我们先稍作解释,图中右侧是resources.arsc中的数据结构,一个resources.arsc中包含一个Global String Pool(也叫Value String Pool)和一个ResTable_package
图中是一个APP中的res目录,大家都比较熟悉,所谓的配置信息就是指图中各个文件夹的名字中"-"后面的信息,比如hdpi、ldrtl、land、sw600dp等等。老罗大神在Android资源管理框架(Asset Manager)简要介绍和学习计划一文中将Android资源的配置信息分成了18个维度。我们这里参照aapt的源代码,也做了梳理:
大家可能发现和老罗的不太一样:mcc和mnc分开了,增加了ScreenSize(800x480 1280x720)这一项(这个可能是老罗基于的版本比较老,毕竟那么久了)。另外,老罗说Android在比较某种配置的资源的时候,是按照这个表中的顺序去比较的,这种说法不太确切,我们看到我们表中的顺序和老罗表中的也不太一致。因为android在选取最适合设备当前配置的资源的过程大概分三个步骤:
老罗表中的那个顺序是指第二个步骤中的比较顺序,其实在第一个和第三个步骤中,Android根本就不会去比较Density(ldpi xxhdpi这些)这一项的。另外,资源配置信息在java层与之对应的数据结构是Configuration.java
status_t ResTable::getEntry(
const PackageGroup* packageGroup, int typeIndex, int entryIndex,
const ResTable_config* config,
Entry* outEntry) const
const ResTable_type* bestType = NULL;
ResTable_config bestConfig;
* 该种类型的资源总共有多少种配置
* 比如我们的drawable类型的资源有drawable、drawable-hdpi、drawable-xxhdpi
* 那么numConfigs == 3,其实就是res目录下同种资源
* 的不同目录的个数
* typeSpec 为我们获取到的ResTable::Type对象,别被名字蒙蔽啦
const size_t numConfigs = typeSpec->configs.size();
for (size_t c = 0; c < numConfigs; c++) {
const ResTable_type* const thisType = typeSpec->configs[c];
ResTable_config thisConfig;
* config 为getEntry方法的参数,表示设备当前的config
* 也就是说,如果当前的ResTable_type的配置如果不符合
* 设备当前的配置,那么就直接跳过这个ResTable_type
* 看下一个了,也就是我所说的第一步,淘汰不符合设备当前配置的资源
if (config != NULL && !thisConfig.match(*config)) {
* 如果侥幸符合当前设备的配置,并且之前我们也已经找到了最符合当前设备的
* ResTable_type了,那就要比一比当前这个和我们之前找到的最好的哪个更好
if (bestType != NULL) {
// Check if this one is less specific than the last found. If so,
// we will skip it. We check starting with things we most care
// about to those we least care about.
//所以 continue
if (!thisConfig.isBetterThan(bestConfig, config)) {
if (!currentTypeIsOverlay || thisConfig.compare(bestConfig) != 0) {
* 如果当前这个ResTable_type对应的config比我们之前找到的最好的还好
* 那最好的当然就应该是当前的这个啦,故更新bestType和bestConfig
bestType = thisType;
bestConfig = thisConfig;
* 判断该ResTable_config是否符合设备的配置
* settings 设备的配置
bool ResTable_config::match(const ResTable_config& settings) const {
//mcc和mnc是imsi的高低位 union关系
if (imsi != 0) {
if (mcc != 0 && mcc != settings.mcc) {
return false;
if (mnc != 0 && mnc != settings.mnc) {
return false;
//同样language和country也是locale的高低位 union关系
if (locale != 0) {
// Don't consider the script & variants when deciding matches.
// If we two configs differ only in their script or language, they
// can be weeded out in the isMoreSpecificThan test.
if (language[0] != 0
&& (language[0] != settings.language[0]
|| language[1] != settings.language[1])) {
return false;
if (country[0] != 0
&& (country[0] != settings.country[0]
|| country[1] != settings.country[1])) {
return false;
if (screenConfig != 0) {
const int layoutDir = screenLayout&MASK_LAYOUTDIR;
const int setLayoutDir = settings.screenLayout&MASK_LAYOUTDIR;
//ldltr ldrtl
if (layoutDir != 0 && layoutDir != setLayoutDir) {
return false;
const int screenSize = screenLayout&MASK_SCREENSIZE;
const int setScreenSize = settings.screenLayout&MASK_SCREENSIZE;
// Any screen sizes for larger screens than the setting do not
// match.
