[root@L shells]# cat catDog.txt snake snake pig bird dog cat snake pig bird snake cat bird dog bird tiger snake bird cat lion ji sdf
[root@L shells]# sed '/cat/,/dog/s/$/<---/' catDog.txt snake snake pig bird dog cat <--- snake <--- pig<--- bird<--- snake<--- cat<--- bird<--- dog <--- bird tiger snake bird cat<--- lion<--- ji<--- sdf<---
[root@L shells]# cat sed.txt /cat/,/dog/s/$/<---/ [root@L shells]# sed -f sed.txt catDog.txt snake snake pig bird dog cat <--- snake <--- pig<--- bird<--- snake<--- cat<--- bird<--- dog <--- bird tiger snake bird cat<--- lion<--- ji<--- sdf<---
测试案例 :
[root@L shells]# cat zancun.txt 11111 22222 33333 44444 55555
[root@L shells]# awk '{line[NR]=$0}END{for(i=NR;i>0;i--){print line[i]}}' zancun.txt 55555 44444 33333 22222 11111
[root@L shells]# cat awk.txt {line[NR]=$0}END{for(i=NR;i>0;i--){print line[i]}} [root@L shells]# awk -f awk.txt zancun.txt 55555 44444 33333 22222 11111
[root@room9pc01 ~]# cat awk.txt BEGIN{FS=":";printf "%-30s %-10s %-30s \n","User","UID","Home"} {printf "%-30s %-10s %-30s \n",$1,$3,$5} # %10s 占10个位置 -左对齐 END{printf ""Total",NR"lines"}
[root@room9pc01 ~]# awk -f awk.txt /etc/passwd User UID Home root 0 root bin 1 bin daemon 2 daemon adm 3 adm lp 4 lp sync 5 sync shutdown 6 shutdown halt 7 halt mail 8 mail operator 11 operator games 12 games ftp 14 FTP User nobody 99 Nobody avahi-autoipd 170 Avahi IPv4LL Stack systemd-bus-proxy 999 systemd Bus Proxy systemd-network 998 systemd Network Management dbus 81 System message bus polkitd 997 User for polkitd abrt 173 tss 59 Account used by the trousers package to sandbox the tcsd daemon unbound 996 Unbound DNS resolver usbmuxd 113 usbmuxd user colord 995 User for colord saslauth 994 Saslauthd user libstoragemgmt 993 daemon account for libstoragemgmt geoclue 992 User for geoclue rpc 32 Rpcbind Daemon setroubleshoot 991 rtkit 172 RealtimeKit qemu 107 qemu user rpcuser 29 RPC Service User nfsnobody 65534 Anonymous NFS User radvd 75 radvd user chrony 990 pulse 171 PulseAudio System Daemon gdm 42 gnome-initial-setup 989 avahi 70 Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack postfix 89 sshd 74 Privilege-separated SSH ntp 38 tcpdump 72 Student 1000 apache 48 Apache mysql 27 MariaDB Server Total 45lines
[root@L shells]# cat zancun.txt 11111 22222 33333 44444 55555 [root@L shells]# cat #!/usr/bin/awk -f #FileName: #Description: # #Author :root #Date :2018-12-17 BEGIN{} {line[NR]=$0} END{ for(i=NR;i>0;i--){ print line[i] } } [root@L shells]# ./ zancun.txt 55555 44444 33333 22222 11111
[root@room9pc01 ~]# cat awk.awk #!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN{ FS=":"; printf "%-30s %-10s %-30s \n","User","UID","Home" } { printf "%-30s %-10s %-30s \n",$1,$3,$5 } # %10s 占10个位置 -左对齐 END{ print "Total",NR"lines" }
[root@room9pc01 ~]# ./awk.awk /etc/passwd User UID Home root 0 root bin 1 bin daemon 2 daemon adm 3 adm lp 4 lp sync 5 sync shutdown 6 shutdown halt 7 halt mail 8 mail operator 11 operator games 12 games ftp 14 FTP User nobody 99 Nobody avahi-autoipd 170 Avahi IPv4LL Stack systemd-bus-proxy 999 systemd Bus Proxy systemd-network 998 systemd Network Management dbus 81 System message bus polkitd 997 User for polkitd abrt 173 tss 59 Account used by the trousers package to sandbox the tcsd daemon unbound 996 Unbound DNS resolver usbmuxd 113 usbmuxd user colord 995 User for colord saslauth 994 Saslauthd user libstoragemgmt 993 daemon account for libstoragemgmt geoclue 992 User for geoclue rpc 32 Rpcbind Daemon setroubleshoot 991 rtkit 172 RealtimeKit qemu 107 qemu user rpcuser 29 RPC Service User nfsnobody 65534 Anonymous NFS User radvd 75 radvd user chrony 990 pulse 171 PulseAudio System Daemon gdm 42 gnome-initial-setup 989 avahi 70 Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack postfix 89 sshd 74 Privilege-separated SSH ntp 38 tcpdump 72 Student 1000 apache 48 Apache mysql 27 MariaDB Server Total 45lines