2020-11-01耶稣继续(使徒行传1:1-2)Jesus Continued

Jason Meyer 杰森·迈尔
Acts 1:1-2 使徒行传1:1-2
1 In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, 2 until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen. 1 提阿非罗先生:我已经写了前书,叙述耶稣开始所行所教的一切, 2 一直到他藉着圣灵吩咐所拣选的使徒之后,被接上升的日子为止。
Intro 引言
I am going to start this sermon by telling you how I am going to end this sermon. I will ask two groups of people to stand up: (1) current global partners (i.e., those who have been sent by us), and (2) those in the Nurture Program (i.e., those who are preparing to be sent by us). In asking you to stand, I will be calling you to recommit to the call of Jesus upon your life for global missions. 我将在这篇讲道的开头就告诉大家我将如何结束这篇讲道。我将请两组人站起来。(1) 目前的全球宣教伙伴(即我们已经差派的宣教士),(2) 培养方案中的全球宣教伙伴(即准备被我们差派的宣教士)。我请你们起立,是要你们再次承诺听从耶稣对你们生命的呼召,投身全球宣教。
Then, I will turn my attention to a third group of people. I will ask this third group of people to do more than simply stand up, but to come up and stand here at the front. Who is this third group? I know that God is going to work through his word and some of you are going to have a fresh sense of stirring in your heart for global missions. There will be no guilt trips. There will be no gimmicks. We have a text and we are going to ask God to speak to us and move in us so that we have the Christ-exalting clarity to know what to do and the Christ-exalting courage to do it. 然后,我将把注意力转向第三批人。我将要求这第三批人不仅仅是简单的站起来,而是要上来站在这里,站在台前。这第三批人是谁?我知道,神要通过祂的话语作工,你们中的一些人将会对全球宣教有一种全新的感觉,在你们的心中激荡。这不是在勾起你的负疚感。也不是在玩噱头。我们有一段经文,我们请求神对我们说话,在我们里面动工,使我们有高举基督的看见,清楚知道该做什么,并有高举基督的勇气去做。
Text 经文
In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, 2 until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen 提阿非罗先生:我已经写了前书,叙述耶稣开始所行所教的一切,2 一直到他藉着圣灵吩咐所拣选的使徒之后,被接上升的日子为止。
1. The First Book: What Jesus Began (v. 1) 前书:耶稣开始所行的(第1节)
2. The Watershed Moment: Until the Day He Was Taken Up (v. 2) 分水岭时刻:直到他被接上升的那一天(第2节)
3. How His Ministry Would Continue (v. 1-2) 祂的事工将如何继续(第 1-2 节)
1. The First Book: What Jesus Began (v. 1) 1. 前书:耶稣开始所行的(第1节)
In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, 提阿非罗先生:我已经写了前书,叙述耶稣开始所行所教的一切,
The first book is a reference to the Gospel of Luke. Luke mentions Theophilus in the Gospel of Luke in chapter 1:3. 前书指的就是路加福音。路加在路加福音第1章3节中提到了提阿非罗。
3 it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught. 3 我已经把这些事从头考查过,认为也应该按着次序写给你,尊敬的提阿非罗先生,4 让你晓得所学到的道理,都是确实的。
We will have a whole sermon next week on who Theophilus was and why it matters in terms of what Luke is doing in the book of Acts. 我们下周会有一整篇的讲道,讲到提阿非罗是谁,以及为什么它对路加在使徒行传中的工作很重要。
At this point in the sermon, I want to zero in on one amazing little word because it opens up the connection between Luke and Acts. It is the wonderful word, “began.” 在今天的讲道中,我想把注意力集中在一个惊人的小词上,因为它打通了路加福音和使徒行传之间的联系。这就是奇妙的“开始”。
In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach. 提阿非罗先生:我已经写了前书,叙述耶稣开始所行所教的一切,
The word “began” implies a process that has a beginning and a continuation. Jesus started to do something in the book of Luke, and now he is going to continue to do something in this book, the book of Acts. What was the book of Luke about? All that Jesus began to do and teach. How should we read the book of Acts? “开始”一词意味着一个有始有终的过程。耶稣在路加福音中开始做了一些事情,现在他要在使徒行传这本书中继续做一些事情。路加福音讲述的是什么?就是耶稣开始所做的和所教的一切。我们应该怎样读使徒行传呢?
