Covid19:传染病模型模拟Agent based simulation for SIR/SEIR models


  • Scale-free Network Simulation
    • Simulation for SIR model
    • Codes for SIR simulation
    • Simulation for SIR model
    • Codes for SEIR simulation
  • Reference


Scale-free Network Simulation

Simulation for SIR model

We conduct network simulation using Netlogo and construct a scale-free network using Netlogo extension nw.Here, we use a simulation with 2000 agents as an example.

We conduct an experiment to explore the range of the outcome if we put the parameters we pop in to a range. This is called parameter sensitivity test.

Here, we test the following parameters in the form of [minimum, step, maximum] in the model which run 500 times with 2000 agents and check the tick every 50 ticks.

parameters ranges
initial-outbreak-size [1 1 5]
recovery-rate [1 10 100]
virus-spread-rate [1 10 100]

By running the model multiple times, we could get the average result of 500 time series data and calculate the minimum, maximum and mean results of the ratio of susceptible people, the ratio of infected people, the ratio of recovered people.

The simulation result show that the ratio of the three types of people follows power law distruibution which is exatly the property of the scale-free network.

average(%) min max mean
susceptible 9.9720 97.0000 19.7972
infected 1.5560 78.2940 44.6495
recovered 0.0000 53.4540 35.5533
virus 1.5560 78.2940 44.6495
Covid19:传染病模型模拟Agent based simulation for SIR/SEIR models_第1张图片 Covid19:传染病模型模拟Agent based simulation for SIR/SEIR models_第2张图片

Covid19:传染病模型模拟Agent based simulation for SIR/SEIR models_第3张图片

Codes for SIR simulation

extensions [ nw ]
;;; Extended model of AVI model for social propagation issues
;;; Concepts: Agent, virus, interaction, role, environment, social network

turtles-own           ;; properties of agents;; 
 infected?           ;; if true, the agent is infectious, role feature
 resistant?          ;; if true, the agent can't be infected, role feature
 virus-recovered-period   ;; number of ticks since this agent's last virus check, i.e., the minimum recovered period of agents
 virus?              ;; whether the agent carry the H1N1 virus

to setup
 setup-agents        ;; setup of agents
 setup-environment   ;; setup of environment
 degree-distribution-plot  ;; chart plot setup
 virus-status-plot   ;; chart plot setup

to virus-initialization
   ask n-of initial-outbreak-size turtles
   [ play-infected ]

to  setup-environment ;; environment setup, comprised of grids.
 ask patches 
   [ set pcolor white ]

to setup-agents       ;; agents setup;;
 set-default-shape turtles "person"
 nw:generate-preferential-attachment turtles links 100  [
   ;; Make agents not too close to each others.
   setxy (random-xcor * 0.95) (random-ycor * 0.95)
   set color green
   set virus-recovered-period random virus-check-frequency


to go
 if all? turtles [not infected?]
   [ stop ]
 ask turtles
    set virus-recovered-period virus-recovered-period + 1
    if virus-recovered-period >= virus-check-frequency
      [ set virus-recovered-period 0 ]

to interaction-between-agents   ;; Interaction;interactions between agents, especially between the infected agents and the susceptiple agents

 ask turtles with [infected?]
     if count my-links > 0
     ask one-of link-neighbors 
         ;; interaction 
        if not resistant? 
            [ play-infected ]

to do-virus-checks
 ask turtles with [infected? and virus-recovered-period = 0]
   if random 100 < recovery-rate
     ifelse random 100 < recovery-rate

to play-infected    ;; agent plays the infected role
 set infected? true
 set resistant? false
 set virus? true
 set color red

to play-susceptible ;; agent plays the susceptible role
 set infected? false
 set resistant? false
  set virus? false
 set color green

to play-resistent  ;; agent plays the recovered role
 set infected? false
 set resistant? true
 set virus? false
 set color gray
 ask my-links [ set color gray - 2 ]

to degree-distribution-plot           
  set-current-plot "Degree-distribution" 
 set-current-plot-pen "agent-percentage"
 let max-degree 1
 ask max-one-of turtles [count my-links]
   set max-degree count my-links
  let current_plot_degree 0
 repeat max-degree + 1
   plotxy current_plot_degree    ( count turtles with [ (count my-links) = current_plot_degree ]/ (count turtles) ) * 100
   set current_plot_degree  current_plot_degree + 1

to virus-status-plot                    ;;; the chart for the status of H1N1 virus spread in the artificial society
 set-current-plot "covid19-spread Status"
 set-current-plot-pen "susceptible"
 plot (count turtles with [not infected? and not resistant? ]) / (count turtles) * 100
 set-current-plot-pen "infected"
 plot (count turtles with [infected?]) / (count turtles) * 100
 set-current-plot-pen "resistant"
 plot (count turtles with [resistant?]) / (count turtles) * 100
 ;set-current-plot-pen "covid19 virus"        ;;; This shows how many agents carry H1N1 virus
 ;plot (count turtles with [virus?]) / (count turtles) * 100

Covid19:传染病模型模拟Agent based simulation for SIR/SEIR models_第4张图片

Simulation for SIR model

We conduct an experiment to explore the range of the outcome if we put the parameters we pop in to a range. This is called parameter sensitivity test.

