Personal Statement

Dear professors:

Having majored in traffic and transportation engineering as an undergraduate, I would now like to concentrate on master of interpreter and translater .

My interest in interpreter and translater dates back to my professional English course. When attended this course, I found that those professional terms are hard to understand in English by comparing with its Chinese meaning, and usually have several versions.  But my teacher of this course were strict, so that we have to learn these words by rote. I came up with the idea of translating these words into Chinese in another way. After hard work, I got a great grades in the course, which motivated I to keep following my idea. The first step I made was to prepare the exam of Shanghai advance interpreter and translater certificate, which can also make me competitive in the following empolyment interview. During the preparation, the further I studied the intersting I found this suject was. After passing the first stage of the certificate exam, I set down my second step that I take a professional trainning curriculum ran by Shanghai XX company and Shanghai XX University.  Through the two-week course, I have the opportunities to expose to translation texts of different fields and forms. There were students majored in different subjects in the class, most of who were study in subjects related to English. However, as we had the course about technical contents' translation, I was surprised that I performed better than other students. Hence, finally I decided to study further in this feild. 

1 工科学士,专业英语的学习激发兴趣,发现专业名词翻译杂乱,无统一定论。先进的技术由英文撰写为主,本地化,翻译为中文时拗口,不好理解,也不统一,常常几个词表示同一个意思。所以希望能把这些翻译得易理解,符合中文习惯,为统一性努力,传播技术出力。

2 参加补习班时,发现在科技文献翻译时比其他非此专业的同学更容易理解文章,翻译出来的文字更贴近理科论文的要求。简洁,严谨,有逻辑性。毕业论文质量不错。建模,分析数据,对比。所以有意向此发展

3 实习工作涉外,

4 读过的英文书籍,感悟
