void fast(xf::Mat & _src_mat,xf::Mat & _dst_mat,unsigned char _threshold)
This function can be used for both still images and videos. The corners are marked in the image. If the corner is found in a particular location, that location is marked with 255, otherwise it is zero.
Parameter | Description |
NMS | If NMS == 1, non-maximum suppression is applied to detected corners (keypoints). The value should be 0 or 1. |
SRC_T | Input pixel type. Only 8-bit, unsigned, 1-channel is supported (XF_8UC1) |
ROWS | Maximum height of input image. |
COLS | Maximum width of input image (must be a multiple of 8, for 8-pixel operation) |
NPC | Number of pixels to be processed per cycle; possible options are XF_NPPC1 and XF_NPPC8 for 1 pixel and 8 pixel operations respectively. |
_src_mat | Input image |
_dst_mat | Output image. The corners are marked in the image. |
_threshol d | Threshold on the intensity difference between the center pixel and its neighbors. Usually it is taken around 20. |
The following table lists the available data types for the xf::Mat
Option | Number of bits per Pixel | Unsigned/ Signed/ Float Type | Number of Channels |
XF_8UC1 | 8 | Unsigned | 1 |
XF_16UC1 | 16 | Unsigned | 1 |
XF_16SC1 | 16 | Signed | 1 |
XF_32UC1 | 32 | Unsigned | 1 |
XF_32FC1 | 32 | Float | 1 |
XF_32SC1 | 32 | Signed | 1 |
XF_8UC2 | 8 | Unsigned | 2 |
XF_8UC4 | 8 | Unsigned | 4 |
XF_8UC3 | 8 | Unsigned | 3 |
XF_2UC1 | 2 | Unsigned | 1 |
XF_8UC1 stands for 8-bit unsigned and one channel pixel. More types can be found in include/common/xf_params.h.
// Pixel Per Cycle
enum _pixel_per_cycle {
XF_NPPC1 = 1,
XF_NPPC2 = 2,
XF_NPPC4 = 4,
XF_NPPC8 = 8,
XF_NPPC16 = 16,
XF_NPPC32 = 32,
XF_NPPC64 = 64
typedef _pixel_per_cycle XF_nppc_e;
// Pixel types
enum _pixel_type {
XF_8UP = 0,
XF_8SP = 1,
XF_16UP = 2,
XF_16SP = 3,
XF_32UP = 4,
XF_32SP = 5,
XF_19SP = 6,
XF_32FP = 7,
XF_35SP = 8,
XF_24SP = 9,
XF_20SP = 10,
XF_48SP = 11,
XF_2UP = 12,
XF_9SP = 13,
XF_9UP = 14,
XF_24UP = 15,
XF_64UP = 16,
XF_10UP = 17,
XF_12UP = 18,
XF_40UP = 19,
XF_48UP = 20,
XF_30UP = 21,
XF_36UP = 22
typedef _pixel_type XF_pixel_type_e;
#define XF_DEPTH(flags, npc) DataType::pixeldepth
#define XF_WORDWIDTH(flags, npc) DataType::wordwidth
#define XF_PTNAME(flags) typename PixelType::name
struct DataType {
typedef ap_uint<64> name;
typedef ap_uint<8> uname;
typedef ap_uint<8> cname;
typedef unsigned char sname;
typedef unsigned long long wname;
static const int bitdepth = 8;
static const int pixelwidth = 8;
static const int pixeldepth = XF_8UP;
static const int wordwidth = XF_64UW;
static const int channel = 1;
template <>
struct DataType {
typedef ap_uint<8> name;
typedef ap_uint<8> uname;
typedef ap_uint<8> cname;
typedef unsigned char sname;
typedef unsigned char wname;
static const int bitdepth = 8;
static const int pixelwidth = 8;
static const int pixeldepth = XF_8UP;
static const int wordwidth = XF_8UW;
static const int channel = 1;
void fast()
void fast(xf::cv::Mat& _src_mat,
xf::cv::Mat& _dst_mat,
unsigned char _threshold) {
#pragma HLS inline off
_src_mat, _dst_mat, _src_mat.rows, _src_mat.cols, _threshold);
void xFFastCornerDetection()
void xFFastCornerDetection(xf::cv::Mat& _src_mat,
xf::cv::Mat& _dst_mat,
unsigned short _image_height,
unsigned short _image_width,
uchar_t _threshold) {
#ifndef __SYNTHESIS__
assert(((DEPTH == XF_8UP)) &&
"Invalid Depth. The function xFFast "
"is valid only for the Depths AU_8U");
assert(((NMSVAL == 0) || (NMSVAL == 1)) && "Invalid Value. The NMS value should be either 0 or 1");
assert(((_image_height <= ROWS) && (_image_width <= COLS)) && "ROWS and COLS should be greater than input image");
xf::cv::Mat _dst(_image_height, _image_width);
#pragma HLS stream variable = _dst.data dim = 1 depth = 2
if (NMSVAL == 1) {
xFfast7x7> XF_BITSHIFT(NPC)) + (7 >> 1), 7, 7 * 7>(
_src_mat, _dst, 7, _image_height, _image_width, _threshold);
xFfastnms> XF_BITSHIFT(NPC)) + (3 >> 1), 3, 3 * 3>(
_dst, _dst_mat, 3, _image_height, _image_width);
else if (NMSVAL == 0) {
xFfast7x7> XF_BITSHIFT(NPC)) + (7 >> 1), 7, 7 * 7>(
_src_mat, _dst_mat, 7, _image_height, _image_width, _threshold);