LPMS-CU2 IMU在 Nvidia Xavier安装配置

LPMS-CU2 是一种小型惯性测量单元(IMU)/姿态航向参考系统(AHRS)。在ROS中使用此款IMU时,需要进行相关的安装和配置, 具体可以参考https://bitbucket.org/lpresearch/openzenros/src/master/


1 依赖

  1. 编译此ROS包需要G++ version>= 7.0, cmake version >= 3.10. 如果编译器低于此版本,则需要升级到最新版本,并运行如下命令:



2)使用USB接口时,需要用户有访问/dev/ttyUSB 设备的权限,把用户加到dialout组就可以:

sudo adduser dialout


2 编译安装

mkdir -p catskin_ws/src

cd catskin_ws/src


git clone --recurse-submodules https://bitbucket.org/lpresearch/openzenros.git


# get your ROS environment going

source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash

cd ..


source ./devel/setup.bash


3 配置和运行




rosrun openzen_sensor openzen_sensor_node _sensor_name:="LPMSCU2000573"




[ 1994.060806] usb 1-2.3: new full-speed USB device number 7 using tegra-xusb

[ 1994.112317] usb 1-2.3: New USB device found, idVendor=10c4, idProduct=ea61

[ 1994.112330] usb 1-2.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3

[ 1994.112337] usb 1-2.3: Product: CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller

[ 1994.112343] usb 1-2.3: Manufacturer: Silicon Labs

[ 1994.112348] usb 1-2.3: SerialNumber: LPMSCU2001018

[ 1994.121625] cp210x 1-2.3:1.0: cp210x converter detected

[ 1994.123370] usb 1-2.3: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB2

其中的SerialNumber: LPMSCU2001018就是sensor name。



~sensor_name (string, default: null)

By default, the library will connect to the first available sensor. If you want to connect to a specific sensor, you can use the serial name of the sensor as sensor_name parameter as follow:


$ rosrun openzen_sensor openzen_sensor_node _sensor_name:=”LPMSCU2000573”


~sensor_interface (string, default: LinuxDevice)

Name of IO system for initiating sensor connection. Use “LinuxDevice” for usb connection in Linux. For more details, please check the documentation in the section IO Systems.


~baudrate (integer, default: 0)

Baudrate in bits per seconds used to connect to the sensor. If the baudrate is left at 0, OpenZen will automatically pick the default baudrate for the respective sensor model.


~frame_id (string, default: imu)

The frame in which imu readings will be returned

3.2 发布的topic

/imu/data (sensor_msgs/Imu)

Inertial data from the IMU. Includes calibrated acceleration, calibrated angular rates and orientation. The orientation is always unit quaternion.


/imu/mag (sensor_msgs/MagneticField)

Magnetometer reading from the sensor.


/imu/is_autocalibration_active (std_msgs/Bool)

Latched topic indicating if the gyro autocalibration feature is active

3.3 launch 文件












因为openzen默认发布的topic/imu/data, 我们需要的是/imu, 所以这里使用remaptopic的名字做一个映射。

