
周末刚更新了Cocoapods版本到1.0.1(教程点这里),顺带再更新了本地三方库源,然后遇到了特别奇特的事情,在同事电脑上能编译成功的工程,到我电脑上就编译成功不了了!一直提示’Mantle/Mantle.h’ file not found. 然后去检查了header search path 并没有问题啊,还检查了本地文件夹里确实有那个文件啊。
最后的最后,请教了公司大牛Jack,Jack来只用一步轻松搞定编译问题”Product –>按住option –>clean 变成 clean build folder”

  • Clean的作用基本上就是清除编译过程中的中间文件、目标文件以及可执行文件,使得项目回到没有被编译之前

If you select “Clean”, Xcode will delete files inside every folder(e.g., Products, Intermediates) in the Build folder, for the current target. Files for other targets remain.

If you select “Clean Build Folder”, Xcode will delete the entire Build Folder, so nothing left.

In most cases “Clean” will work for “unknown” reasons, but you still have to “Clean the Build Folder” because Xcode won’t delete files in the include folder inside Products folder.
