【论文笔记】CVPR2020 Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Shift Graph Convolutional Network

用图卷积做action recogntion
【论文笔记】CVPR2020 Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Shift Graph Convolutional Network_第1张图片


  • 提出了shift-GCN(spatial shift graph operations & temporal shift graph operations)that exceeds the state-of-the-art methods with more than 10× less computational cost,主要解决了过去工作的两个问题
    1. heavy computational complexity of GCN-based methods
    2. inflexible and predefined receptive fields of both spatial graph and temporal graph


作者灵感来源是shift-CNNs,分别就 spatial GCN 和 temporal GCN 提出新的想法,各自提了2个:

  • two kinds of spatial shift graph operation
    【论文笔记】CVPR2020 Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Shift Graph Convolutional Network_第2张图片
    1. local shift graph operation
      让physically-connected nodes 之间进行信息shift,然后再用1x1conv 来进行channel与channel之间的信息融合和升维降维。 【论文笔记】CVPR2020 Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Shift Graph Convolutional Network_第3张图片
      这样做的缺点是:receptive field已经predifine好了,无法model不存在物理连接的节点的关系;由于每个node的邻居节点数目不一样,会导致一些feature被abandon了 (这里没太懂,用等量的信息交换回来不就不会有feature被abandon了么,回头学习下shift-CNN是怎么回事)。

    2. non-local shift graph operation
      为了model任意两个node之间的关系的重要性,提出了一个learnable mask来过滤shifted features.
      【论文笔记】CVPR2020 Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Shift Graph Convolutional Network_第4张图片

  • two kinds of temporal shift graph operation
    1. naive temporal shift graph operation
      【论文笔记】CVPR2020 Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Shift Graph Convolutional Network_第5张图片

    2. adaptive temporal shift graph operation
      每个channel都设定了learnable temporal shift parameter,让网络去学习shift的程度。


在数据丰富的 NTU 的 数据上,accuracy有略微的提升,但是在cost上减少了非常多。
【论文笔记】CVPR2020 Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Shift Graph Convolutional Network_第6张图片
【论文笔记】CVPR2020 Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Shift Graph Convolutional Network_第7张图片
