

As businesses gather and store ever greater quantities of data, managing it becomes increasingly challenging. To get the maximum value from it, it needs to be easily accessed and compiled so that it can be analysed. However, when it is stored in separate silos across numerous departments, this is hard to achieve. The solution that many companies are opting for in order to overcome these issues is data warehousing. In this post, we’ll look at the pros and cons of setting up a data warehouse.

随着企业收集和存储越来越多的数据,对其进行管理变得越来越具有挑战性。 为了从中获得最大值,需要对其进行轻松地访问和编译,以便对其进行分析。 但是,当将其存储在多个部门的单独筒仓中时,这很难实现。 许多公司为了克服这些问题而选择的解决方案是数据仓库。 在本文中,我们将探讨建立数据仓库的利弊。

什么是数据仓库? (What is a data warehouse?)

A data warehouse is a centralised storage space used by companies to securely house all their data. As such, it becomes a core resource from which the company can easily find and analyse the datasets it needs to generate timely reports and gain the meaningful insights needed to make important business decisions.

数据仓库是公司用来安全存放所有数据的集中式存储空间。 因此,它成为公司可以从中轻松查找和分析所需数据集以生成及时报告并获得做出重要业务决策所需的有意义见解的核心资源。

数据仓库的优点 (The pros of data warehousing)

The growing popularity of data warehousing is down to the benefits it provides business. Key, here, is that a unified data storage solution enhances decision making, enabling businesses to perform better in the marketplace and thus improve their bottom line. As a data warehouse also means data can be analysed faster, another advantage is that it puts the company in a better position to react to opportunities and threats that come their way.

数据仓库的日益普及取决于其为业务带来的好处。 关键在于,统一的数据存储解决方案可增强决策制定能力,使企业能够在市场上表现更好,从而提高利润。 由于数据仓库还意味着可以更快地分析数据,所以另一个优点是,它使公司能够更好地应对各种机会和威胁。

With the entire array of the company’s data available to them, data managers can make more accurate market forecasts and do so quicker, helping them implement data-driven strategies swiftly and before their competitors. The accuracy of market forecasts is improved due to the warehouse’s ability to store huge amounts of historical data that can highlight patterns in market trends and shifting consumer behaviours over time.  

有了公司的全部数据,数据管理者可以做出更准确的市场预测,并且更快地做出预测,从而帮助他们在竞争对手之前Swift实施数据驱动的战略。 由于仓库具有存储大量历史数据的能力,因此可以提高市场预测的准确性,这些历史数据可以突出显示市场趋势的模式并随着时间推移改变消费者的行为。

Data warehousing can also help companies reduce expenditure by enabling them to make more cost-effective decisions, whether that’s in procurement, operations, logistics, communications or marketing. It can also massively improve the customer experience, with end to end customer journey mapping helping the company personalise product recommendations, issue timely and relevant communications, deliver better quality customer service and much more.

数据仓库还可以使公司做出更具成本效益的决策,无论是在采购,运营,物流,通讯还是市场营销方面,都可以帮助公司减少支出。 它还可以极大地改善客户体验,通过端到端的客户旅程图来帮助公司个性化产品推荐,及时发布相关的沟通,提供更优质的客户服务等等。

数据仓库的缺点 (The cons of data warehousing)

While the centralised storage of data brings many benefits, it does have some drawbacks that companies need to consider. For example, with such vast amounts of data in one place, finding and compiling the datasets needed for analyses can take time. However, not as long as would be needed if they were all kept in different silos.

尽管数据的集中存储带来了很多好处,但确实存在一些公司需要考虑的缺点。 例如,在一个地方拥有如此大量的数据,查找和编译分析所需的数据集可能要花费一些时间。 但是,如果将它们全部放在不同的筒仓中,则所需的时间不长。

Another potential issue is that when data is stored centrally, all the company’s data queries have to go through the warehouse. If the company’s system lacks the resources to deal with so many queries, this can slow down the speed at which data is processed. However, using a scalable cloud solution for data warehousing, where additional resources, charged on a pay per use basis, can be added as and when needed, eradicates this issue.

另一个潜在的问题是,当数据集中存储时,公司的所有数据查询都必须经过仓库。 如果公司的系统缺乏处理这么多查询的资源,这可能会减慢数据处理的速度。 但是,将可伸缩的云解决方案用于数据仓库,可以在需要时添加按使用付费的附加资源,从而消除了这一问题。

For many companies, the biggest obstacle for setting up a data warehouse is the cost. When undertaken in-house, there is often significant capital expenditure required for the purchase of hardware and software, together with the overheads of running the infrastructure. Additionally, there are ongoing staffing costs for experienced IT professionals. Again, the solution comes in the form of managed cloud services, like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), where the hardware and operating systems are provided without the need for capital expenditure and where software licencing can be significantly less expensive. What’s more, the service provider manages the infrastructure on your behalf, reducing staffing requirements. Even where specialised IT knowledge is required in-house, such as with integrating different systems, the 24/7 technical support from your provider will be there to offer expertise when needed.

对于许多公司而言,建立数据仓库的最大障碍是成本。 在内部进行时,通常需要大量的资本支出来购买硬件和软件,以及运行基础结构的开销。 此外,有经验的IT专业人员还有不断增加的人员费用。 同样,该解决方案以托管云服务的形式出现,例如基础架构即服务(IaaS),无需资本支出即可提供硬件和操作系统,并且软件许可的价格可以大大降低。 而且,服务提供商可以代表您管理基础架构,从而减少人员需求。 即使内部需要专门的IT知识(例如集成不同的系统),提供商的24/7技术支持也会在需要时为您提供专业知识。

结论 (Conclusion)

Any company undergoing the process of digital transformation needs to consider the benefits of data warehousing. The centralised storage of all the company’s data is essential for companies that wish to integrate their existing business processes with today’s advanced digital technologies. Doing this means you can fully benefit from big data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and all the crucial insights they offer to drive the company forward.

任何进行数字化转型的公司都需要考虑数据仓库的好处。 对于希望将其现有业务流程与当今先进的数字技术相集成的公司而言,公司所有数据的集中存储至关重要。 这样做意味着您可以充分利用大数据分析,人工智能和机器学习以及它们为推动公司前进提供的所有关键见解。

Setting up a data warehouse in-house, however, presents several major challenges. There is significant capital expenditure required at the outset, together with on-going overheads. In addition, integrating a diverse set of company systems so that data can be centralised is not without its technical challenges. By opting for a cloud solution, however, cap-ex is removed, costs are lowered and many of the technical challenges are managed on your behalf.

但是,在内部建立数据仓库提出了一些重大挑战。 一开始需要大量的资本支出以及持续的间接费用。 此外,集成各种公司系统以使数据可以集中起来并非没有技术难题。 通过选择云解决方案,可消除资本支出,降低成本,并代表您管理许多技术难题。

If you are considering a cloud-based data warehouse, check out our cloud hosting or enterprise hosting pages.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/the-pros-and-cons-of-data-warehousing/

