rawdata = load('imulog_0.txt');t0 =6047*0.001*0.001;
%rawdata = load('D:\\project\\cpp\\course2_hw_new\\vio_data_simulation\\build/imudata.txt');t0 = 1.0/200;
N_sample = size(rawdata,1);
data = rawdata;
omega = data(:,2);
theta = cumsum(omega, 1)*t0;
maxNumM = 100;
L = size(theta, 1);
maxM = 2.^floor(log2(L/2));
m = logspace(log10(1), log10(maxM), maxNumM).';
m = ceil(m); % m must be an integer.
m = unique(m); % Remove duplicates.
tau = m*t0;
avar = zeros(numel(m), 1);
for i = 1:numel(m)
mi = m(i);
avar(i,:) = sum((theta(1+2*mi:L) - 2*theta(1+mi:L-mi) + theta(1:L-2*mi)).^2, 1);
avar = avar ./ (2*tau.^2 .* (L - 2*m));
adev = sqrt(avar);
% figure
% loglog(tau, adev)
% title('Allan Deviation')
% xlabel('\\tau');
% ylabel('\\sigma(\\tau)')
% grid on
% axis equal
%% Find the index where the slope of the log-scaled Allan deviation is equal
% to the slope specified.
slope = -0.5;
logtau = log10(tau);
logadev = log10(adev);
dlogadev = diff(logadev) ./ diff(logtau);
[~, i] = min(abs(dlogadev - slope));
% Find the y-intercept of the line.
b = logadev(i) - slope*logtau(i);
% Determine the angle random walk coefficient from the line.
logN = slope*log(1) + b;
N = 10^logN
% Plot the results.
tauN = 1;
lineN = N ./ sqrt(tau);
loglog(tau, adev, tau, lineN, '--', tauN, N, 'o')
title('Allan Deviation with Angle Random Walk')
legend('sigma', 'sigma_N')
text(tauN, N, 'N')
grid on
axis equal
% Find the index where the slope of the log-scaled Allan deviation is equal
% to the slope specified.
slope = 0.5;
logtau = log10(tau);
logadev = log10(adev);
dlogadev = diff(logadev) ./ diff(logtau);
[~, i] = min(abs(dlogadev - slope));
% Find the y-intercept of the line.
b = logadev(i) - slope*logtau(i);
% Determine the rate random walk coefficient from the line.
logK = slope*log10(3) + b;
K = 10^logK
% Plot the results.
tauK = 3;
lineK = K .* sqrt(tau/3);
loglog(tau, adev, tau, lineK, '--', tauK, K, 'o')
title('Allan Deviation with Rate Random Walk')
legend('\sigma', '\sigma_K')
text(tauK, K, 'K')
grid on
axis equal