简短的用中文打过招呼后,便转入Q/A in English. Here are some impressive Qs:
Q(By HR Manager): Why do you change your job 3 times in Just 5 years ?
A: In the first place , it’s 7 years instead of 5 years.基本上并没有想到他会问这个问题,并且还包括毕业后的首次择业. 答曰no choice after graduation as first time, interested in IT at second time, to improve English for the third. 面对这个几乎每个HR都会问的问题,回答略显牵强甚至有些苍白了. Sigh….It’s Common Sense.  Do homework is a must at this point.
Q(By HR): I have no idea on TCP/IP. What’s that, can you elaborate in simple words?
A: 本来想提七层协议的定义,但是后来实在记不起来,只提出了一个网络层.被问到什么是TCP/IP,只记得IP是Internet Protocol ,TCP 是Transmission Control Protocol,当初也不知道是不是这么回答的. 最后又花了一点时间解释三次握手协议.
Q(By IT Director): What are you monitoring in that Network Monitor System?
A: My goodness ! Actually I am just a Solaris/ORACLE/Tomcat system support like install and maintain ORACLE on that platform .I have no ideas on how that system works to monitor the network performance (analysis the packet ? ).当然也有一部分JSP+Java Bean  编写. 好像是基于Struts的.
Q(By IT Director and HR Manager): Do you know AMD?
A: Sure, I know. 回答买了3600+的CPU,被问到是毒龙还是速龙的时候,忘了.Damn it , no playing games for long time so don’t care about the CPU performance any more. 记得以前玩的时候,天天盯着<<微型计算机>>看 .2001年的事了.
Q(By HR Assistant): What’s your current salary package and what’s your expectation/Bottom line ?
A :当前薪水是实话实说的,甚至比实际的少,if take the CPF into consideration . 期望值15K,虽然有些夸大,但是好像并不过分. 补充上一句可以negotiable,  但是听她口气AMD has its own salary policy , won’t handle the special case . 言下之意,基于我的现有工作经验/学历/资历,达不到那个水平.
Q(By IT Director): What’s your methodology in the implementation?
A:具体是不是这样问的,忘了,但是基本是这个意思. OK,这个问题似乎回答的比较好: User requirement collection ,  F/S,T/S, Analyst testing, UAT, Go-live. Bingle !!
Q(By IT Director): Do the company outsource the hardware ?
A:很明显,对于这个职位,硬件问题是我的一个致命伤.缺乏server maintenance 经验 是IT Manager不能接受的?
Q(By IT Director): What’s the architecture of your ManufactureES ?
A: 不了解回答到什么程度才算好,回答了 Java Web Start as Client+ App Server+ORACLE/SQL+Solaris. 不知道他们是否满意,可能在英文表达上不是很清晰,某些细节很含糊.
Q(By IT Director):
A:具体怎么问的,忘记了.大意是问我Java的一些技术术语like EJB,Struts etc.其实知道很多,但是不知道当时为什么说不出来. Sigh…..
A: 刚开始很奇怪,为什么没有问到QA PM方面的问题,后来想想,估计是跟这个职位没 什么太大的关系
Q:How many employees in your company? And how many is under your lead ?
A: For the latter, totally 6-7.
Q: What’s your development env ? What’s the version of Eclipse?
A: Not a dedicated developer,how can I remember the Eclipse version ?Not to mention I used a couple of years before ?
Q(By IT director): What’s your report tool?  And what kind of report you will write?
A: 不明白的是既然是GMS Manager,为何对此细节如此感兴趣?回答到Business Objects和WIP Aging Report.别的report name 记不起来了,难道不应该问report developer ?
Q(By IT Director):  Can you elaborate more details in the implementation ?
A: 好家伙,问到共同模型了.答曰公司在全球的每个site有相同的业务模型,于是开发出一原形,再从上往下推广.问到how do you think of your imp? 答曰 it’s good并且是centralized system  management model,更加方便管理层了解全球的运作.不确定是否有更好的回答.
Feedback from AMD:
1.      Very good communication.
2.      Technical is not as strong as needed. 冤!

1.      Terrible preparation. Can get this job if a good homework was done.
2.      English to be improved .Got self-lost when describing the detailed technical stuff.
3.      要改简历,似乎现在的版本过于杂乱.扬长避短!!!
4.      几乎没有给我发问的任何机会,还是英文有问题??
5.      应该找比较安静的地方进行此类面试. 找到楼梯口真是败笔!!!
6.      似乎可以提到CMMI

The JD as below:

IT GMS Section Manager
Manages aspects of functional area of Information Technology within a department. Responsible for the area's strategic, organizational and operational plans, and integration with IT systems and services delivery to internal business partners.

1.       Function as a member of the IT management team within a department.

2.       Manage the IT manufacturing group which is responsible for the plant Manufacturing Execution System (MES), engineering control system and its integration.

·          Map the business requirements to systems capabilities; design, deploy the sustainable and cost-effective IT solutions to meet the requirements.

·          Deliver control to improve production profitability, consistency, and traceability.

·          Reduce risk; improve quality and productivity through automation.
·          Integrate information for improved visibility of plant asset availability in order to reduce the time to decision and action, optimize its performance to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

·          Extend installed system capabilities through seamless evolution.

3.       Communicate with corporate and regional IT manufacturing team, provide the technical leadership and participate the IT strategic planning.
4.       Develop and retain the strong functional capabilities and skills through employee development and external sourcing.
Report to Regional /local IT Director.
Any other duty assigned by management as per this job title.
Report to Regional or local IT director.
7-9 years above IT professional and management experiences. Contemporary IT technical knowledge required such as in Unix/VAX/database areas, experiences in MES or other shop floor control system preferred. Good interpersonal skills, analytical and communication skills.  Experience in dealing with large scale information systems / projects and service delivery.
       A computer science bachelor's degree or above and 3-5 years IT management experiences are required

       Manage around 7-10 Sr. Ex, Ex IT technical staff.

1.       Manpower planning.
2.       Budget and forecast planning.
3.       Strategic planning 

