每组测试数据有两行,第一行有两个数n,m(0 对每组测试数据按从大到小的顺序输出前m大的数。 LL ACM暑假集训队练习赛(三) 输出n个数中最大的m个数,可以通过多种方法实现,但是由于数据量比较多,使用cin或cout可能导致超时。 Excel可以对一组纪录按任意指定列排序。现请你编写程序实现类似功能。 测试输入包含若干测试用例。每个测试用例的第1行包含两个整数 N (<=100000) 和 C,其中 N 是纪录的条数,C 是指定排序的列号。以下有 N 对每个测试用例,首先输出1行“Case i:”,其中 i 是测试用例的编号(从1开始)。随后在 N 行中输出按要求排序后的结果,即:当 C=1 时,按学号递增排序;当 C=2时,按姓名的非递减字典序排序;当 C=3 浙大计算机研究生复试上机考试-2007年 使用结构体存储数据,根据C的不同值为sort传入不同参数进行排序 Soon after he decided to design a T-shirt for our Algorithm Board on Free-City BBS, XKA found that he was trapped by all kinds of suggestions from everyone on the board. It is indeed a mission-impossible to have everybody perfectly satisfied. So he took a poll to collect people’s opinions. Here are what he obtained: N people voted for M design elements (such as the ACM-ICPC logo, big names in computer science, well-known graphs, etc.). Everyone assigned each element a number of satisfaction. However, XKA can only put K (<=M) elements into his design. He needs you to pick for him the K elements such that the total number of satisfaction is maximized. The input consists of multiple test cases. For each case, the first line contains three positive integers N, M and K where N is the number of people, M is the number of design elements, and K is the number of elements XKA will put into his design. Then N lines follow, each contains M numbers. The j-th number in the i-th line represents the i-th person’s satisfaction on the j-th element. For each test case, print in one line the indices of the K elements you would suggest XKA to take into consideration so that the total number of satisfaction is maximized. If there are more than one solutions, you must output the one with minimal indices. The indices start from 1 and must be printed in non-increasing order. There must be exactly one space between two adjacent indices, and no extra space at the end of the line. CHEN, Yue CYJJ’s Funny Contest #1, Killing in Seconds 注意满意度不一定为整数且输出时logo号码应该以降序排列 大家都知道,快速排序是不稳定的排序方法。 某高校招生办得到一份成绩列表,上面记录了考生名字和考生成绩。并且对其使用了某排序算法按成绩进行递减排序。现在请你判断一下该排序算法是否正确,如果正确的话,则判断该排序算法是否为稳定的。 本题目包含多组输入,请处理到文件结束。 对于每组数据,如果算法是正确并且稳定的,就在一行里面输出"Right"。如果算法是正确的但不是稳定的,就在一行里面输出"Not Stable",并且在下面输出正确稳定排序的列表,格式同输入。如果该算法是错误的,就在一行里面输出"Error",并且在下面输出正确稳定排序的列表,格式同输入。 注意,本题目不考虑该排序算法是错误的,但结果是正确的这样的意外情况。 linle 2008浙大研究生复试热身赛(2)——全真模拟 使用两个结构体数组分别存储排序前和排序后的数据,将排序前的进行排序然后与排序后的比较 FatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats guarding the warehouse containing his favorite food, JavaBean. The input consists of multiple test cases. Each test case begins with a line containing two non-negative integers M and N. Then N lines follow, each contains two non-negative integers J[i] and F[i] respectively. The last test case is followed by two -1’s. All integers are not greater than 1000. For each test case, print in a single line a real number accurate up to 3 decimal places, which is the maximum amount of JavaBeans that FatMouse can obtain. CHEN, Yue ZJCPC2004 注意输出格式,将每个房间按单位猫粮能换取的java豆降序排序,注意每个房间java豆是有上限的即可 Here is a famous story in Chinese history. “That was about 2300 years ago. General Tian Ji was a high official in the country Qi. He likes to play horse racing with the king and others.” “Both of Tian and the king have three horses in different classes, namely, regular, plus, and super. The rule is to have three rounds in a match; each of the horses must be used in one round. The winner of a single round takes two hundred silver dollars from the loser.” “Being the most powerful man in the country, the king has so nice horses that in each class his horse is better than Tian’s. As a result, each time the king takes six hundred silver dollars from Tian.” “Tian Ji was not happy about that, until he met Sun Bin, one of the most famous generals in Chinese history. Using a little