//small normal large xlarge
if (screenSize != 0 && screenSize > setScreenSize) {
return false;
const int screenLong = screenLayout&MASK_SCREENLONG;
const int setScreenLong = settings.screenLayout&MASK_SCREENLONG;
//long notlong
if (screenLong != 0 && screenLong != setScreenLong) {
return false;
const int uiModeType = uiMode&MASK_UI_MODE_TYPE;
const int setUiModeType = settings.uiMode&MASK_UI_MODE_TYPE;
//desk car television appliance watch
if (uiModeType != 0 && uiModeType != setUiModeType) {
return false;
const int uiModeNight = uiMode&MASK_UI_MODE_NIGHT;
const int setUiModeNight = settings.uiMode&MASK_UI_MODE_NIGHT;
//night notnight
if (uiModeNight != 0 && uiModeNight != setUiModeNight) {
return false;
//sw600dp sw720dp等
if (smallestScreenWidthDp != 0
&& smallestScreenWidthDp > settings.smallestScreenWidthDp) {
return false;
//w500dp w720dp h720dp h1024dp等
if (screenSizeDp != 0) {
if (screenWidthDp != 0 && screenWidthDp > settings.screenWidthDp) {
//ALOGI("Filtering out width %d in requested %d", screenWidthDp, settings.screenWidthDp);
return false;
if (screenHeightDp != 0 && screenHeightDp > settings.screenHeightDp) {
//ALOGI("Filtering out height %d in requested %d", screenHeightDp, settings.screenHeightDp);
return false;
if (screenType != 0) {
//port land square
if (orientation != 0 && orientation != settings.orientation) {
return false;
// density always matches - we can scale it. See isBetterThan
//notouch stylus finger
if (touchscreen != 0 && touchscreen != settings.touchscreen) {
return false;
if (input != 0) {
const int keysHidden = inputFlags&MASK_KEYSHIDDEN;
const int setKeysHidden = settings.inputFlags&MASK_KEYSHIDDEN;
//keysHidden:keysexposed keyshidden keyssoft
if (keysHidden != 0 && keysHidden != setKeysHidden) {
// For compatibility, we count a request for KEYSHIDDEN_NO as also
// matching the more recent KEYSHIDDEN_SOFT. Basically
// KEYSHIDDEN_NO means there is some kind of keyboard available.
//ALOGI("Matching keysHidden: have=%d, config=%d\n", keysHidden, setKeysHidden);
if (keysHidden != KEYSHIDDEN_NO || setKeysHidden != KEYSHIDDEN_SOFT) {
//ALOGI("No match!");
return false;
const int navHidden = inputFlags&MASK_NAVHIDDEN;
const int setNavHidden = settings.inputFlags&MASK_NAVHIDDEN;
//navHidden:navexposed navhidden
if (navHidden != 0 && navHidden != setNavHidden) {
return false;
//keyboard:nokeys qwerty 12key
if (keyboard != 0 && keyboard != settings.keyboard) {
return false;
//navigation: nonav dpad trackball wheel
if (navigation != 0 && navigation != settings.navigation) {
return false;
//782x480 800x480 1280x720等
if (screenSize != 0) {
if (screenWidth != 0 && screenWidth > settings.screenWidth) {
return false;
if (screenHeight != 0 && screenHeight > settings.screenHeight) {
return false;
//v19 v21 v28等
if (version != 0) {
if (sdkVersion != 0 && sdkVersion > settings.sdkVersion) {
return false;
if (minorVersion != 0 && minorVersion != settings.minorVersion) {
return false;
return true;
的config所有字段都是0(也就是不设置值)的时候,不论设备的config是什么都会返回true,即不设置就不会和设备的冲突。比如我们values目录下面的资源,不论设备当前是何种语言,values都是匹配的;但values-de下的资源,只有当设备切换成德语的时候才能匹配,切换成其它语言都会返回false。 经过ResTable_config::match
* 和另外一个 ResTable_config 比较谁更符合设备当前配置
* o 和谁比较
* requested 比较的标准,也就是设备当前的配置
bool ResTable_config::isBetterThan(const ResTable_config& o,
const ResTable_config* requested) const {
if (requested) {
* 请注意这里this.mcc和o.mcc都是match requested的
* 不然就会在match方法中被淘汰,走不到这里
* 换句话说,this.mcc和o.mcc要么是0,要么等于requested.mcc
if (imsi || o.imsi) {
if ((mcc != o.mcc) && requested->mcc) {
return (mcc);
if ((mnc != o.mnc) && requested->mnc) {
return (mnc);
if (locale || o.locale) {
if ((language[0] != o.language[0]) && requested->language[0]) {
return (language[0]);
if ((country[0] != o.country[0]) && requested->country[0]) {
return (country[0]);
* localeScript和localeVariant在match方法中也没有参与比较
* 这里的比较比较宽容,只要requested和this的不为空,就返回true
if (localeScript[0] || o.localeScript[0]) {
if (localeScript[0] != o.localeScript[0] && requested->localeScript[0]) {
return localeScript[0];
if (localeVariant[0] || o.localeVariant[0]) {
if (localeVariant[0] != o.localeVariant[0] && requested->localeVariant[0]) {
return localeVariant[0];
if (screenLayout || o.screenLayout) {
if (((screenLayout^o.screenLayout) & MASK_LAYOUTDIR) != 0
&& (requested->screenLayout & MASK_LAYOUTDIR)) {
int myLayoutDir = screenLayout & MASK_LAYOUTDIR;
int oLayoutDir = o.screenLayout & MASK_LAYOUTDIR;
return (myLayoutDir > oLayoutDir);
* 注意隐含条件,smallestScreenWidthDp, o.smallestScreenWidthDp
* 都是小于或者等于requested.smallestScreenWidthDp的,否则过不了match那一关
* 既然大家要求的最小宽度都比设备的宽度小,那就选大一些的吧,因为它比较接近设备的宽度
if (smallestScreenWidthDp || o.smallestScreenWidthDp) {
// The configuration closest to the actual size is best.