In popular opinion, we hear that Luke is the story of Jesus and Acts is the story of the early church. When people hear the title “Acts,” they often spell out the title as the Acts of the Apostles. This title has some truth. We certainly see the ministry of the apostles on display: Peter, James, Paul, etc. But that title overemphasizes the human agency of the apostles and underemphasizes the divine agency of the Holy Spirit. Or perhaps people recognize that the Apostles do these acts in the power of the Holy Spirit and so they say “The Acts of the Holy Spirit.” But that title overlooks the human agency of the apostles. 在流行的观点中,我们听到路加福音是讲耶稣的故事,使徒行传是讲早期教会的故事。当人们听到“行传”这个标题时,往往会把标题拼成“使徒行传”。这个标题有一定的道理。我们当然会看到使徒们的事奉展现出来:彼得、雅各、保罗等等但这个标题过分强调了使徒们这些人的主体,而低估了圣灵的神性主体。或者人们认识到使徒们是在圣灵的能力下做这些行为,所以他们说“圣灵行传”。但这个题目忽略了使徒们的人性主体。
But those titles are inadequate because they are incomplete. Luke does not make the connection between Luke as the story of Jesus and Acts as the story of the early church. Luke presents these two books as the Acts of Jesus himself. The explicit connection is between two stages of the ministry of the same Jesus (cf. John Stott, The Message of Acts, p. 32). 但这些标题都不充分,因为它们都不完整。路加并不是把路加福音作为耶稣的故事,而使徒行传作为早期教会的故事,再把二者联系起来。路加把这两本书一起作为耶稣本人的行传。明确的联系在于同一个耶稣两个阶段事工之间的联系(参看:John Stott, The Message of Acts, p. 32).
In other words, we read Luke as “What Jesus Began” and then Acts as “What Jesus Continued.” 换句话说,我们把路加福音读成“耶稣开始所做的”,然后把使徒行传读成“耶稣继续做的”。
So it is time now to dig a little deeper into this two stage ministry of Jesus in Luke and Acts. What are the two stages and how does his ministry change in these two books? The two stages could be conceived of as two places. In Luke, Jesus came from heaven to earth. In Acts, he went from earth to heaven. Therefore, Luke is the story of Jesus’ ministry on earth, and Acts is the story of Jesus’ ministry from heaven. 所以,现在是时候来深入研究一下耶稣在路加福音和使徒行传这两个阶段中的事工了。在这两本书中,祂事工的两阶段有什么变化?这两个阶段可以设想成两个地方。在路加福音中,耶稣从天上来到地上。在使徒行传中,祂从地上到了天上。因此,路加福音是耶稣在地上传道的故事,使徒行传是耶稣从天上传道的故事。
2. The Watershed Moment 2. 分水岭时刻
In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, 2 until the day when he was taken up, 提阿非罗先生:我已经写了前书,叙述耶稣开始所行所教的一切, 2 一直到他……被接上升的日子为止
And there is a watershed moment in these two books. If I were to ask you what the watershed moment of history is I wonder how you would answer. Would you say the death of Jesus? Would you say the resurrection of Jesus? I think I would have combined those and said “the watershed moment of history is the death and resurrection of Jesus.” 而在这两本书之间,有一个分水岭。如果我问你历史的分水岭是什么,不知道你会怎么回答。你会说是耶稣的死吗?还是会说耶稣的复活?我想我会把这些结合起来,说:“历史的分水岭是耶稣的死和复活。”
But that is not what Luke says. Luke puts the focus on the ascension of Jesus. Look at the phrase again: “until the day when he was taken up.” This is the ascension. There are clues for this point everywhere in Luke/Acts. Let me give you a couple. Look at Luke 9:51. 但这不是路加所说的。路加把焦点放在耶稣的升天上。再看这句话:“直到他被接上升的日子。”这就是升天。路加/使徒行传中到处都有这一点的线索。我来举几个例子吧。请看路加福音9:51:
