Eclipse Che安装使用

安装使用的版本是 6.16.0, 已经过时, 7 版本已经出了.

安装使用 (Ubuntu)

环境: Ubuntu 16.04

Eclipse Che GitHub | 官方文档 | 官方安装文档

文档指出运行一个默认的 Eclipse Che, 在 Docker 下仅需如下命令.

docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v <path>:/data eclipse/che start

由于 Docker 进程使用 Unix Socket 而不是 TCP 端口, 需要 sudo. cd 到一个目录, 输入:

# 指定了版本 6.16.0, 最新版总是提示 not found.
sudo docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/Eclipse-Che:/data eclipse/che:6.16.0 start

# 目前用的版本
sudo docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/Workspace/Eclipse-Che/Eclipse-Che-6.16.0:/data -v ~/.m2:/home/user/.m2 eclipse/che:6.16.0 start

倒数第二行输出 INFO: (che start): Use: 即为浏览器访问地址.


Workspace 中不显示且无法新建项目


Eclipse Che安装使用_第1张图片

Eclipse Che安装使用_第2张图片


Eclipse Che安装使用_第3张图片

出现该问题的原因: 访问的地址是 localhost:8080127.0.0.1:8080, 正确应该访问本机ip+端口8080.

问题主要发生在 Windows 下, win 下终端直接提示的用 localhost 访问, 而 Linux 环境下则提示用本机ip访问所以没这个问题:

INFO: (che sstart): Use:
INFO: (che start): API:

解决方法查询自 GitHub Issue 12475:

qurben commented on 25 Feb

@skabashnyuk It seems to be related with #12476, before that CORS on wsagent was a bit more liberal.

When running the normal setup on Docker (the one described on the wiki and in this issue) and accessing Che via http://localhost:8080 the following happens:

In CheWsAgentCorsAllowedOriginsProvider the value of apiExternal is equal to (or whatever ip the container has on the Docker NAT). This sets allowedOrigins to This causes the wsagent server to not respond with any CORS headers when a request is sent from http://localhost:8080 or because the host does not match.

I am currently not well known enough with the code to propose a proper solution for this.

代码补全快捷键 (Ctrl + Space) 不起作用

症状是报错与警告正常显示, 但在编辑器按快捷键 Ctrl + Space 尝试弹出代码补全的小框框时没有反应.

解决方法: 把 Win10 输入法关了…

Maven install 报错: Found 1 non-complying files

[ERROR] Found 1 non-complying files, failing build
[ERROR] To fix formatting errors, run "mvn fmt:format"
[ERROR] Non complying file: /home/xie/Workspace/Eclipse-Che/Eclipse-Che-6.16.0/instance/data/workspaces/workspaceo7zayfpxbzrdvmqf/che-test-extension/plugins/plugin-xxx/plugin-xxx-ide/src/main/java/zzz/yyy/ide/
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Plugin XXX :: Parent pom ........................... SUCCESS [  1.921 s]
[INFO] Plugin XXX :: Plugins ::  Parent ................... SUCCESS [  0.053 s]
[INFO] Plugin XXX :: Plugin :: Parent ..................... SUCCESS [  0.816 s]
[INFO] Plugin XXX :: Plugin :: Server ..................... SUCCESS [  3.759 s]
[INFO] Plugin XXX :: Plugin :: IDE ........................ FAILURE [  2.800 s]
[INFO] Plugin xxx :: Che Assembly :: Assembly Parent ...... SKIPPED
[INFO] Plugin XXX :: Che Assembly :: Workspace Agent Assembly SKIPPED
[INFO] Plugin XXX :: Che Assembly :: Workspace Agent Tomcat Assembly SKIPPED
[INFO] Plugin XXX :: Che Assembly :: IDE Assembly ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] Plugin XXX :: Che Assembly :: Assemblies Tomcat .... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 11.225 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-07-08T10:26:53+08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 59M/1319M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.coveo:fmt-maven-plugin:2.5.1:check (default) on project plugin-xxx-ide: Found 1 non-complying files, failing build -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal com.coveo:fmt-maven-plugin:2.5.1:check (default) on project plugin-xxx-ide: Found 1 non-complying files, failing build
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(

... ...

	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
	... 20 more
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn  -rf :plugin-xxx-ide

运行 mvn fmt:format 即可. Issue 8947.


官网的 Demo 安装

官网的双开ide的教程复现不了 (第二个 ide 也是显示不了工作区项目的问题), 作罢. 以下是 GitHub 上找到的方法.

git clone
cd che-ide-server-extension
git checkout 6.16.0

# 用 Maven 前先换阿里云的源, 不然大概率失败
mvn clean install -DskipTests

# 启动带插件的 Eclipse Che
sudo docker run -ti --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/Check:/data -v $(pwd)/assembly/assembly-main/target/eclipse-che-6.16.0/eclipse-che-6.16.0:/assembly eclipse/che:6.16.0 start --fast

Eclipse Che安装使用_第4张图片在这里插入图片描述



# 无插件 IDE
sudo docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/Workspace/Eclipse-Che/Eclipse-Che-6.16.0:/data -v ~/.m2:/home/user/.m2 eclipse/che:6.16.0 start

# 测试 Plugin
sudo docker run -ti --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/Workspace/Eclipse-Che/Eclipse-Che-6.16.0:/data -v $(pwd)/assembly/assembly-main/target/eclipse-che-6.16.0/eclipse-che-6.16.0:/assembly eclipse/che:6.16.0 start --fast

# 测试本地 IDE
sudo docker run -ti --rm -v ~/Workspace/Eclipse/Maven/che-6.16.0:/repo -v ~/Workspace/Eclipse-Che/Eclipse-Che-6.16.0:/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock eclipse/che:6.16.0 start --fast

# 删除所有容器
sudo docker rm -f $(sudo docker ps -a -q)


sudo docker run -d -v /home/xie/Workspace/Eclipse/Maven/CLDIFF-WEB/target/CLDIFF-WEB.war:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/CLDIFF-WEB.war -p 8080:8080 --name cldiff-server tomcat

sudo docker cp /home/xie/Workspace/Eclipse/Maven/CLDIFF-WEB/target/CLDIFF-WEB.war cldiff-server:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps

sudo docker exec -it cldiff-server /bin/bash

sudo /usr/local/bin/tomcat9/bin/ 
sudo /usr/local/bin/tomcat9/bin/ 


# 构建 che 整体
mvn -DskipTests=true -Dfindbugs.skip=true -Dmdep.analyze.skip=true -Dlicense.skip=true -Dgwt.compiler.localWorkers=2 -T 1C -Pnative -pl '!dashboard' fmt:format clean install -e | tee ~/Desktop/che.log

# 构建 plugin-git
cd ~/Workspace/Eclipse/Maven/che-6.16.0/plugins/plugin-git
mvn fmt:format clean install -e -Dlicense.skip=true
