Microsoft Office provides a powerful component model to automate from another program. Using this object model, you can access Mail Items, Calendar Items, Journal Entries, and any other item that Outlook normally exposes. Using COM Interop you can automate Outlook from a .NET application. In this article we'll look at different approaches to working with Outlook folders, and walk through creating items in Outlook with C#.
Article Contents
System Requirements and Assumptions |
The Outlook Object Model |
Creating the Interop Assemblies |
Starting a Session |
Working with Folders |
Outlook Items |
Creating an Email |
Creating a Contact |
Conclusion |
System Requirements and Assumptions
You will need the following software to use the code in this article.
Im going to assume that you have a fair grasp of C#.
The Outlook object model provides a few key objects described in the table below.
Application Object | This is the root object |
Namespace Object | This object controls Sessions, Folders, and Items among other things |
Explorer Object | The window displaying a folder |
Inspector Class | The window displaying an item |
Creating the Interop Assemblies
In Visual Studio .NET you can just click add reference, then browse to the libraries you want to import. Specifically MSOUTL9.OLB for Outlook. If youre using the SDK then you will do this from the command line using the Type Library Import Tool tblimp.exe.
To use the Type Library Importer from the command line. Create a new directory in a location of your choosing called OfficeSample. From the command prompt change to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\FrameworkSDK\bin directory and then type: tlbimp "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\msoutl9.olb" /out:"C:\Office Sample\msoutl9.dll"
This will create an interop dll for Outlook.
The first step we need to take to automate Outlook is to create an Outlook session. To do this you need to create a reference to the Outlook Interop assembly, and select the profile you wish to work with.
msoutl9.Application objOutlook = new msoutl9.ApplicationClass(); |
msoutl9.Application objOutlook = new msoutl9.ApplicationClass(); |
This line creates the Outlook object, next you need to call getNamespace, the only parameter you can pass to it is MAPI.
msoutl9.NameSpace objNS = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI"); |
Finally, we call the logon Method. This will open the profile we want to work with.
objNS.Logon ("exchtest","net",false,true); |
The Following table describes the arguments of the logon method.
Name | DataType | Description |
Profile | string | This is the name of the profile you want to log into. Leaving it blank uses the default profile. |
Password | string | The password for the profile, leaving it blank uses the default profiles password. |
ShowDialog | Boolean | Determines whether the Outlook profile dialog will be displayed |
NewSession | Boolean | Determines if a new session will be created or an existing one used |
You can also bypass the logon method, and the current profile and session will be used. However, you can not have multiple sessions in Outlook.
Outlook stores everything in folders, and each folder can be set to hold only a certain kind of data. They can be accessed through the GetDefaultFolders Method of the Namespace object. There are several types of folder listed below with there constant values.
Folder Name | Constant |
Calendar | OlDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar |
Contacts | OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts |
Deleted Items | OlDefaultFolders.olFolderDeletedItems |
Drafts | OlDefaultFolders.olFolderDrafts |
Inbox | OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox |
Journal | OlDefaultFolders.olFolderJournal |
Notes | OlDefaultFolders.olFolderNotes |
Outbox | OlDefaultFolders.olFolderOutbox |
Sent Items | OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentItems |
Tasks | OlDefaultFolders.olFolderTasks |
To get to the Inbox Folder the code would be.
msoutl9.Explorer objExplorer = objOutlook.Explorers.Add(objFolder.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox), OlFolderDisplayMode.olFolderDisplayNormal); |
We can also navigate folders using the index value of the Folders Collection.
for (int i=1; i <= objFolders.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(objFolders.Item(i).Name); } |
Or you could use foreach, this comes in handy for user created folders, and exchange public folders. Here is an example of a simple search function using foreach that will return true if a folder exists, and false otherwise.
public bool FindFolder(string strFolderName) { msoutl9.MAPIFolder objFolder; foreach (objfolder in objNS.Folders) { if (objfolder.Name == strFolderName) { return true; } } return false; } |
Outlook offers several different types of items that correlate to the default Outlook folders. As with the description of folders above, following is a table containing Outlook Item names, and their constants.
Item | Constant |
Appointment | OlItemType.olAppointmentItem |
Contact | OlItemType.olContactItem |
Distribution List | OlItemType.olDistributionListItem |
Journal Item | OlItemType.olJournalItem |
OlItemType.olMailItem | |
Note | OlItemType.olNoteItem |
Post | OlItemType.olPostItem |
Task | OlItemType.olTaskItem |
You can create Items using the CreateItem method of the Application Object, or by using the Add method of the of the Items Collection of a given folder.
Using the CreateItem method the code would look like the following.
msoutl9.MailItem objMail = (msoutl9.MailItem) objOutlook.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem); |
Or using the Add method it would look like this.
msoutl9.MailItem objMail; ObjInbox.Items.Add(objMail); |
I'll use CreateItem for the remainder of the article.
The most common task in Outlook is creating an email. You can automate this task from a .NET application easily. You can also automate the process of adding attachments. Here's an excerpt of the sample code.
msoutl9.MailItem objMail = (msoutl9.MailItem) objOutlook.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem); objMail.To = "user@localhost"; objMail.Subject = "new email"; objMail.Body = "I am your new email message"; |
You can either save the email to your drafts folder using the save method.
objMail.Save(); |
Or you can put it directly in the Outbox using the Send method.
objMail.Send(); |
If you want to save the email to a user created folder, create a reference to the folder you wish to work with, and use the Add method.
Just like in the email example above, we create a new Outlook item. This time it as a Contact.
msoutl9.ContactItem objContact = (msoutl9.ContactItem) objOutlook.CreateItem(OlItemType.olContactItem); |
Then we fill in the Contact information.
objContact.FirstName = "Joe"; objContact.LastName = "Smith"; objContact.MailingAddressStreet = "123 Some St."; objContact.MailingAddressCity = "Anytown"; objContact.MailingAddressState = "CA"; objContact.MailingAddressPostalCode = "12345"; objContact.MailingAddressCountry = "USA"; objContact.CompanyName = "Acme Inc."; objContact.Email1Address = "[email protected]"; objContact.Email1AddressType = "SMTP";< /FONT > |
And finally we save the information to our contacts folder.
objContact.Save(); |
Aside from those discussed in this article, there are many other properties and methods that are exposed by the object availble through the Outlook programming model some of which you will find in the articles example code. C# and COM interop allow us as developers to work with Outlook and many other existing programs in familiar ways. For more information of programming with the Outlook object model, see the documentation on