51 When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. 51 耶稣被接上升的日子快到了,他就决意向耶路撒冷去,
We often think of Jesus going to Jerusalem and we think that the day of his death or the day of his resurrection is coming there. Luke tips his hand already at the start of the journey, by focusing on specific day: “when the days drew near for him to be taken up.” 我们常常想到耶稣要去耶路撒冷,我们认为祂死的日子或祂复活的日子就在那里。路加在旅程开始的时候就露了底牌, 就是聚集一个特定的日子:“耶稣被接上升的日子快到了。”
But let me be explicit when I say that there are clues everywhere in Luke/Acts for the significance of the ascension. I do not merely mean individual verses or grammatical structures. I mean it is built into the very structure of Luke/Acts. Luke/Acts has a unified structure that features parallel pairs. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus’ birth is situated explicitly in the context of Roman rule. The rest of the book follows the movement of Jesus from Galilee of the Gentiles, to Judea/Samaria, and then finally to Jerusalem and the climax of the story with Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension. 但我要明确地说,路加福音/使徒行传中到处都有关于升天重要意义的线索。我不是单指个别经节或语法结构。我的意思是这是建立在路加福音/使徒行传的总体结构中。路加福音/使徒行传有一个统一的结构,特点是平行对应关系。在路加福音中,耶稣的出生被明确地置于罗马统治的背景下。然后这本书余下的内容是耶稣从外邦的加利利,到犹太/撒玛利亚,最后到耶路撒冷,以及耶稣的死、复活、升天,达到故事的高潮。
The Book of Acts starts with the ascension and then traces the movement of the gospel of Jesus in parallel with Luke: Jerusalem, Judea/Samaria, the Gentiles, and finally a focus on Paul’s trial before the Roman rulers and journey to Rome. 使徒行传从耶稣升天开始,然后与路加福音同步追溯耶稣福音的运动:耶路撒冷,犹太/撒玛利亚,外邦人,最后集中在保罗在罗马统治者面前受审和前往罗马的旅程。
This structure is called a chiasm. You can see a visual of it below. 这种结构称为交叉结构。你可以在下面看到它的视觉效果。
Chiastic Structure of Luke-Acts 路加福音-使徒行传的交叉结构
A Jesus’ Birth in the Context of World History/Roman Rule (Luke 1:1-4:13) A 世界历史/罗马统治背景下耶稣诞生 (路加福音1:1-4:13)
 B Jesus in Galilee of the Gentiles (Luke 4:14-9:50)  B 耶稣在外邦人的加利利(路加福音4:14-9:50)
  C Jesus in Samaria and Judea (Luke 9:51-18:34)   C 耶稣在撒玛利亚和犹太(路加福音9:51-18:34)。
   D Jesus in Jerusalem (Luke 18:35-23:56)    D 耶稣在耶路撒冷 (路加福音18:35-23:56)
    E Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension (Luke 24:1-53)     E 耶稣的复活与升天(路加福音24:1-53)
    E1 Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension (Acts 1:1-11)     E1 耶稣的复活与升天(使徒行传1:1-11)
   D1 The Church in Jerusalem (Acts 1:12-7:60)    D1 教会在耶路撒冷(使徒行传1:12-7:60)
  C1 The Church in Judea and Samaria (Acts 8:1-12:25)   C1 教会在犹太和撒玛利亚(使徒行传8:1-12:25)
 B1 The Church in the Gentile World (Acts 13:1-20:38)  B1 教会在外邦人世界(使徒行传13:1-20:38)
A1 Paul’s trial before the Roman rulers and journey to Rome (Acts 21:1-28:31) A1 保罗在罗马统治者面前受审及其前往罗马的旅程(徒21:1-28:31)
But once again I stress the fact that this is not merely a structural point. The structural point is bursting with theological significance. The flow of the book matches the flow of all of history. Everything in Luke builds to Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension. Everything in Acts flows from Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension. 但我再次强调,这不仅仅是一个结构性的要点。这个结构性的要点爆发出了重大神学意义。书中情节的流向与整个历史的流向相吻合。路加福音中发生的一切都推向耶稣的死、复活和升天。使徒行传中发生的一切都源于耶稣的死、复活和升天。