trick due to Sun, Tian Ji brought home two hundred silver dollars and such a grace in the next match.” “It was a rather simple trick. Using his regular class horse race against the super class from the king, they will certainly lose that round. But then his plus beat the king’s regular, and his super beat the king’s plus. What a simple trick. And how do you think of Tian Ji, the high ranked official in China?” Were Tian Ji lives in nowadays, he will certainly laugh at himself. Even more, were he sitting in the ACM contest right now, he may discover that the horse racing problem can be simply viewed as finding the maximum matching in a bipartite graph. Draw Tian’s horses on one side, and the king’s horses on the other. Whenever one of Tian’s horses can beat one from the king, we draw an edge between them, meaning we wish to establish this pair. Then, the problem of winning as many rounds as possible is just to find the maximum matching in this graph. If there are ties, the problem becomes more complicated, he needs to assign weights 0, 1, or -1 to all the possible edges, and find a maximum weighted perfect matching… However, the horse racing problem is a very special case of bipartite matching. The graph is decided by the speed of the horses — a vertex of higher speed always beat a vertex of lower speed. In this case, the weighted bipartite matching algorithm is a too advanced tool to deal with the problem. In this problem, you are asked to write a program to solve this special case of matching problem. The input consists of up to 50 test cases. Each case starts with a positive integer n (n <= 1000) on the first line, which is the number of horses on each side. The next n integers on the second line are the speeds of Tian’s horses. Then the next n integers on the third line are the speeds of the king’s horses. The input ends with a line that has a single 0 after the last test case. For each input case, output a line containing a single number, which is the maximum money Tian Ji will get, in silver dollars. 2004 Asia Regional Shanghai 本题情况较多,需要考虑全面 样例不够典型,下面有几个典型样例 The famous ACM (Advanced Computer Maker) Company has rented a floor of a building whose shape is in the following figure. The floor has 200 rooms each on the north side and south side along the corridor. Recently the Company made a plan to reform its system. The reform includes moving a lot of tables between rooms. Because the corridor is narrow and all the tables are big, only one table can pass through the corridor. Some plan is needed to make the moving efficient. The manager figured out the following plan: Moving a table from a room to another room can be done within 10 minutes. When moving a table from room i to room j, the part of the corridor between the front of room i and the front of room j is used. So, during each 10 minutes, several moving between two rooms not sharing the same part of the corridor will be done simultaneously. To make it clear the manager illustrated the possible cases and impossible cases of simultaneous moving. For each room, at most one table will be either moved in or moved out. Now, the manager seeks out a method to minimize the time to move all the tables. Your job is to write a program to solve the manager’s problem. The input consists of T test cases. The number of test cases ) (T is given in the first line of the input. Each test case begins with a line containing an integer N , 1<=N<=200 , that represents the number of tables to move. Each of the following N lines contains two positive integers s and t, representing that a table is to move from room number s to room number t (each room number appears at most once in the N lines). From the N+3-rd line, the remaining test cases are listed in the same manner as above. The output should contain the minimum time in minutes to complete the moving, one per line. Asia 2001, Taejon (South Korea) 400个房间对称分布,只需定义一个200位大小的数组存放存过该点次数即可,输出数组中最大值*10分钟即为所求 “今年暑假不AC?” 