



  这里说下Glide.with()。Glide.with()一共有六个同名方法,分别为Glide.with(Context context), Glide.with(Activity activity), Glide.with(FragmentActivity fragmentActivity), Glide.with(Fragment fragment), Glide.with(android.app.Fragment fragment),Glide.with(View view)。可以分成四类,Glide.with(Activity),Glide.with(Fragment), Glide.with(View),Glide.with(Context)。



In general, loads should be started at the level the result will be used in. If the resource will be used in a view in a child fragment, the load should be started with with(android.app.Fragment)} using that child fragment. Similarly, if the resource will be used in a view in the parent fragment, the load should be started with with(android.app.Fragment) using the parent fragment. In the same vein, if the resource will be used in a view in an activity, the load should be started with with(Activity)}.This method is appropriate for resources that will be used outside of the normal fragment or activity lifecycle (For example in services, or for notification thumbnails).



This method will not work if the View is not attached. Prefer the Activity and Fragment variants unless you’re loading in a View subclass.
This method may be inefficient aways and is definitely inefficient for large hierarchies. Consider memoizing the result after the View is attached or again, prefer the Activity and Fragment variants whenever possible.



  这里我们就通过源码看下,以下代码是Glide 4.7.1的代码。


public static RequestManager with(@NonNull FragmentActivity activity) {
  return getRetriever(activity).get(activity);


Begin a load with Glide that will tied to the give FragmentActivity’s lifecycle and that uses the given FragmentActivity’s default options.


######2.1 getRetriever(Context context)
  先看getRetriever(Context context)方法,它输入一个context,获取一个RequestManagerRetriever对象。RequestManagerRetriever对象应该是全局唯一的,因为传入Context对象,相当于抛弃了Activity信息,只保留了它的Context信息。

// (代码在Glide.java中)
private static RequestManagerRetriever getRetriever(@Nullable Context context) {
  // Context could be null for other reasons (ie the user passes in null), but in practice it will
  // only occur due to errors with the Fragment lifecycle.
      "You cannot start a load on a not yet attached View or a Fragment where getActivity() "
          + "returns null (which usually occurs when getActivity() is called before the Fragment "
          + "is attached or after the Fragment is destroyed).");
  return Glide.get(context).getRequestManagerRetriever();

2.1.1 内部调用Glide.get(context)方法,获取Glide的单例对象glide。

private static volatile Glide glide;
public static Glide get(@NonNull Context context) {
  if (glide == null) {
    synchronized (Glide.class) {
      if (glide == null) {
  return glide;

2.1.2 之后直接使用glide对象获取RequestManagerRetriever对象。

private final RequestManagerRetriever requestManagerRetriever;
public RequestManagerRetriever getRequestManagerRetriever() {
  return requestManagerRetriever;


2.2 看下RequestManagerRetriever的get(Activity activity)方法,这个get()方法传入的是Activity对象,是不是会得到一个与Activity生命周期相关的RequestManager呢?

// RequestManagerRetriever.java
public RequestManager get(@NonNull FragmentActivity activity) {
  if (Util.isOnBackgroundThread()) {return get(activity.getApplicationContext());
  } else {
    assertNotDestroyed(activity); ②
    FragmentManager fm = activity.getSupportFragmentManager();
    return supportFragmentGet(
        activity, fm, /*parentHint=*/ null, isActivityVisible(activity));

2.2.1 首先判断当前是否在后台线程,如果在后台线程中,则直接调用同名的get(Context context)方法。判断是否是后台线程就不多说了,get(Context context)方法也先放一放。

private static void assertNotDestroyed(@NonNull Activity activity) {
  if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1 && activity.isDestroyed()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot start a load for a destroyed activity");



处理一:Glide.with(Activity)放入try catch中

处理二:Glide.with(Activity activity)传入Activity之前,过滤掉Activity为空或isDestroyed()为true的情况