Can you see the stunning significance of this structure for Global Focus? Missionary endeavors do not spring from the hearts and minds of self-starters and initiative takers and strategic planners. All missionary endeavors flow from heaven’s throne. The High King of Heaven must be the focus of Global Focus. 你能看出这个结构对我们的聚焦全球宣教活动有什么惊人意义吗?宣教事业并不是从自我激励者、主动出击者和战略规划者的心中和头脑中产生的。所有的宣教事业都是从天上的宝座流出来的。天上的至高君王一定是聚焦全球宣教活动的焦点。
Jesus and Political Rulers 耶稣与政治领袖
Let’s tighten the screw a little bit more here as we look at our cultural moment. We all know that the election is on Tuesday. Everyone knows that it is important and it will have far-reaching consequences. I want to affirm what everyone instinctively feels: it is important. 让我再说得具体一点,大家来看看我们的当前的形势。大家都知道,大选日是在星期二。大家都知道这很重要,而且会产生深远的影响。我想肯定大家本能的感受:这很重要。
But I also want to place it in its proper perspective in the Bible. We should talk about it like it is important, but not like it is essential. Here is what I mean. When you read Luke and Acts, you will never get the impression that the coming of the Kingdom and the spread of the gospel is directly dependent on earthly rulers or places of earthly power. It is not who is the president, prime minister, csar, emperor, local dignitary, sultan, or trial chieftan. You never get the impression that the real place of power is the emperor’s palace – certainly not the White House, or the House of Lords, or the Kremlin in Moscow. Jesus would be insulted if you are a Christian and you put too much stock in those places of power. The key question in Acts is not who is in Rome, but who is on the throne. The strategy of the early church under the commission of Jesus was never “let’s try to get the right ruler in power.” Why? Because the right ruler is in power. That is the very point of the ascension. 但我也想把它放在圣经的正确视角之下。我们应该把它当作重要的事情来谈,而不是把它当作必不可少的事情来谈。我的意思是这样的:当你阅读《路加福音》和《使徒行传》时,你永远不会有这样的印象:天国的降临和福音的传播直接依赖于地上的统治者或地上的权力中心。不管谁是总统、首相、沙皇、皇帝、地方要员、苏丹、酋长。你永远不会觉得真正的权力中心是皇帝的宫殿—当然不是白宫,也不是上议院,也不是莫斯科的克里姆林宫。如果你是基督徒,而你又太看重那些权力中心,耶稣会蒙羞的。使徒行传的关键问题不是谁在罗马,而是谁坐在宝座上。初期教会在耶稣的委任下,其策略从来都不是“让我们努力让正确的统治者掌权”。为什么?因为正确的统治者已经在掌权了。这就是耶稣升天的意义所在。
Jesus and Other Religious “Founders” 耶稣和其他宗教的“创始人”
This point also sets Christianity apart from every other world religion, not just every other earthly ruler. I love what Stott says about this dynamic. About the apostles, he says, “It is no exaggeration to say that they set Christianity apart from all other religions. These [other religions] regard their founder as having completed his ministry during his lifetime; Luke says Jesus only began his” (John Stott, The Message of Acts, p. 34). 这一点也是基督教与其他世界性宗教的区别,而不仅仅是其他世俗统治者的区别。我喜欢斯托特所说的这种动态机制。关于使徒们,他说:“毫不夸张地说,他们使基督教与其他所有宗教区别开来。这些[其他宗教]认为他们的创始人在他们的有生之年完成了他们的事工;路加却说,耶稣只是开始了祂的事工”(约翰-斯托特,《使徒行传的信息》,第34页)。