确实如此,世界杯来了,球迷的节日也来了,估计很多ACMer也会抛开电脑,奔向电视了。 输入数据包含多个测试实例,每个测试实例的第一行只有一个整数n(n<=100),表示你喜欢看的节目的总数,然后是n行数据,每行包括两个数据Ti_s,Ti_e (1<=i<=n),分别表示第i个节目的开始和结束时间,为了简化问题,每个时间都用一个正整数表示。n=0表示输入结束,不做处理。 对于每个测试实例,输出能完整看到的电视节目的个数,每个测试实例的输出占一行。 Icy ACM程序设计期末考试(2006/06/07) 将一天中的节目按开始时间升序排列好,然后从第一个开始看,如果发现新节目比真正看的节目先结束,那就直接去看新节目,如果在新节目开始前正在看的节目已经结束或刚好结束那就看过的节目数量+1 Given a sequence a1,a2,a3…a[n], your job is to calculate the max sum of a sub-sequence. For example, given (6,-1,5,4,-7), the max sum in this sequence is 6 + (-1) + 5 + 4 = 14. The first line of the input contains an integer T(1<=T<=20) which means the number of test cases. Then T lines follow, each line starts with a number N(1<=N<=100000), then N integers followed(all the integers are between -1000 and 1000). For each test case, you should output two lines. The first line is “Case #:”, # means the number of the test case. The second line contains three integers, the Max Sum in the sequence, the start position of the sub-sequence, the end position of the sub-sequence. If there are more than one result, output the first one. Output a blank line between two cases. Ignatius.L 注意每个案例中间需要隔一行输出且最后一个案例不再需要隔一行 话说上回讲到海东集团面临内外交困,公司的元老也只剩下XHD夫妇二人了。显然,作为多年拼搏的商人,XHD不会坐以待毙的。 输入包含多个测试实例,每个实例的第一行是两个整数v和n(v,n<100),分别表示口袋的容量和宝贝的种类,接着的n行每行包含2个整数pi和mi(0 对于每个测试实例,请输出XHD最多能取回多少价值的宝贝,每个实例的输出占一行。 Icy ACM程序设计_期末考试 按宝贝单价降序然后依次拿即可Output
Sample Input
5 3
3 -35 92 213 -644
Sample Outple
213 92 3
1002 EXCEL排序
Problem Description
行,每行包含一条学生纪录。每条学生纪录由学号(6位数字,同组测试中没有重复的学号)、姓名(不超过8位且不包含空格的字符串)、成绩(闭区间[0, 100]内的整数)组成,每个项目间用1个空格隔开。当读到 N=0 时,全部输入结束,相应的结果不要输出。Output
时,按成绩的非递减排序。当若干学生具有相同姓名或者相同成绩时,则按他们的学号递增排序。Sample Input
3 1
000007 James 85
000010 Amy 90
000001 Zoe 60
4 2
000007 James 85
000010 Amy 90
000001 Zoe 60
000002 James 98
4 3
000007 James 85
000010 Amy 90
000001 Zoe 60
000002 James 90
0 0
Sample Output
Case 1:
000001 Zoe 60
000007 James 85
000010 Amy 90
Case 2:
000010 Amy 90
000002 James 98
000007 James 85
000001 Zoe 60
Case 3:
000001 Zoe 60
000007 James 85
000002 James 90
000010 Amy 90
1003 Design T-Shirt
Problem Description
Sample Input
3 6 4
2 2.5 5 1 3 4
5 1 3.5 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 10
3 3 2
1 2 3
2 3 1
3 1 2
Sample Output
6 5 3 1
2 1
1004 稳定排序
Problem Description
Sample Input
aa 10
bb 10
cc 20
cc 20
bb 10
aa 10
aa 10
bb 10
cc 20
cc 20
aa 10
bb 10
aa 10
bb 10
cc 20
aa 10
bb 10
cc 20
Sample Output
Not Stable
cc 20
aa 10
bb 10
cc 20
aa 10
bb 10
1005 FatMouse’ Trade
Problem Description
The warehouse has N rooms. The i-th room contains J[i] pounds of JavaBeans and requires F[i] pounds of cat food. FatMouse does not have to trade for all the JavaBeans in the room, instead, he may get J[i]* a% pounds of JavaBeans if he pays F[i]* a% pounds of cat food. Here a is a real number. Now he is assigning this homework to you: tell him the maximum amount of JavaBeans he can obtain.Input
Sample Input
5 3
7 2 2
4 3
5 2
20 3
25 18
24 15
15 10
-1 -1
Sample Output
1006 Tian Ji – The Horse Racing
Problem Description
Sample Input
92 83 71
95 87 74
20 20
20 20
20 19
22 18
Sample Outple
1 2 3
1 2 3
20 20 20
20 20 20
99 99 2
99 98 1
99 50 2
90 50 1
1007 Moving Tables
Problem Description
Sample Input
10 20
30 40
50 60
70 80
1 3
2 200
10 100
20 80
30 50
Sample Output
1008 今年暑假不AC
Problem Description
Sample Input
1 3
3 4
0 7
3 8
15 19
15 20
10 15
8 18
6 12
5 10
4 14
2 9
Sample Output
1009 Max Sum
Problem Description
Sample Input
5 6 -1 5 4 -7
7 0 6 -1 1 -6 7 -5
Sample Output
Case 1:
14 1 4
Case 2:
7 1 6
1010 Saving HDU
Problem Description
Sample Input
2 2
3 1
2 3
Sample Output