// We assume that larger configs have already been filtered
// out at this point. That means we just want the largest one.
if (smallestScreenWidthDp != o.smallestScreenWidthDp) {
return smallestScreenWidthDp > o.smallestScreenWidthDp;
if (screenSizeDp || o.screenSizeDp) {
// "Better" is based on the sum of the difference between both
// width and height from the requested dimensions. We are
// assuming the invalid configs (with smaller dimens) have
// already been filtered. Note that if a particular dimension
// is unspecified, we will end up with a large value (the
// difference between 0 and the requested dimension), which is
// good since we will prefer a config that has specified a
// dimension value.
int myDelta = 0, otherDelta = 0;
if (requested->screenWidthDp) {
myDelta += requested->screenWidthDp - screenWidthDp;
otherDelta += requested->screenWidthDp - o.screenWidthDp;
if (requested->screenHeightDp) {
myDelta += requested->screenHeightDp - screenHeightDp;
otherDelta += requested->screenHeightDp - o.screenHeightDp;
//ALOGI("Comparing this %dx%d to other %dx%d in %dx%d: myDelta=%d otherDelta=%d",
// screenWidthDp, screenHeightDp, o.screenWidthDp, o.screenHeightDp,
// requested->screenWidthDp, requested->screenHeightDp, myDelta, otherDelta);
if (myDelta != otherDelta) {
return myDelta < otherDelta;
if (screenLayout || o.screenLayout) {
* screenLayout和o.screenLayout不等,它们都小于或者等于requested->screenLayout
* 这里的大于或者小于也不是指具体的数值而是
* small < normal < large < xlarge
if (((screenLayout^o.screenLayout) & MASK_SCREENSIZE) != 0
&& (requested->screenLayout & MASK_SCREENSIZE)) {
// A little backwards compatibility here: undefined is
// considered equivalent to normal. But only if the
// requested size is at least normal; otherwise, small
// is better than the default.
int mySL = (screenLayout & MASK_SCREENSIZE);
int oSL = (o.screenLayout & MASK_SCREENSIZE);
int fixedMySL = mySL;
int fixedOSL = oSL;
if ((requested->screenLayout & MASK_SCREENSIZE) >= SCREENSIZE_NORMAL) {
if (fixedMySL == 0) fixedMySL = SCREENSIZE_NORMAL;
if (fixedOSL == 0) fixedOSL = SCREENSIZE_NORMAL;
// For screen size, the best match is the one that is
// closest to the requested screen size, but not over
// (the not over part is dealt with in match() below).
if (fixedMySL == fixedOSL) {
// If the two are the same, but 'this' is actually
// undefined, then the other is really a better match.
if (mySL == 0) return false;
return true;
if (fixedMySL != fixedOSL) {
return fixedMySL > fixedOSL;
if (((screenLayout^o.screenLayout) & MASK_SCREENLONG) != 0
&& (requested->screenLayout & MASK_SCREENLONG)) {
return (screenLayout & MASK_SCREENLONG);
if ((orientation != o.orientation) && requested->orientation) {
return (orientation);
if (uiMode || o.uiMode) {
if (((uiMode^o.uiMode) & MASK_UI_MODE_TYPE) != 0
&& (requested->uiMode & MASK_UI_MODE_TYPE)) {
return (uiMode & MASK_UI_MODE_TYPE);
if (((uiMode^o.uiMode) & MASK_UI_MODE_NIGHT) != 0
&& (requested->uiMode & MASK_UI_MODE_NIGHT)) {
return (uiMode & MASK_UI_MODE_NIGHT);
if (screenType || o.screenType) {
if (density != o.density) {
// Use the system default density (DENSITY_MEDIUM, 160dpi) if none specified.