We have been talking especially at Global Focus about Muslim ministry with Afshin Ziafat. The difference between Muhammed and Jesus could not be clearer and more decisive here. Islam regards both Jesus and Muhammed as prophets of Allah. They think these prophets finished their ministry during their lifetime. But the Bible could not be clearer. Yes, Jesus taught he was a prophet. But so much more than a prophet. What did he do? His words and his actions did not share the way to God like a plan of salvation – do these commands and these things and you will be saved. He pointed to himself. He said, he is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him. He did not give a way; He is the way. He did not give us commands to keep to be saved. He kept all the commands in our place so we could be saved. 我们在聚焦全球宣教活动中,特别与阿夫申-齐亚法特谈论穆斯林宣教事工。穆罕默德和耶稣之间的区别在这里再清楚不过了,也是决定性的。伊斯兰教认为耶稣和穆罕默德都是真主的先知。他们认为这些先知都是在有生之年完成了他们的事工。但圣经说得再清楚不过了。没错,耶稣教导说祂自己是个先知。但远比先知伟大得多。祂做了什么?祂的言语和行动并没有像救赎计划那样分享通往神的道路—照着这些命令和这些事去做,你就会得救。祂指向祂自己。祂说,祂就是道路、真理、生命。若不通过祂,没人能到父那里。祂不是给人指一条路,祂就是那条路。祂不是给我们命令,要我们遵守才能得救。祂自己替我们遵行命令,好让我们能得救。
That is why the focus in Acts is always on Jesus. 这就是为什么使徒行传中的重点始终是耶稣。
11 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12) 11 这耶稣是你们‘建筑工人所弃的石头, 成了房角的主要石头。12 除了他以外,别无拯救,因为在天下人间,没有赐下别的名,我们可以靠着得救。”(使徒行传4:12)
3. How His Ministry Would Continue (v. 2) 3. 祂的事工将如何继续(第 2 节)
In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, 2 until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen 提阿非罗先生:我已经写了前书,叙述耶稣开始所行所教的一切, 2 一直到他藉着圣灵吩咐所拣选的使徒之后,被接上升的日子为止。
Jesus is the focus of all of these verses. The first book is what Jesus began. His ascension was the watershed. Now we have the third piece of the puzzle. Jesus was not taken up until after he had given instructions to his chosen apostles through the Holy Spirit. 耶稣是所有这些经文的焦点。前书是讲耶稣所开始的。祂的升天是分水岭。现在我们有了第三块拼图。耶稣被接上天,是祂透过圣灵给祂所拣选的使徒们下了指示之后。
This point is so clear in the original language – even in the word order. “until the day when, having instructed his chosen apostles through the Holy Spirit, he was taken up.” 这一点在原文中是如此清晰—甚至在词序上也是如此:“直到有一天,祂借着圣灵指示祂所拣选的使徒之后,就被接上天了。”
In other words, before ending his personal ministry on earth, he made explicit and deliberate provisions for his ministry on earth to continue through them. 换句话说,在结束祂个人在地上的事奉之前,祂明确而慎重地吩咐,祂在地上的事奉要透过他们来继续。
How do we capture the cumulative sense of human and divine work with the right emphasis on the reign of Christ? The more accurate title even if it is slightly cumbersome is: “What Jesus continued to do and teach by his Spirit through his apostles.” 我们如何在正确强调基督统治的前提下,渐渐把握人与神的工作?更准确的标题,哪怕略显累赘,应该是:《耶稣通过祂的使徒继续做和教的》。
We will see the unique way he equipped his disciples as we continue to look through Acts – especially verses 3-5. Let’s take the two words that best summarize these disciples in verse 2: apostles and chosen. 当我们继续看使徒行传—特别是3-5节时,我们将看到祂装备门徒的独特方式。让我们以第2节中最能概括这些门徒的两个词:使徒和拣选。
The word “apostle” is used for the first time in Mark 6. Up until that point, they were called his disciples. What changed? “使徒”一词在马可福音第6章首次次出现。在那之前,他们都被称为祂的门徒。这有什么变化?
