Thomas Miconi/Jeff Clune/Kenneth O. Stanley
Uber AI Labs
Differentiable plasticity:
In this way, depending on the values of wi,j w i , j and αi,j α i , j , a connection can be fully fixed (if αi,j=0 α i , j = 0 ), or fully plastic with no fixed component (if wi,j=0 w i , j = 0 ), or have both a fixed and a plastic component.
optimized by gradient descent between lifetimes (descending the gradient of the error computed during episodes), to maximize expected performance over a lifetime/episode. Note that η η , the “learning rate” of plasticity, is also an optimized parameter of the algorithm
(for simplicity, in this paper, all connections share the same value of η η , which is thus a single scalar parameter for the entire network).
auto-associative networks:表达能力变强,训练时loss下降的更快