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  1. 介绍
  2. 冗余和杂乱
  3. 动词
  4. 标点&句式
  5. 构思及写作(含前期步骤)
  6. 写作步骤
  7. 剽窃、作者、提交步骤

1 Introduction




  1. 多读论文,多模仿别人的写作方式
  2. 多记录
  3. 去编程化:写论文不要程序化
  4. 写论文之前多和别人讨论自己的研究点
  5. 拒绝枯燥式写作,要让读者能读的下去,采用一些生动的方式
  6. 每天都可以写,灵感不是等来的
  7. 写作我难人亦难
  8. 不厌其烦的修改很重要
  9. 学会删减,舍不得孩子套不住狼
  10. 互相帮忙修改论文,还能赚个挂名
  11. 多冒险,多写点东西。搞个知乎专栏啊啥的


  1. 删除不必要的单词和短语,避免混乱(也要避免使用缩写词)

  2. 尽量使用主动语态,而不是被动语态

  3. 动词写作:用强动词,避免把动词变成名词,也不要掩盖主动词。

2 冗余和杂乱

2.1 冗余杂乱的来源

  1. 重磅单词和短语


  • As it is well know
  • As it has been shown
  • It can be regarded that
  • It should be emphasized that
  1. 空单词和短语


  • basic tenets of
  • methodologic
  • important
  1. 使用短的长单词或短语
  • muscular and cardioresniratory performance
长词 短词
A majority of most
A number of many
Are of the same opinion agree
Less frequently occuring rare
All three of the the three
Give rise to cause
Due to the fact that because
Have an effect on affect
Based on the assumption that if
  1. 不必要的行话和缩写词
  • muscular and cardiorespiratory performance 肌肉和心肺功能
  • Gliomagenesis
  • miR
  1. 删除重复的词语、短语
  • studies/examples
  • illustrate/demonstrate
  • challenges/difficulties
  • successful solutions
  1. 副词


  • very, really, quite, basically, generally, etc

2.2 减少冗余的其他技巧



Original Now
Not harmful safe
Not important unimportant
Does not have lacks
Did not remember forgot
Did not pay attention to ignored
Did not succeed failed
Not honest dishonest

(2)少用there be,多用动词

Eg1,There was along line of bacteria on the plate. == Bacteria lined the plate.

Eg2,They agreed that it was true. == They agreed it was true.


Eg,The meeting happened on Monday == The meeting happened Monday.

2.3 练习

Original Now
Anti-inflammatory drugs may be protective for the occurrence of Alzheimer’s Disease. protect against
Clinical seizures have been estimated to occur in 0.5% to 2.3% of the neonatal population. Clinical seizures occur in 0.5% to 2.3% of newborns.
Ultimately p53 guards not only against malignant transformation but also plays a role in developmental processes as diverse as aging, differentiation, and fertility. Besides preventing cancer, p53 also plays roles in aging, differentiation, and fertility.
Injures to the brain and spinal cord have long been known to be among the most devastating and expensive of all injuries to treat medically. Injures to the brain and spinal cord are among the most devastating and expensive.

3. 动词

3.1 使用主动语态



  1. 强调作者责任:因为强调了主语是作者,来自作者的研究。
  2. 增强可读性
  3. 减少歧义


Original Now
A recommendation was made by the DSMB committee that the study be halted. The DSMB committee recommended that the study be halted.
Major differences in the reaction times of the two study subjects were found. We observed major differences in the reaction times of the two study subject. or The two study subjects differed in reaction times.
It was concluded by the editors that the data had been falsified by the authors. The editors concluded that the authors falsified their data.
The first visible-light snapshot of a planet circling another star has been taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has taken the first visible-light snapshot of a planet circling another star.
Therefore, the hypothesis that the overall kinetics of a double transtibial amputee athlete and an able-bodied sprinter at the same level of performance are not different was rejected. Therefore, we rejected the hypothesis that the overall kinetics of a double transtibial amputee athlete and an able-bodied sprinter at the same level of performance are comparable.

3.2 可以使用"We" & “I”


3.3 动词的使用




Original Now
Obtain estimates of estimate
Has been an expansion in has expanded
Provides a methodologic emphasis emphasizes methodology
Take an assessment of assess
Provide a review of review
Offer confirmation of confirm
Make a decision decide
Shows a peak peaks
Provide a description of describe



Eg,One study of 930 adults with multiple sclerosis(MS) receiving care in one of two managed care settings or in a fee-service setting found that only two-thirds of those needing to contact a neurologist for an MS-related problem in the prior 6 months had done so (VIckrey et. al. 1999).

== One study found that, of 930 adults with multiple sclerosis(MS) who were receiving care in one of two managed care settings or in a fee-service setting, only two-thirds of those needing to contact a neurologist for an MS-related problem in the prior 6 months had done so (VIckrey et. al. 1999).

3.4 语法技巧


用第二人称,如the data arethese data showthe data support

(2)单词affect VS effect

affect:动词to influence


(3)短语compared to VS compared with

compared to:指出不同事物的相似性(不常见)。

compare with:指出相似事物的区别(较常见)。

(4)连接词that VS which



(5)常见错误:主语是单数时,其代词是复数they or their

Eg,Each student worries about their grade.

