Exploit - Apache Tomcat Directory/Path Traversal

Exploit - Apache Tomcat Directory/Path Traversal_第1张图片


Previous URL would copy file named D:/TESTING/Java/run/apache-tomcat- 7.0.76/conf/tomcat-users.xml to destination folder http://localhost/manager/ under the name of users. As we’ve seen in previous code snippets, .xml extension will be added to each file that is copied.
Following image contains browser requesting target URL directly and application response in that case


As we can see from the previous image, application response is “FAIL - Failed to deploy application at context path /foo##/../../../../webapps/manager/users”, but file is copied anyway.
We can confirm that with direct request for users.xml file in webroot of manager application - http://localhost:8080/manager/users.xml .

Exploit - Apache Tomcat Directory/Path Traversal_第2张图片


