

Aug.24 Thursday


17 killed ,damage widespread in wake of Typhoon Hato

in wake of  随着....,在....之后

relief works 救援工作

arduous task 艰巨的任务

make landfall on splace登陆某地方

special  administrative region 特别行政区

transformer station 变电站

resume 再继续,重新开始;resume operation 恢复运行

backup facility 备分,后备设备

China Southern Power Grid Co 中国南方电网公司

safeguard people's lives and property 保证人民的生命财产安全

bring  sth back to normal 使某物恢复正常

be stranded by 被...滞留

capsized trucks 倾倒的货车,capsize倾倒,倾翻

urban manager 城管;sanitation worker 环卫人员

China on rapid progress of robotization :study


acount for /make up 占据,占.....

for example ;acount for /make up about a third of the global total.

massive working population 庞大的劳动人口

lag behind  regarding sth 在...方面落后

for example :China still lags behind regarding robot denisty.

exacerbate income inequality 加重拉大收入差距


sneaker 鬼鬼祟祟做事的人,卑鄙者,运动鞋

a pair of white sneaker一双白色运动鞋

(a) double-edged sword=cut both ways双刃剑

sth is a sword cutting both ways   ....是一把双刃剑