const int thisDensity = density ? density : int(ResTable_config::DENSITY_MEDIUM);
const int otherDensity = o.density ? o.density : int(ResTable_config::DENSITY_MEDIUM);
// We always prefer DENSITY_ANY over scaling a density bucket.
if (thisDensity == ResTable_config::DENSITY_ANY) {
return true;
} else if (otherDensity == ResTable_config::DENSITY_ANY) {
return false;
int requestedDensity = requested->density;
if (requested->density == 0 ||
requested->density == ResTable_config::DENSITY_ANY) {
requestedDensity = ResTable_config::DENSITY_MEDIUM;
// DENSITY_ANY is now dealt with. We should look to
// pick a density bucket and potentially scale it.
// Any density is potentially useful
// because the system will scale it. Scaling down
// is generally better than scaling up.
int h = thisDensity;
int l = otherDensity;
bool bImBigger = true;
if (l > h) {
int t = h;
h = l;
l = t;
bImBigger = false;
* 这段代码的意思是,如果requestedDensity比this的和other的都高
* 那就在this和othre中选择dpi比较高的那个,其实还是比较接近的那个
* 这样显示效果会好些,图像不会显得特别小
if (requestedDensity >= h) {
// requested value higher than both l and h, give h
return bImBigger;
* 这段代码的意思是,如果requestedDensity比this的和other的都低
* 那就在this和othre中选择dpi比较低的那个,其实还是比较接近的那个
* 这样显示效果会好些,图像不会显得特别大
if (l >= requestedDensity) {
// requested value lower than both l and h, give l
return !bImBigger;
// saying that scaling down is 2x better than up
if (((2 * l) - requestedDensity) * h > requestedDensity * requestedDensity) {
return !bImBigger;
} else {
return bImBigger;
if ((touchscreen != o.touchscreen) && requested->touchscreen) {
return (touchscreen);
if (input || o.input) {
const int keysHidden = inputFlags & MASK_KEYSHIDDEN;
const int oKeysHidden = o.inputFlags & MASK_KEYSHIDDEN;
if (keysHidden != oKeysHidden) {
const int reqKeysHidden =
requested->inputFlags & MASK_KEYSHIDDEN;
if (reqKeysHidden) {
if (!keysHidden) return false;
if (!oKeysHidden) return true;
// For compatibility, we count KEYSHIDDEN_NO as being
// the same as KEYSHIDDEN_SOFT. Here we disambiguate
// these by making an exact match more specific.
if (reqKeysHidden == keysHidden) return true;
if (reqKeysHidden == oKeysHidden) return false;
const int navHidden = inputFlags & MASK_NAVHIDDEN;
const int oNavHidden = o.inputFlags & MASK_NAVHIDDEN;
if (navHidden != oNavHidden) {
const int reqNavHidden =
requested->inputFlags & MASK_NAVHIDDEN;
if (reqNavHidden) {
if (!navHidden) return false;
if (!oNavHidden) return true;
if ((keyboard != o.keyboard) && requested->keyboard) {
return (keyboard);
if ((navigation != o.navigation) && requested->navigation) {
return (navigation);
if (screenSize || o.screenSize) {
// "Better" is based on the sum of the difference between both
// width and height from the requested dimensions. We are
// assuming the invalid configs (with smaller sizes) have
// already been filtered. Note that if a particular dimension
// is unspecified, we will end up with a large value (the
// difference between 0 and the requested dimension), which is
// good since we will prefer a config that has specified a
// size value.
int myDelta = 0, otherDelta = 0;
if (requested->screenWidth) {
myDelta += requested->screenWidth - screenWidth;
otherDelta += requested->screenWidth - o.screenWidth;
if (requested->screenHeight) {
myDelta += requested->screenHeight - screenHeight;
otherDelta += requested->screenHeight - o.screenHeight;
if (myDelta != otherDelta) {
return myDelta < otherDelta;
if (version || o.version) {
if ((sdkVersion != o.sdkVersion) && requested->sdkVersion) {
return (sdkVersion > o.sdkVersion);
if ((minorVersion != o.minorVersion) &&
requested->minorVersion) {
return (minorVersion);
return false;
* 如果标准都没有指定,那还怎么比较呢?