2.2.2 supportFragmentGet(Context, FragmentManager, Fragment, Boolean)方法,传入的参数为activity, fm, /parentHint=/ null, isActivityVisible(activity)

private static boolean isActivityVisible(Activity activity) {
  // This is a poor heuristic, but it's about all we have. We'd rather err on the side of visible
 // and start requests than on the side of invisible and ignore valid requests.
 return !activity.isFinishing();



private RequestManager supportFragmentGet(
    @NonNull Context context,
    @NonNull FragmentManager fm,
    @Nullable Fragment parentHint,
    boolean isParentVisible) {
  SupportRequestManagerFragment current =
      getSupportRequestManagerFragment(fm, parentHint, isParentVisible); ①
  RequestManager requestManager = current.getRequestManager();
  if (requestManager == null) {
    Glide glide = Glide.get(context);
    requestManager = factory.build(glide, current.getGlideLifecycle(), current.getRequestManagerTreeNode(), context); ②
  return requestManager;


① 先通过getRequestManagerFragment()方法获取SupportRequestManagerFragment,并通过SupportRequestManagerFragment获取RequestManager;

② 如果RequestManager为空,则通过Glide创建一个。 先看下getSupportRequestManagerFragment(FragmentManager, Fragment, boolean)方法

private SupportRequestManagerFragment getSupportRequestManagerFragment(
    @NonNull final FragmentManager fm, @Nullable Fragment parentHint, boolean isParentVisible) {
  SupportRequestManagerFragment current =
      (SupportRequestManagerFragment) fm.findFragmentByTag(FRAGMENT_TAG);if (current == null) {
    current = pendingSupportRequestManagerFragments.get(fm);if (current == null) { ③
      current = new SupportRequestManagerFragment();
      if (isParentVisible) {
      pendingSupportRequestManagerFragments.put(fm, current);
      fm.beginTransaction().add(current, FRAGMENT_TAG).commitAllowingStateLoss();
      handler.obtainMessage(ID_REMOVE_SUPPORT_FRAGMENT_MANAGER, fm).sendToTarget();
  return current;
 * Pending adds for SupportRequestManagerFragments.
final Map<FragmentManager, SupportRequestManagerFragment> pendingSupportRequestManagerFragments =
    new HashMap<>();

① 和 ② 分别通过FragmentManager.findFragmentByTag()和Map查找SupportRequestManagerFragment,如果存在,则直接使用存在的;

③ 如果不存在,则创建并添加该Fragment;

Handler的ID_REMOVE_SUPPORT_FRAGMENT_MANAGER消息用来在Fragment添加成功后从pendingSupportRequestManagerFragments中删除,减少不必要的引用,避免有可能的内存泄漏。 看下SupportRequestManagerFragment


A view-less Fragment used to safely store an RequestManager that can be used to start, stop and manage Glide requests started for targets within the fragment or activity this fragment is a child of.


public class SupportRequestManagerFragment extends Fragment {
    private final ActivityFragmentLifecycle lifecycle;
    public SupportRequestManagerFragment() {
        this(new ActivityFragmentLifecycle());
    public SupportRequestManagerFragment(@NonNull ActivityFragmentLifecycle lifecycle) {
        this.lifecycle = lifecycle;
    ActivityFragmentLifecycle getGlideLifecycle() {
        return lifecycle;
    public void onStart() {
    public void onStop() {
    public void onDestroy() {



class ActivityFragmentLifecycle implements Lifecycle {
    private final Set<LifecycleListener> lifecycleListeners =
            Collections.newSetFromMap(new WeakHashMap<LifecycleListener, Boolean>());
    private boolean isStarted;
    private boolean isDestroyed;
    public void addListener(@NonNull LifecycleListener listener) {
        if (isDestroyed) {
        } else if (isStarted) {
        } else {
    public void removeListener(@NonNull LifecycleListener listener) {
    void onStart() {
        isStarted = true;
        for (LifecycleListener lifecycleListener : Util.getSnapshot(lifecycleListeners)) {
    void onStop() {
        isStarted = false;
        for (LifecycleListener lifecycleListener : Util.getSnapshot(lifecycleListeners)) {
    void onDestroy() {
        isDestroyed = true;
        for (LifecycleListener lifecycleListener : Util.getSnapshot(lifecycleListeners)) {