30 The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. 30 使徒们回来聚集在耶稣跟前,把他们所作和所教导的一切都报告给他听。
He had sent them out. They were his official ambassadors – they represented him and were given authority from him. So it says when the apostles returned, they told Jesus about what they had done and taught. 祂差派他们出去。他们是祂的正式代表—他们代表祂,从祂那里得到授权。所以说当使徒们回来的时候,他们就把自己所做的和所教的告诉了耶稣。
Luke also reminds us that the apostles are chosen. Jesus does the choosing and Jesus does the sending. But Jesus sends and equips by the Holy Spirit. He gives instructions by the Holy Spirit. And we learn later that he still chooses and sends through the Holy Spirit – even those that were not among the initial number of the apostles here in verse 2. 路加也提醒我们,使徒是被拣选的。耶稣拣选,耶稣差派。但耶稣透过圣灵差遣和装备。祂藉着圣灵给予指示。随后我们了解到,祂仍然通过圣灵来拣选和差派—包括那些在第2节中最初的使徒人选之外的人。
2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” 3 Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off (Acts 13:2-3). 2 他们事奉主,并且禁食的时候,圣灵说:“要为我把巴拿巴和扫罗分别出来,去作我呼召他们作的工。”3 于是他们禁食祷告,为两人按手,就派他们去了(使徒行传13:2-3)。
We are all in Acts 13 right now. We are in the midst of worship. We have open hearts before the Lord. We joyfully acknowledge his Lordship over us. And we acknowledge the gravity of this moment. A. T. Pierson says it well: 我们现在在使徒行传13章。我们在敬拜当中。我们在主面前敞开心扉。我们欣然承认祂对我们的主权。我们承认这一刻的严肃性。毕尔逊牧师说得很好:
“Church of Christ! The records of these acts of the Holy Ghost have never reached completeness. This is the one book which has no proper close, because it waits for new chapters to be added so fast and so far as the people of God shall reinstate the blessed Spirit in his holy seat of control” (A. T. Pierson, Acts, [1895], 141-142). “基督的教会!这些圣灵工作的记录从未达到完整。这是一本没有适当的结尾的书,因为它等待新的章节被添加,神的子民将圣灵重新请回那配得称颂的灵坐在圣洁宝座上掌权,如此之快,如此之远”(A.T.皮尔森,使徒行传,[1895],141-142)。
I would only correct this slightly. The Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. Jesus is the one reigning from heaven. He is Lord. Jesus the Lord has given us his Spirit and he continues to choose his disciples and command them to go. New chapters are added under his Lordship. How are you to be one of those chapters? Submit to his call now. 我只想稍微改动一下。那灵就是基督的灵。耶稣就是坐在天上掌权的那位。祂是主。主耶稣把祂的灵赐给我们,祂继续拣选祂的门徒,吩咐他们走出去。在祂的领导下不断添加新篇章。你是如何成为其中的一个章节?现在就顺服祂的呼召。
You are part of the story as those chapters are added. In terms of the call to go to new places, you are all either going to be goers or senders (or we are disobedient and should repent). 随着这些章节的添加,你也是故事的一部分。于到新地方去的呼召而言,你们要么是亲自去,要么在后方差派(要么我们就是不顺服的,应该悔改)。
You are part of God’s plan, and we are asking you to pray about what part you are to play in that plan. We are not competing for parts in a play or saying that some paths are second class or sub-par. This is God’s plan. He has planned for some of you to go and for most of you to stay. There is not first class or second class—there is only obedient or disobedient. 你是神计划的一部分,我们请你为你在这个计划中要扮演的角色祷告。我们不是在剧中争夺角色,也不是说有些道路是二等的、次等的。这是神的计划。祂计划让你们中的一些人出去,而让你们中的大多数人留下。这里没有一等还是二等—只有顺服和不顺服。
Some of you will hear about the need of the nations right now—unengaged and unreached people groups—and God will confirm his plan for you, that the works prepared for you in advance will involve another people group. 你们中的一些人会听到现在万民的需要—未触之民和未得之民群体—神会向你们明确祂的计划,预先为你们准备的工作会涉及另一个族群。
It will absolutely break your heart to hear that unengaged people groups are the most lost, the most out-of-reach of salvation, because they have the least access to knowing the name of Jesus. They have an equal need for salvation along with everyone else, but they do not have equal access to the salvation—the name of the Savior. They have zero chance to know the Name because they have zero access to the Name. 听到这里,你绝对会心碎,未触之民是最失落的,是最得不到救赎的,因为他们最没有机会认识耶稣的名。他们和其他人一样,有平等的救赎需要,但他们没有平等的机会获得救赎—救主的名。他们没有机会知道这个名字,因为他们没有机会接触到这个名字。
