#A to Z Mysteries 系列阅读 #《 The School Skeletion》

A to Z Mysteries 系列导读

    A to Z Mysteries是Ron Roy的系列侦探类童书。是恶魔奶爸学英语推荐的第二系列的阅读书单。他推行的学习方法是兴趣引导学习。从感兴趣的书籍入手更容易坚持。关于系列的详细介绍及阅读小贴士可在我的介绍篇中找到:#A to Z Mysteries 系列阅读 #介绍篇 -


The Story Outline of "The School Skeleton"

This story is dedicated to school students with the capital letter S. It is a story about skeleton Mr. Bones missing. At first, Dink and Josh discovered the footprint next to the closet. They drew a sketch of it and measured the size, and then went to all the teachers in the school to match the size of their shoes. However, no one matched. While they were having their hard time discussing, another mystery came up: there was one identical footprint on the floor beside Josh's locker, and also a scary drawing and a key was in it. Later on, all student in the school went to the searching because they all had the clues in the lockers. How interesting and exciting! "WHO MIGHT DO THIS?" The kids went to the key manager Mr. Neater, and he told them the key was a copy. Ruth Rose's guess was right. But why the thief gave them the key and wanted to be caught? When the kids visited Mrs. Waters again to tell her about the secret key, she said her key was coincidentally missing. She tried that secret key, then her closet opened. And the skeleton was found just inside it. Everyone was surprised. Dink solved the mystery finally, it turned out to be a joke of the principal Mr. Dillon on April Fool's Day.

这是个有趣的故事,主线就是如何找到偷Mr. Bones的人。这篇人物很多需要记下来,校长-Mr. Dillon 秘书-Mrs Waters 等等。反复出现的高频人物Mrs Waters做个记号应该是解谜的关键。这样一篇读下来应该没什么问题了。这篇生词不多,难度不大。两个小时搞定是可以的。愚人节是有趣的,我还记得我上学的时候每年都是被骗的那个。我几乎很少能骗的了别人哈。


Suddenly Mr. Bones's head popped through the connecting door.

"Even me?" The skeleton asked.


zigzag tread (P19)  锯齿形螺纹

budge (P21)v  移动 挪动

fidget (P30) v 坐立不安的 烦躁 同 restless

crutch (P33) n 拐杖,v 用拐杖支撑

slurping(P46) v 出声地吃或喝

prank (P57) 恶作剧

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