=> All Students worry about their grades.

4. 标点&句式

4.1 标点介绍——分隔的优势



  • But what really grabbed me about the film is that it shows how humans——through our ingenuity, our commitment to fact and reason, and ultimately our faith in each other——can science the heck out of just about any problem.


  • The drugs did more than prevent new fat accumulation. They also triggered overweight mice to shed significant amounts of fat—up to half their body weight. (强调
  • Researchers who study shipworms say these mislabeled animals, they’re clams, not worms, are actually a scientific treasure.(强调并增加信息


Eg,Many types of cells and tissues develop a kind of directionality. Certain events happen toward one end of the cell or tissue or the other. It’s a phenomenon called cell polarity.

=> Many cells and tissues develop a kind of directionality called cell polarity: certain events happen toward one end of the cell or tissue.



  • The hydrogen bonds are made as follows: purine position 1 to pyrimidine position 1; purine position 6 to pyrimidine position 6. (介绍列表
  • From: “A structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid”—Watson and Crick 1953. (一个引言
  • That’s one reason why I’m so optimistic about the future: the constant churn of scientific progress. (一个解释,强调原因


  • Kennedy could be a cold and vain man, and he led a life of privilege. But he knew something about the world; he also cared about it. (表顺承,也
  • It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. (表对立,或


  • They also have a specialized tail, kind of like a monkey’s tail, that allows them to cling to a piece of grass (or a lucky diver’s finger).


  • 逗号:分隔力量小,停顿时间最短
  • 冒号:停顿>逗号
  • 破折号:突然的停顿(不正式)
  • 括号:将多余的东西放括号中(巨大的停顿,不正式)
  • 分号:将两个相关的句子分开,停顿停止
  • 句号:完全停止

4.2 并列句



  • The velocity decreased by 50% but the pressure decreased by only 10%.
  • We aimed to increase the resolution and to improve picture quality.


Locusts denuded fields(主动语态) in Utah, rural Iowa was washed away(被动语态) by torrents, and in Arizona the cotton(短语) was shriveled by the placing heat. (不并列)

Locusts denuded fields in Utah, torrents washed away rural Iowa, and blazing heat shriveled Arizona’s cotton. (并列)


Not Parallel:

If you want to be a good doctor, you must study hard, critically think about the medical literature, and you should be a good listener.


If you want to be a good doctor you must study hard, listen well, and think critically about the medical literature. (命令, 命令, 命令)


If you want to be a good doctor, you must be a good student, a good listener, and a critical thinker about the medical literature. (名词, 名词, 名词)

4.3 段落

  • 一个段落一个观点,尽量把观点放第一句。第一句引入(引起兴趣)+核心观点+分观点+具体实例+最后一句总结。

  • 不要用太多的过渡词,重在有逻辑。有but/and即可,不需要用neverthless/on the other hand

4.4 其他提示

  • 专业关键词在文中不需要用同类替换。
  • 缩略词尽量使用标准的、众所周知的,不随意定义。


5.1 写作三步骤


  • 收集、整理、组织信息(实验数据及预期结果、相关论文研究)。
  • 头脑风暴(阅读文献时写下自己的观点,想到啥写啥)。
  • 静心整理(一定要集中注意力)。
  • 写思路梗概(非常重要,句子要有逻辑、承前启后)。


  • 将观点组织起来


  • 大声朗读(能帮助解决难以发现的问题,如尴尬、重复、冗长)。
  • 减少混乱(如标点符号、逻辑顺序)。
  • 检查动词(多用强动词,突显主要内容)。
  • 他人修改(自己有时候很难看出自己的问题)。

5.2 准备阶段——注意点

  • 不要边手机资料边写,容易逻辑混乱。
  • 多阅读paper,寻找第一稿中所有可能需要的数据、idea、结论,最好分门别类,标注其研究内容和主要观点。
  • 写思路梗概,手稿的每一段只需要写下关键词,体现自己的想法;所有需引用的文章整理一下,之后按文章梗概填充即可(可用中文)。
  • 头脑风暴,风暴所有可能的结果和原因,思考如何做实验去证明。
  • 观点性句子(主旨句)不要太多,容易出现混乱。

5.3 写初稿

  • 只要内容完整、句子通顺、能表达所有细节即可。
  • 初稿一定要有逻辑。
  • 不要边写边美化句子。

5.4 修改

  • 多用强动词,少用弱动词、被动语态,主动词放在句子前面不要隐藏。
  • 删减重复和混乱。
  • 删去无实际信息的词汇:important、basic tenets of、method of logic important、method of logic。少用长短语、缩略词。
  • 优化段落:先概括每句话的意思,再按逻辑重新整理内容,删去重复内容。
  • 找他人评阅。

5.5 最终的检查



  • 是否有列出的文献没有被引用
  • 是否有引用了但没有列出的文献
  • 是否引用了没有意义的文献,或者文献和文中结论很不一致
  • 少引用综述性文章

6. 写作顺序


  1. 图表 Tables and Figures
  2. 结论 Results
  3. 方法 Methods
  4. 介绍 Introduction
  5. 讨论 Discussion
  6. 摘要 Abstract

