
SAP通过自动过账的配置来实现这一点: Several accounting transactions belong to a transaction in MM, for example: 1.Inventory Posting(transaction key BSX) 2.GR/IR clearing posting(transaction key WRX) and so on。
*-Levels for Valuation and Acct Determination in MM
COA->Company code->Valuation area->Plant->Valuation type, can assign a company code to a chart of accounts in customizing in FI,
1.In MM customizing, you can decide to define the valuation area is same as plant or company code, you must make this setting before creating materials and before entering transactions in MM Inventory Management.
2.If a material is subject to split valuation, you can valuate partial stocks of this material at different prices and manage them using separate accounts.
*-Overview of Automatic Account Determination
Depending on the various influencing factors(COA, Business Transaction, Plant, Material), the program determines which G/L accounts it has to make posting to.
You must assign a G/L account for DEBIT and CREDIT postings for each possible combination of influencing factors(COA, Business Transaction, Plant, Material).
short-term: C/accts = Chart of accounts, VM = Valuation modification = valuation grouping code,
                  AG = Account grouping = general modification, V class = Valuation class
Customizing path: IMG->Material Management->Valuation and Account Assignment->Account Determination->Account Determination without wizard->Configure Automatic Postings
*-Influencing factor: Chart of Accounts
*-Influencing factor: Valuation Modification (also referred to as Valuation grouping code)
*-Influencing factor: Material/Material Type
*-Influencing factor: Business Transaction
*-Influencing factor: Summary

