


  • 高精确性
  • 对异常值不敏感


  • 内存消耗大
  • 计算费时


  • 数值型数据和非数值型数据都可使用


dating_data_mat = array([[1.0, 1.0], [1.1, 1.2], [1.2, 1.1], [1.3, 0.9], [0.1, 0.2], [0.1, 0.1], [0.0, 0.1], [0.1, 0.3]])
dating_labels = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
fig = plt.figure()  # create a new figure
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)  # 349 代表将整个画布分成3行4列,只使用第9块,111 相当于使用整个画布
# 第0列作为x轴,第1列作为y轴, 根据标签换颜色 15 代表点的大小,1 就非常小
ax.scatter(dating_data_mat[:, 0], dating_data_mat[:, 1], 15*array(dating_labels), 15*array(dating_labels))
plt.show()  # 画


这种情况下如果想要新来一个点 (0.3, 0.1) 究竟应该属于哪一个区??

  1. 计算新来的点到训练样本中的每一个点的距离
  2. 根据距离,将训练样本中的所有数据进行从小到大排序
  3. 取前k个,看这k个大多数属于哪一个区的,这就是新来的点所属的区
import numpy as np

def load_file(file_name):
    :param file_name: the name of the file which should be loaded
    :type file_name: matrix
    :return: the matrices of training set, the label of training set, test data set, the label of data set
    :rtype: all of it are matrix
    limit = 80
    data = []
    label = []
    test_data = []
    test_label = []
    fp = open(file_name)
    for line in fp.readlines():
        temp = line.strip().split('\t')
        if limit <= 0:
            test_data.append([float(temp[0]), float(temp[1])])
            data.append([float(temp[0]), float(temp[1])])
        limit -= 1
    return np.mat(data), np.mat(label), np.mat(test_data), np.mat(test_label)

def normalization(distance_of_feature):
    :param distance_of_feature: Euclidean distance between the feature of every training set and test sample
    :type distance_of_feature: matrix
    :return: the normalized Euclidean distance
    :rtype: matrix
    # for feature in range(0, distance[0, :].size):
    max_temp = max(distance_of_feature[:, 0])
    min_temp = min(distance_of_feature[:, 0])
    range_temp = max_temp - min_temp
    for line in range(0, distance_of_feature[:, 0].size):
        distance_of_feature[line, 0] /= range_temp
    return distance_of_feature

def calculate_distance(data_mat, sample):
    :param data_mat: training set
    :type data_mat: matrix
    :param sample: test sample
    :type sample: matrix
    :return: the actual Euclidean distance between every data set and sample
    :rtype: matrix
    dis_list = []
    for line in range(0, data_mat[:, 0].size):
        dis_temp = []
        for feature in range(0, data_mat[0, :].size):
            dis_temp.append((data_mat[line, feature] - sample[0, feature])**2)
    separate_res = np.mat(dis_list)
    separate_res = normalization(separate_res)
    res = separate_res[:, 0] + separate_res[:, 1]
    return res

def find_classification(nor_distance, label_matrix, k):
    :param nor_distance: the actual Euclidean distance between every data set and sample
    :type nor_distance: matrix
    :param label_matrix: the label of training set
    :type label_matrix: matrix
    :param k: the nearest K training samples between test sample and training set
    :type k: int
    :return: the classification that are calculated
    :rtype: int
    temp = np.hstack((nor_distance, label_matrix))
    temp_sorted = temp[np.lexsort(temp[:, ::-1].T)]  # 按第一列进行排序
    counts = 0
    for i in range(0, k):
        if temp_sorted[0, i, 1] == 1:
            counts += 1
    if counts > k - counts:
        return 1
        return -1

data_mat, label_matrix, test_data_mat, test_label_mat = load_file("testSet.txt")
count = 0
for line in range(0, test_data_mat[:, 0].size):
    nor_distance = calculate_distance(data_mat, test_data_mat[line])
    classification = find_classification(nor_distance, label_matrix, 5)
    if classification == test_label_mat[line, 0]:
        print("classification(calculated): %d\nclassification(real): %d\n" % (classification, test_label_mat[line, 0]))
        count += 1
print("accuracy:%" + str(float(count)/float(20)*100))


classification(calculated): 1
classification(real): 1

classification(calculated): 1
classification(real): 1

classification(calculated): 1
classification(real): 1

classification(calculated): 1
classification(real): 1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): 1
classification(real): 1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): 1
classification(real): 1

classification(calculated): 1
classification(real): 1

classification(calculated): 1
classification(real): 1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

classification(calculated): -1
classification(real): -1