  主要保存了isStarted和isDestroyed变量,并提供了addListener和removeListener方法,如果想获取到生命周期的回调,只需调用addListener()方法注册即可。 创建RequestManager,传入了SupportRequestManagerFragment的lifecycle对象

if (requestManager == null) {
   Glide glide = Glide.get(context);
   requestManager = factory.build(glide, current.getGlideLifecycle(), current.getRequestManagerTreeNode(), context); ②


private static final RequestManagerFactory DEFAULT_FACTORY = new RequestManagerFactory() {
 public RequestManager build(@NonNull Glide glide, @NonNull Lifecycle lifecycle,
      @NonNull RequestManagerTreeNode requestManagerTreeNode, @NonNull Context context) {
    return new RequestManager(glide, lifecycle, requestManagerTreeNode, context);


public class RequestManager implements LifecycleListener {
    public RequestManager(
            @NonNull Glide glide, @NonNull Lifecycle lifecycle,
            @NonNull RequestManagerTreeNode treeNode, @NonNull Context context) {
                new RequestTracker(),
            Glide glide,
            Lifecycle lifecycle,
            RequestManagerTreeNode treeNode,
            RequestTracker requestTracker,
            ConnectivityMonitorFactory factory,
            Context context) {
        // 省略无关代码
        // If we're the application level request manager, we may be created on a background thread.
        // In that case we cannot risk synchronously pausing or resuming requests, so we hack around the
        // issue by delaying adding ourselves as a lifecycle listener by posting to the main thread.
        // This should be entirely safe.
        if (Util.isOnBackgroundThread()) {
        } else {
        // 省略无关代码
     * Lifecycle callback that registers for connectivity events (if the
     * android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission is present) and restarts failed or paused
     * requests.
    public void onStart() {
     * Lifecycle callback that unregisters for connectivity events (if the
     * android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission is present) and pauses in progress loads.
    public void onStop() {
     * Lifecycle callback that cancels all in progress requests and clears and recycles resources for
     * all completed requests.
    public void onDestroy() {
        for (Target<?> target : targetTracker.getAll()) {




Begin a load with Glide that will be tied to the given Fragment’s lifecycle and that uses the given Fragment’s default options.


public static RequestManager with(@NonNull Fragment fragment) {
  return getRetriever(fragment.getActivity()).get(fragment);


private static RequestManagerRetriever getRetriever(@Nullable Context context) {
  // Context could be null for other reasons (ie the user passes in null), but in practice it will
  // only occur due to errors with the Fragment lifecycle.
      "You cannot start a load on a not yet attached View or a Fragment where getActivity() "
          + "returns null (which usually occurs when getActivity() is called before the Fragment "
          + "is attached or after the Fragment is destroyed).");
  return Glide.get(context).getRequestManagerRetriever();


public static <T> T checkNotNull(@Nullable T arg, @NonNull String message) {
  if (arg == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException(message);
  return arg;




public RequestManager get(@NonNull Fragment fragment) {
        "You cannot start a load on a fragment before it is attached or after it is destroyed");
  if (Util.isOnBackgroundThread()) {
    return get(fragment.getActivity().getApplicationContext());
  } else {
    FragmentManager fm = fragment.getChildFragmentManager();
    return supportFragmentGet(fragment.getActivity(), fm, fragment, fragment.isVisible());



Begin a load with Glide by passing in a context.
Any requests started using a context will only have the application level options applied and will not be started or stopped based on lifecycle events. In general, loads should be started at the level the result will be used in. If the resource will be used in a view in a child fragment, the load should be started with with(android.app.Fragment)} using that child fragment. Similarly, if the resource will be used in a view in the parent fragment, the load should be started with with(android.app.Fragment) using the parent fragment. In the same vein, if the resource will be used in a view in an activity, the load should be started with with(Activity)}.
This method is appropriate for resources that will be used outside of the normal fragment or activity lifecycle (For example in services, or for notification thumbnails).

public static RequestManager with(@NonNull Context context) {
  return getRetriever(context).get(context);


public RequestManager get(@NonNull Context context) {
  if (context == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot start a load on a null Context");
  } else if (Util.isOnMainThread() && !(context instanceof Application)) {
    if (context instanceof FragmentActivity) {
      return get((FragmentActivity) context);
    } else if (context instanceof Activity) {
      return get((Activity) context);
    } else if (context instanceof ContextWrapper) {
      return get(((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext());
  return getApplicationManager(context);