Here, we test the following parameters in the form of [minimum, step, maximum] in the model which run 500 times with 2000 agents and check the tick every 50 ticks.

parameters ranges
initial-outbreak-size [1 1 5]
recovery-rate [1 10 100]
incubation-rate [1 10 100]
virus-spread-rate [1 10 100]

By running the model multiple times, we could get the average result of 500 time series data and calculate the minimum, maximum and mean results of the ratio of susceptible people, the ratio of exposed people, the ratio of infected people, the ratio of recovered people, and the ratio of the virus remaining in the system.

The simulation result show that the ratio of the four types of people follows power law distruibution which is exatly the property of the scale-free network.

average(%) min max mean
susceptible 32.3918 97.8309 43.9674
exposed 0.0000 14.3373 5.7009
infected 1.2026 41.5529 21.8660
recovered 0.0000 46.8978 28.4640
virus 1.3938 48.6874 27.5569
Covid19:传染病模型模拟Agent based simulation for SIR/SEIR models_第5张图片 Covid19:传染病模型模拟Agent based simulation for SIR/SEIR models_第6张图片
Covid19:传染病模型模拟Agent based simulation for SIR/SEIR models_第7张图片 Covid19:传染病模型模拟Agent based simulation for SIR/SEIR models_第8张图片

Codes for SEIR simulation

extensions [ nw ]
;;; Extended model of AVI model for social propagation issues
;;; Concepts: Agent, virus, interaction, role, environment, social network

turtles-own           ;; properties of agents;; 
  infected?           ;; if true, the agent is infectious, role feature
  resistant?          ;; if true, the agent can't be infected, role feature
  exposed?            ;; if true, the agent is exposed, role feature
  recovered?          ;; if true, the agent is recovered, role feature
  virus-recovered-period   ;; number of ticks since this agent's last virus check, i.e., the minimum recovered period of agents
  virus?              ;; whether the agent carry the H1N1 virus

to setup
  setup-agents        ;; setup of agents
  setup-environment   ;; setup of environment
  degree-distribution-plot  ;; chart plot setup
  virus-status-plot   ;; chart plot setup

to virus-initialization
    ask n-of initial-outbreak-size turtles
    [ play-infected ]

to  setup-environment ;; environment setup, comprised of grids.
  ask patches 
    [ set pcolor white ]

to setup-agents       ;; agents setup;;
  set-default-shape turtles "person"
  nw:generate-preferential-attachment turtles links 100  [
    ;; Make agents not too close to each others.
    setxy (random-xcor * 0.95) (random-ycor * 0.95)
    set color green
    set virus-recovered-period random virus-check-frequency


;how  does the JGN social network danymically grow? 
;construct the network

to go
 if ( ticks > simulation-num )
  ask turtles
     set virus-recovered-period virus-recovered-period + 1
     if virus-recovered-period >= virus-check-frequency
       [ set virus-recovered-period 0 ]

to interaction-between-agents   ;; Interaction;interactions between agents, especially between the infected agents and the susceptiple agents
  ask turtles with [infected?]
      if count my-links > 0
      ask one-of link-neighbors 
          ;; interaction 
          if not recovered? and random-float 100 < incubation-rate 
            [ play-exposed ]

to do-virus-checks
  ask turtles with [infected? and virus-recovered-period = 0]
    if random 100 < recovery-rate
  ask turtles with [exposed?]
    if random-float 100 < virus-spread-rate

to play-exposed      ;; agent plays the exposed role
  set infected? false
  set exposed? true
  set recovered? false
  set virus? true
  set virus-recovered-period random  virus-check-frequency
  set color blue

to play-infected    ;; agent plays the infected role
  set infected? true
  set exposed? false
  set recovered? false
  set virus? true
  set color red

to play-susceptible ;; agent plays the susceptible role
  set infected? false
  set exposed? false
  set recovered? false
   set virus? false
  set color green

to play-recovered  ;; agent plays the recovered role
  set infected? false
  set exposed? false
  set recovered? true
  set virus? false
  set color gray
  ask my-links [ set color gray - 2 ]

to degree-distribution-plot           
   set-current-plot "Degree-distribution" 
  set-current-plot-pen "agent-percentage"
  let max-degree 1
  ask max-one-of turtles [count my-links]
    set max-degree count my-links
   let current_plot_degree 0
  repeat max-degree + 1
    plotxy current_plot_degree    ( count turtles with [ (count my-links) = current_plot_degree ]/ (count turtles) ) * 100
    set current_plot_degree  current_plot_degree + 1

to virus-status-plot                    ;;; the chart for the status of H1N1 virus spread in the artificial society
  set-current-plot "covid19-spread Status"
  set-current-plot-pen "susceptible"
  plot (count turtles with [not infected? and not recovered? and not exposed?]) / (count turtles) * 100
  set-current-plot-pen "infected"
  plot (count turtles with [infected?]) / (count turtles) * 100
  set-current-plot-pen "recovered"
  plot (count turtles with [recovered?]) / (count turtles) * 100
  set-current-plot-pen "exposed"
  plot (count turtles with [exposed?])/(count turtles) * 100
 ; set-current-plot-pen "covid19 virus"        ;;; This shows how many agents carry H1N1 virus
  ;plot (count turtles with [virus?]) / (count turtles) * 100

Covid19:传染病模型模拟Agent based simulation for SIR/SEIR models_第9张图片


Stonedahl, F. and Wilensky, U. (2008). NetLogo Virus on a Network model.

Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo.

Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

