



US President Donald Trump praised his own handling of the pandemic in the US, and touted his role in facilitating peace agreements between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Israel.


He used part of his time to attack China, calling the coronavirus the "China virus" and urging the UN to hold Beijing accountable for the pandemic. He accused Beijing of "allowing flights to leave China and infect the world" and of "virtually controlling" the World Health Organization.


"As President, I have rejected the failed approaches of the past, and I am proudly putting America first, just as you should be putting your countries first. That’s okay — that’s what you should be doing. " In a direct challenge to multilateralism, the US President also said global leaders should each put their own countries first.


China resolutely rejects the "baseless accusation" against it and opposes "political virus," said China's permanent representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun on Tuesday following U.S. President Donald Trump's criticism of China's handling of COVID-19 at the UN General Assembly.



"The world is facing formidable challenges posed by COVID-19 and the serious threats of unilateralism, protectionism, and bullying practices. The world has come to a crossroads," said the Chinese mission. "At this moment, what is needed is unity, cooperation, and mutual trust, instead of confrontation and the spread of 'political virus.'"


"China resolutely rejects the baseless accusations against China. These accusations are totally baseless."


No matter what others say, China will firmly support multilateralism and backs the United Nations to play its central role in international affairs, said Zhang.






9月22日,在美国首都华盛顿,美国国旗摆放在草坪上悼念新冠逝者。新华社记者刘杰摄 图源:新华网






22日,白宫新闻发布会上,有记者问白宫发言人凯利麦肯纳尼:“美国已经有20万人死于新冠肺炎。你会如何向愤怒的美国民众解释?他们指责是本届政府导致美国丧失了这么多条生命。” 麦肯纳尼回答:“我们之前认为美国有可能会有200万人死于新冠肺炎,但事实是我们远远没有达到这个数字,这证明了总统立即采取了行动。”



Asked about the coronavirus death toll reaching 200,000 in the US, President Trump said, “Well, I think it’s a shame."

CNN报道称,在接受采访时,特朗普有意忽略了记者Nikki Carvajal提出的“给美国人民怎样的信息”这一问题,同时还将话题引入他的“标准回复模式”:批评中国,以及声称如果不是他采取了行动,美国疫情将更加严重。

After ignoring a question from CNN's Nikki Carvajal on his message to the American people, Trump was pressed on passing the 200,000 death threshold, and turned the conversation to his standard response on the virus, blaming China and saying the death count could have been much worse had he not taken action.



“I think if we didn’t do it properly and do it right, you’d have two and a half million deaths. You could have a number that would be substantially more,” Trump told reporters before departing the White House on Tuesday. “And you saw my United Nations speech, China should have stopped it at their border. They should have never let this spread all over the world and it’s a terrible thing.”


Trump went on to say had he not closed the country down, there could have been upwards of 3 million deaths.“It’s a horrible thing. Should have never ever happened. China let this happen and just remember that,” Trump added.





Regrettably, the US disregarded facts and fabricated lies. And driven by shady political motives, it used the UN podium to level unfounded accusations against China. China firmly opposes to these smears. Such acts have again shown that unilateralism and bullying are the biggest threat to the world.


Lies can in no way masquerade as truth. The world is fully aware of China's record in containing COVID-19, and the people have their fair judgment. The coronavirus is the common enemy of humankind. China is a victim of the virus and made its contribution to the global fight against the virus.China reported the epidemic, identified the pathogen and shared its genome sequence with the world all at the earliest time possible.When human-to-human transmission was confirmed, China immediately made the resolute decision to shut all exit routes from Wuhan. The most stringent closure and traffic control were imposed on the exit routes from Wuhan and Hubei Province.China's customs authorities promptly halted, in accordance with law, overseas travels by Chinese people under four categories, namely confirmed cases, suspected cases, close contacts with the former two and people with fevers.When China closed the exit channels from Wuhan on January 23, only nine confirmed cases were identified outside China, of which only one was in the US.On January 31, the US suspended direct flights with China. And when the US closed its borders to all Chinese citizens on February 2, only a dozen of confirmed cases were reported in the US.China's epidemic response has been open and transparent every step of the way. The time line is clear, and the facts and data speak for themselves.


In repeatedly smearing China on COVID-19-related issues, the US is attempting to shift the blame for its bad handling of the virus onto others. This is totally futile. The US also arbitrarily attacked and pulled out of WHO. This has put global anti-epidemic cooperation in jeopardy, which will bring harm to people in the world and incur a heavy cost for the American people. What the US needs to do now is stop the political manipulation, stop labeling or politicizing the virus, and join the rest of the international community in this common fight, rather than scapegoat or smear others.


On climate change and environmental protection, the facts are also clear. China has actively fulfilled the international responsibilities consistent with its stage of development and national conditions, and carried out a host of policies and actions. The outcomes achieved are widely recognized.We attained our 2020 climate action targets ahead of schedule, a major contribution to the global response to climate change. Non-fossil fuel now takes up nearly 15 percent in China's total energy consumption. China has 30 percent of the world's installed capacity of renewable energy, accounting for 44 percent of the world increase. Its new energy vehicle stock is more than half the world's total.China has contributed 25 percent to the increased afforestation areas worldwide since 2000. China will update and enhance its nationally determined contribution targets, and introduce stronger policies and measures. We will strive for the peaking of CO2 emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060. Such objectives are consistent with China's vision of a vibrant, clean and beautiful world through joint efforts and its commitment to fostering a community with a shared future for humankind.


China takes an active part in global climate governance. China is one of the first signatories of the UNFCCC and has contributed significantly to the conclusion of the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement and related implementation guidelines.Thanks to the concerted efforts by China and other parties, the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid produced a string of decisions that reaffirmed the commitment to multilateralism and the consensus among all parties on climate governance, laying the groundwork for follow-up negotiations.


In contrast, the United States, as the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases in cumulative terms, not only failed to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, but also pulled out of the Paris Agreement. It has rejected binding quantified emissions reduction targets for itself and refused to take even the minimum steps to protect the planet.By doing so, the US has completely disassociated itself from the global carbon emissions system and arrangements, and seriously held back such global processes as emissions reduction and green and low-carbon development. The United States is the world's largest exporter of solid waste and a major consumer of plastics per capita. However, it has refused to ratify the Basel Convention and has set obstacles for the global governance process on plastic waste. It has even shipped a huge amount of waste to developing countries, doing enormous harm to the local and global environment. How is such a country in any position to blame China?


We urge the US to stop playing political games, abandon unilateralism, and live up to its due responsibility to the world.