 * The top application level RequestManager.
private volatile RequestManager applicationManager;
private RequestManager getApplicationManager(@NonNull Context context) {
  // Either an application context or we're on a background thread.
  if (applicationManager == null) {
    synchronized (this) {
      if (applicationManager == null) {
        // Normally pause/resume is taken care of by the fragment we add to the fragment or
        // activity. However, in this case since the manager attached to the application will not
        // receive lifecycle events, we must force the manager to start resumed using
        // ApplicationLifecycle.
        Glide glide = Glide.get(context.getApplicationContext());
        applicationManager =
                new ApplicationLifecycle(),
                new EmptyRequestManagerTreeNode(),
  return applicationManager;


Begin a load with Glide that will be tied to the lifecycle of the Fragment, android.app.Fragment, or Activity that contains the View.
A Fragment or android.app.Fragment is assumed to contain a View if the View is a child of the View returned by the Fragment.getView()} method.
This method will not work if the View is not attached. Prefer the Activity and Fragment variants unless you’re loading in a View subclass.
This method may be inefficient aways and is definitely inefficient for large hierarchies. Consider memoizing the result after the View is attached or again, prefer the Activity and Fragment variants whenever possible.
When used in Applications that use the non-support android.app.Fragment classes, calling this method will produce noisy logs from android.app.FragmentManager. Consider avoiding entirely or using the Fragments from the support library instead.
If the support FragmentActivity class is used, this method will only attempt to discover support Fragments. Any non-support android.app.Fragments attached to the FragmentActivity will be ignored.

public static RequestManager with(@NonNull View view) {
  return getRetriever(view.getContext()).get(view);


public RequestManager get(@NonNull View view) {
  if (Util.isOnBackgroundThread()) {
    return get(view.getContext().getApplicationContext());
      "Unable to obtain a request manager for a view without a Context");
  Activity activity = findActivity(view.getContext());// The view might be somewhere else, like a service.
  if (activity == null) {
    return get(view.getContext().getApplicationContext());
  // Support Fragments.
  // Although the user might have non-support Fragments attached to FragmentActivity, searching
  // for non-support Fragments is so expensive pre O and that should be rare enough that we
  // prefer to just fall back to the Activity directly.
  if (activity instanceof FragmentActivity) { 
    Fragment fragment = findSupportFragment(view, (FragmentActivity) activity);return fragment != null ? get(fragment) : get(activity);
  // Standard Fragments.
  android.app.Fragment fragment = findFragment(view, activity);if (fragment == null) {
    return get(activity);}
  return get(fragment);}

① 从View的Context中获取Activity,依然是递归实现

private Activity findActivity(@NonNull Context context) {
  if (context instanceof Activity) {
    return (Activity) context;
  } else if (context instanceof ContextWrapper) {
    return findActivity(((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext());
  } else {
    return null;

② 如果获取到Activity,是不是就可以使了呢,不,Glide说我要追求极致

private Fragment findSupportFragment(@NonNull View target, @NonNull FragmentActivity activity) {
      activity.getSupportFragmentManager().getFragments(), tempViewToSupportFragment);
  Fragment result = null;
  View activityRoot = activity.findViewById(android.R.id.content);
  View current = target;
  while (!current.equals(activityRoot)) {
    result = tempViewToSupportFragment.get(current);
    if (result != null) {
    if (current.getParent() instanceof View) {
      current = (View) current.getParent();
    } else {
  return result;


private static void findAllSupportFragmentsWithViews(
    @Nullable Collection<Fragment> topLevelFragments,
    @NonNull Map<View, Fragment> result) {
  if (topLevelFragments == null) {
  for (Fragment fragment : topLevelFragments) {
    // getFragment()s in the support FragmentManager may contain null values, see #1991.
 if (fragment == null || fragment.getView() == null) {
    result.put(fragment.getView(), fragment);
    findAllSupportFragmentsWithViews(fragment.getChildFragmentManager().getFragments(), result);


③ 与②基本相同

④ 如果找到View所在的Fragment,就使用Fragment;

⑤ 如果没有找到View所在的Fragment,且找到View所在的Activity,则使用Activity;