6.1 图表


  • 图表必须精美,审稿人看完摘要就会看图表。
  • 图表独立存在,不要为了理解图表而去参考原文,如缩略词,实验细节需重新定义详细明了
  • 每个图表都要说清楚目的,一定要详细描绘,详细详细再详细!
  • 图表要尽量简明扼要,能一张展现就不要两张。
  • 图表和表格的数据不能重复表达。




  • 标题是一个故事的梗概,包含文章的关键词(且保持一致),简明完整,需重新定义
  • 表格可有注释,如引用他人研究的数据,则在表格下方解释说明。
  • 表格中的数字要一致,如小数点个数统一、单位统一、文字对齐。表格有3条水平线。





  • 基础图像——如电镜图、直观拍摄图等,即眼见为实的证据。
  • 绘制图形——如折线图、误差图等。
  • 演示图——动画演示流程。






图解和绘画(Diagrams & Drawings):用动漫的形式展示那些难以用文字表达的内容,图解能直观说明变量之间存在的相互作用。

6.2 结论 Results



  • 不要把结果和方法弄混,不解释方法,只展示发现什么;不要把结果和讨论弄混,结果只是展示数据,讨论是数据的意义。
  • 关于时态,已完成的行为(如实验分析),用过去时,如we found thatwas / smoked;持续的行为(如表格数据),用现在时,如Figure 1 showsthe finding comfirmthe data suggestwe believe

6.3 方法与材料 Methods and materials


方法:概述所做的工作,要清楚简明。说明如何做实验、最后做了什么分析、可划分小标题小段落、可采用流程图或表格来展示方法、可用主动语态被动语态(sth were measuredwe observe / we analyze)。

6.4 Introduction



  1. 介绍已知信息,背景引入
  2. 指出先前的相关研究的差异性和局限性
  3. 再缩小范围,阐述你的假设,问题或目的(对自己要讲述的问题进行有目的的陈述)
  4. 简短讲述下实验方法(方法如何与众不同、推陈出新、非做不可)
  5. 讲述你的研究如何解决先前研究遗留的差异性或局限性(如,你的研究是新的、有效的且重要的方法,填补了空白)


  1. 尝试为广泛的读者写,技术(材料方法等)细节尽量省去,简明的介绍所做之事。
  2. 要有一个明确的陈述(指向性句子),如我们提出是不是,我们假设,我们的目标等。
  3. 引言部分不应包括结果或启示,只需设定研究问题。
  4. 对先前的文献进行高度总结(说明存在什么问题),需研究每项研究的细节,如A做了研究,但它存在了缺陷,继续解决。

6.5 Disgussion



  • 先回答引言中提出的问题,说明你的研究结果如何与文献背景吻合
  • 数据支持你的结论(用自己的数据,或他人的结果)
  • 预判读者可能提出的问题,充分解释、辩护结果的可行性
  • 阐明自己研究的宏观意义,即研究结果不得不研究的、一定要研究的、没有你不行的实际意义。(核心,讨论部分的所有都是为了证明没了你的研究不行!)


  • Key finding 回答引言中存在的问题:
    • 1.用we found that类似的话开头;
    • 2.从更高层次上解释数据意味着什么,结果是否新颖、创新?解释我是谁
  • Key secondary finding:除主要发现以外的有趣的次要发现,尽可能用主动句型;
  • Context 背景论证 finding:
    • 1.给出结果可能、潜在存在的原理或主要因素;
    • 2.与他人结果做比较,是否证实他人结果或产生对比。从而证明没我不行
  • Strengths and limitation延伸和存在的局限性:
    • 1.此研究待进一步深入确认的结果,即将来可以做什么;
    • 2.回答未解释的问题;
    • 3.给出启示,推测或推荐。我可能存在一些问题未解决,但仍然没我不行!
  • 指向性总结句,给出关键结论,一到两句话。总结强调没我不行!


  • 用主动语态;
  • 讲故事,有头尾,有承接,有深度;
  • 以主要发现开始,同时以它为结尾,首位呼应;
  • 结尾可以进行拓展或提示,但不能偏离数据太远;
  • 不要讨论没有数据支持的观点;
  • 考虑到研究可能存在的问题,并详细解释、举证说明存在的原因,这样能增加读者的信赖。





6.6 Abstract


  • 给出highlights;

  • 字数控制在100-300;

  • 像表格和数字一样,需独立存在;


  1. 一句话交代背景,阐述研究的重要性
  2. 陈述研究问题目的we asked that / we hypothesized that 如引言结尾部分;
  3. 实验部分的简短概述,方法中的片段,精简;
  4. 实验结果,关键结果和重要数据;
  5. 结论,回答2的问题,相关性等;
  6. 重要意义建议,起到的作用等,告诉读者为什么我要做这个

7. 剽窃、作者、提交步骤


  • 不要粘贴、重写他人的文字。
  • 不要一稿多投。
  • 不要从你以往的文章拷贝。
  • 不要扩充你以往文章中数据并表达出新的结论。

7.2 作者




7.3 提交步骤

