Salesforce 中SOQL语句查询字符串拼接

List rightEmpIds = new list(); //id集合
String intentionStr='';
Integer noFollow_Day = 2 //
String activeStatusStr='';
String labelsStr='';
String customLabels = '';
String startDate='';//DateTime类型的字符串
String endDate='';//DateTime类型的字符串
String searchInfo = '';
String queryString = 'select id,Account__r.Name,Phone__c,Account__r.Address__c,Phase__c,CreatedDate,DecorationAddress__c,LastModifiedDate,HostEmployee__c'
                                    +' from Opportunity__c'
                                    +' where Employee__c in :rightEmpIds'
                                    +(Intention!='' ? (' And IntentionCode__c in '+('('+intentionStr+')')) : '')
                                    +(NoFollow_Day!=0 ? (' And OppNoFollow_Day__c <= ' + Integer.valueOf(NoFollow_Day)) : '')
                                    +(ActiveStatus!='' ? (' And ActiveStatus__c in '+('('+activeStatusStr+')')) : '')
                                    +(Labels!='' ? (' And Labels__c includes '+('('+labelsStr+')') ): '')
                                    +(customLabels!=null ? (' And Other_Labels__c like '+'\'%'+customLabels+'%\'') : '')
                                    +(startDate!=NULL ? (' And CreatedDate__c>='+startDate) : '')
                                    +(endDate!=NULL ? (' And CreatedDate__c<='+endDate) : '')
                                    +(Utils.isNull(searchInfo) ? '' : ' And('
                                    +' Account__r.Name like '+'\'%'+searchInfo+'%\''
                                    +' OR Phone__c like '+'\'%'+searchInfo+'%\''
                                    +' Order by TaskPhaseCode__c ASC,createdDate desc' 
                                    +' limit 50000'
List list_opps = Database.query(queryString);  