* 只能比比谁更详细了,选择更详细的那个
return isMoreSpecificThan(o);
的时候就pass了 下面一起瞅瞅ResTable_config::isMoreSpecificThan
* 这个方法只需详细看一两个比较项就可以了,模式都是一模一样的
* 后面的比较项大概瞅一眼就行,这里贴出代码只是为了让大家注意比较的
* 优先级和顺序
bool ResTable_config::isMoreSpecificThan(const ResTable_config& o) const {
// The order of the following tests defines the importance of one
// configuration parameter over another. Those tests first are more
// important, trumping any values in those following them.
if (imsi || o.imsi) {
if (mcc != o.mcc) {
if (!mcc) return false;
if (!o.mcc) return true;
if (mnc != o.mnc) {
if (!mnc) return false;
if (!o.mnc) return true;
if (locale || o.locale) {
const int diff = isLocaleMoreSpecificThan(o);
if (diff < 0) {
return false;
if (diff > 0) {
return true;
if (screenLayout || o.screenLayout) {
if (((screenLayout^o.screenLayout) & MASK_LAYOUTDIR) != 0) {
if (!(screenLayout & MASK_LAYOUTDIR)) return false;
if (!(o.screenLayout & MASK_LAYOUTDIR)) return true;
if (smallestScreenWidthDp || o.smallestScreenWidthDp) {
if (smallestScreenWidthDp != o.smallestScreenWidthDp) {
if (!smallestScreenWidthDp) return false;
if (!o.smallestScreenWidthDp) return true;
if (screenSizeDp || o.screenSizeDp) {
if (screenWidthDp != o.screenWidthDp) {
if (!screenWidthDp) return false;
if (!o.screenWidthDp) return true;
if (screenHeightDp != o.screenHeightDp) {
if (!screenHeightDp) return false;
if (!o.screenHeightDp) return true;
if (screenLayout || o.screenLayout) {
if (((screenLayout^o.screenLayout) & MASK_SCREENSIZE) != 0) {
if (!(screenLayout & MASK_SCREENSIZE)) return false;
if (!(o.screenLayout & MASK_SCREENSIZE)) return true;
if (((screenLayout^o.screenLayout) & MASK_SCREENLONG) != 0) {
if (!(screenLayout & MASK_SCREENLONG)) return false;
if (!(o.screenLayout & MASK_SCREENLONG)) return true;
if (orientation != o.orientation) {
if (!orientation) return false;
if (!o.orientation) return true;
if (uiMode || o.uiMode) {
if (((uiMode^o.uiMode) & MASK_UI_MODE_TYPE) != 0) {
if (!(uiMode & MASK_UI_MODE_TYPE)) return false;
if (!(o.uiMode & MASK_UI_MODE_TYPE)) return true;
if (((uiMode^o.uiMode) & MASK_UI_MODE_NIGHT) != 0) {
if (!(uiMode & MASK_UI_MODE_NIGHT)) return false;
if (!(o.uiMode & MASK_UI_MODE_NIGHT)) return true;
// density is never 'more specific'
// as the default just equals 160
if (touchscreen != o.touchscreen) {
if (!touchscreen) return false;
if (!o.touchscreen) return true;
if (input || o.input) {
if (((inputFlags^o.inputFlags) & MASK_KEYSHIDDEN) != 0) {
if (!(inputFlags & MASK_KEYSHIDDEN)) return false;
if (!(o.inputFlags & MASK_KEYSHIDDEN)) return true;
if (((inputFlags^o.inputFlags) & MASK_NAVHIDDEN) != 0) {
if (!(inputFlags & MASK_NAVHIDDEN)) return false;
if (!(o.inputFlags & MASK_NAVHIDDEN)) return true;
if (keyboard != o.keyboard) {
if (!keyboard) return false;
if (!o.keyboard) return true;
if (navigation != o.navigation) {
if (!navigation) return false;
if (!o.navigation) return true;
if (screenSize || o.screenSize) {
if (screenWidth != o.screenWidth) {
if (!screenWidth) return false;
if (!o.screenWidth) return true;
if (screenHeight != o.screenHeight) {
if (!screenHeight) return false;
if (!o.screenHeight) return true;
if (version || o.version) {
if (sdkVersion != o.sdkVersion) {
if (!sdkVersion) return false;
if (!o.sdkVersion) return true;
if (minorVersion != o.minorVersion) {
if (!minorVersion) return false;
if (!o.minorVersion) return true;
return false;