Re-ID 2019 Review

Re-ID 2019 Review

  • Train/Test on the same domain
  • Unsupervised domain adaptation
  • person search
  • Other problems
  • Future research questions

Reference[原文]: & 夏木青 | Re-ID 2019 Review

Train/Test on the same domain

Part-level features are effective.
Re-ID 2019 Review_第1张图片
pose and 3D information are beneficial

**Smothness in feature space is beneficial **
Re-ID 2019 Review_第2张图片

Unsupervised domain adaptation

Evolution in state-of-the art Performance
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image-image translation benefits UDA; identity-preserving property benefits further
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mining discriminative cues in the target domain improves the UDA accuracy

挖掘 区别性大的线索 提高 unsupervised domain adaptation accuracy.

Video re-id: frame-level weights are important
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spatiotemporal attention network
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person search

end-to-end framework
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feature memory modeling is critical for end to end person search

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separate person detector and re-identification seem to be a better choice.

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Other problems

person re-id originates from person tracking; After years of study, person re-id features are improving tracking accuracies.
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learning from synthetic data for person re-id
**Synthetic training data can help to initialize deep networds **

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the diversity of synthetic data can help improve the generalization performance of re-ID models

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Future research questions

  1. is large-scale re-id really solved? what the performance will be if we scale up the gallery to 1 million or 10 million images? How to accelerate?
  2. In unsupervised domain adaptation, person re-id is a open-set problem. what is its relationship with UDA in image classification?
  3. What is the relationship between person detection and re-id? is it optimal to use re-id features in tracking?
  4. How do environmental factors affect re-id?

