduino Pin 12

· *Z- limit COM ->Arduino Pin GND

· *Z+ limit NO-> Arduino Pin 12

· *Z+ limit COM-> Arduino Pin GND

· X轴﹣NO限位开关->Adruino 第9端口

· X轴﹣NO限位开关->Adruino GND引脚

· X轴﹢NO限位开关->Adruino 第9端口

· X轴﹢NO限位开关->Adruino GND引脚

· Y轴﹣NO限位开关->Adruino 第10端口

· Y轴﹣NO限位开关->Adruino GND引脚

· Y轴﹢NO限位开关->Adruino 第10端口

· Y轴﹢NO限位开关->Adruino GND引脚

· Z轴﹣NO限位开关->Adruino 第12端口

· Z轴﹣NO限位开关->Adruino GND引脚

· Z轴﹢NO限位开关->Adruino 第12端口

· Z轴﹢NO限位开关->Adruino GND引脚


EnableHome Cycle and Setup Home Parameters


Homing is controlled by parameter $22. Type $22=1 toenable it, $22=0 to disable it. Homing can be triggered by typing $H.



Homing direction


The homing directions are controlled by setting $23


· Default setting($23=0), the home location is the top right of your work area, with the spindleall the way up.

· $23=1 Top lefthome location.

· $23=2 Bottom ofyour work area to be the home location.

· $23=4 Spindledown home location.

· 默认设置是$23=0,原点的位置是你工作区域的左上方,是所有主轴的最前端

· $23=1设置左上角位置

· $23=2设置工作区域的底部是原点坐标

· $23=4轴的起点是原点坐标


Homing Cycle Steps


By default, the homing cycle goes through thefollowing steps:


· Z axis

1.  Z Axis will move up (positive) with Fast Rate ($25)

2.  When Z home switch triggered, Z stop for a short time ($26) and back offa distance ($27)

3.  Z Axis will move up slowly util it touches the Z home switch again ($24)

4.  Z Axis backs off a small distance ($27)


· X and Y axis

1.  X, Y Axis move both to Homing direction at fast rate ($25)

2.  The first Axis triggers the switch will stop and wait for the second axisto trigger

3.  When second axis triggers the switch, both axis back off a distance ($27)

4.  Both X and Y axis will move toward switches again slowly, until bothswitches triggered again ($24)

5.  Both X and Y axis will back off a small distance ($27)

· Z轴


1.  当碰到Z轴限位开端的时候,Z轴会马上停止($26),并且后退一段距离($27)

2.  Z轴会缓慢的上升直到它经过限位开关的时候($24)

3.  Z轴会后退一小段距离($27)

· X和Y轴

1.  XY轴会同时快速的向原点运动($25)

2.  当其中一个轴触发限位开关的时候就立刻停止工作,并且等待第二个轴触发限位开关

3.  当两个轴触发限位开关的时候,两个轴会后退一段距离($27)

4.  X和Y轴会慢慢的向开关的方向移动,直到连个轴都触发了开关($24)

5.  X和Y轴会后退一小段距离($27)


Homing speed


As described above, homingis done in two distinct phases per axis: feed and seek. The feed speed iscontrolled by setting $25. In this phase, GRBL is just trying to find the limitswitch within a reasonable amount of time.


After the feed phase, theseek phase does exactly the same thing, but at a low speed, controlled bysetting $24. This phase is all about accurately finding the trigger point forthe limit switch.



Homing travel


GRBL will give up searchingfor a limit switch after 1.5x the max travel distance. The max travel distanceis controlled by $130, (for x), $131 (for y) and $132 (for z). These numbersare also used for soft-limits, and should be set slightly below the length ofyour axes.


After the feed phase, theaxis moves back a little, to un-trigger the switch. This distance is controlledby setting $27. Set this number high enough so the limit switch is cleared,even when the feed phase overshoots.



TODO (documentation)



  • How to configure for custom homing cycles.
  • 如何设置自定义的回归运动
  • Common issues.
  • 常见问题
  • What's the homing cycle for? How do you use it? Is it really that use? YES.
  • 回归运动是什么?我要怎么使用它,这些都是对的吗?是的
    • Explain work coordinate systems(WCS) and G28/30 move to predefined locations
    • 解释一下工作坐标系统(WCS),就是G28/G30移动到指定的坐标位置
    • Explain how to save WCS and G28/30 coordinate frames using G10 and G28.1/30.1.
    • 解释一下如何保存WCS和使用G10和G28.1/G30.1保存G28/G30坐标系
    • Provide clear link to LinuxCNC g-code descriptions
    • 提供完整的linuxCNCg代码
    • Explain how WCS and G28/30 are used in common scenarios.
    • 解释WCS和G28 / 30使用到的常见的场景。
  • Clarify homing direction "add 2 to '23'", if that means "$23=2" then just put "$23=2".
  • 澄清一下原点方向“给23增加2”,这个的意思就是$23=2

