用Visual Studio 2008成功编译GMSH 2.5

因为项目,需要在WINDOWS下面编译GMSH(一种开源的有限元网格剖分工具(MESH) http://geuz.org/gmsh/)。


Build Gmsh using CMake's graphical user interface

* Launch CMake and fill-in the two top input fields (telling where the
  Gmsh source directory is located and where you want the Gmsh binary
  to be created).

* Click on "Add entry" and define the variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, of
  type "PATH", pointing to the location(s) of any external package(s)
  (FLTK, BLAS/LAPACK, etc.) installed in non-standard directories. 

  (If you are using our pre-compiled "gmsh dependencies" package
  with Visual Studio on Windows simply point CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the
  "gmsh-dep" directory.)

* Click on "Configure" and choose your compiler (e.g. Visual Studio).

* Optionally change some configuration options (re-run "Configure"
  every time you change some options).

* Once you are happy with all the configuration options, click on

* Go to the build directory and build Gmsh using your chosen compiler.

  (With Visual Studio double-click on "gmsh.sln". If you are using our
  pre-compiled "gmsh dependencies" package you must use the "Release"
  or "RelWithDebInfo" build type.)

不管怎么样,这个软件用到了QT4,所以先把WINDOWS下面的QT环境装好了。这里,我使用的是visual studio 2008+ Qt4.7 sdk for windows(Qt_SDK_Win_offline_v1_1_4_en.exe)+vs插件(qt-vs-addin-1.1.9.exe)的QT环境。

然后,去GMSH的FTP上下载gmsh-dep-msvc2008-release.zip 这个包里面含有GMSH所用到的一些第三方库,如FLTK,GSL。这些库如果自己安装好了,就不用下这个,但是在windows下面安装不是太方便,所以GMSH提供了windows下编译好的库。将包里面“gmsh-dep"目录提取出来。

其次安装CMAKE。直接去CMAKE的官网上下载绿色版的CMAKE 2.86(http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.6-win32-x86.zip)




* Launch CMake and fill-in the two top input fields (telling where the
  Gmsh source directory is located and where you want the Gmsh binary
  to be created).

* Click on "Add entry" and define the variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, of
  type "PATH", pointing to the location(s) of any external package(s)
  (FLTK, BLAS/LAPACK, etc.) installed in non-standard directories. 
点”Add entry"添加“PATH”类型的变量CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, 指向上面说到的gmsh-dep目录

* Click on "Configure" and choose your compiler (e.g. Visual Studio).
点Configure,选择编译器。我的是visual studio 9 2008.

* Optionally change some configuration options (re-run "Configure"
  every time you change some options).

* Once you are happy with all the configuration options, click on

* Go to the build directory and build Gmsh using your chosen compiler.