The tragedy intensifies at this point because the people who know the name, in fact the people that are called by his name (Christians), are not telling them. No, even worse—they are not even targeting them so that they can eventually tell them. 这时悲剧加剧了,因为知道这个名字的人,也就是因基督而得名的人(基督徒),却没有告诉他们。不,更糟糕的是—他们甚至没有考虑过他们,以便最终能告诉他们。
Put this tragedy into specific perspective in terms of missionary workforce. One would think (hope) that the most lost places on earth would be the largest targets for missionaries. But 90 percent of all foreign missionaries work among already-reached people groups (Winter and Koch, Perspectives, p. 543). The places that need workers most are receiving the fewest. 把这一悲剧放到具体的宣教工作队伍中去看。人们会认为(希望),地球上最失落的地方会是宣教士最大的目标。但是,90%的海外宣教士都是在已经听闻福音的民族中工作(Winter and Koch, Perspectives, p. 543)。最需要工人的地方,得到的工人却最少。
So here is the call. Right now we are asking the Lord to help you discern if the path that he has laid out for you will mean going to the nations. Do not hear the call and look to yourself. It would be wrong to hear the call and look at yourself and say, “I got this.” You do not. You have to be called “the work to which I have called them” (Acts 13:2). And don’t hear the call of the Holy Spirit and say, “no way – I could never do it, I am not equipped.” You are not the point. He does not call the equipped; he equips the called. Self-reliance or self-doubt are both ditches right now. I call you to get your eyes off of yourself and listen for the voice of King Jesus through his Holy Spirit. 所以,这就是呼召。现在我们求主帮助你辨别祂为你安排的道路是否意味着要走向万国万民。不要听到呼召就看着你自己。如果听到呼召,看着自己说:“我有这个能力。”那就错了。你没有能力。你必须蒙召去做“我呼召他们去作的工“(使徒行传13:2)。也不要一听到圣灵的呼召,就说:“不行—我永远做不到,我还没有装备。”你不是重点。祂不呼召有装备的人,而是装备蒙呼召的人。自恃或自疑都是现在要避免的阴沟。我呼召你把目光从自己身上移开,通过圣灵聆听耶稣君王的声音。
I am going to call three groups forward: (1) current global partners (already sent), (2) those currently in the Nurture Program (preparing to be sent), and (3) those feeling a fresh stirring to pray about being sent. The good news is that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. We have many people here that believe part of the good works God has ordained for them are helping others discern their sense of calling to missions! 我将呼召三组人前去祷告。(1) 当前的全球宣教伙伴(已经被差派),(2) 目前在培育计划中的伙伴(准备被差派),(3) 感受到新的感动,为被差派而祷告的伙伴。好消息是,你不必自己去想办法。我们这里有许多人相信,神为他们安排的部分善工是帮助别人辨别他们对宣教的呼召感!
Closing Song: Overcome 回应歌曲:征服
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Title: Jesus Continued 标题:耶稣继续
Text: Acts 1:1-2 经文:使徒行传1:1-2
Main Point: 要点:
The Message of Acts is What Jesus continued to do and teach by his Spirit through his apostles 使徒行传的信息是耶稣通过祂的使徒们,用圣灵继续祂所做的和所教导的。
Outline 纲要
1. The First Book: What Jesus Began (v. 1-2) 前书:耶稣开始所行的(第1节)
2. The Watershed Moment: Until the Day He Was Taken Up (v. 2) 分水岭时刻:直到他被接上升的那一天(第2节)
3. How His Ministry Would Continue (v. 1-2) 祂的事工将如何继续(第 1-2 节)
General Questions 一般性问题
1. What were your initial responses to the sermon? What was the Holy Spirit doing in your heart during or after the sermon? Was there a new insight gained? Any questions prompted? What did you find convicting, helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. 1. 你对讲道的初步反应是什么?在讲道时或讲道后,圣灵在你心中做了什么?是否有了新的感悟?想到什么问题了吗?你觉得哪些地方让你信服,哪些地方对你有帮助,哪些地方让你大开眼界,哪些地方让你烦恼?请解释。
2. What point from the sermon landed on you with the most weight of joy or conviction? What things did you see and savor that you feel like you need to share with others? 2. 讲道中的哪一点让你感到最大的喜悦或为罪沉痛?你看到了什么,品味了什么,让你觉得需要和别人分享?
Discussion Questions 讨论问题
Verse 1 关于第1节
1. What is the first book that Luke mentions in verse 1? 1.路加在第1节中提到的”前书“是指什么?
2. What is the significance of the word “began” in verse 1? 2. 第1节中的”开始“有什么重要意义?
3. What is a good title for the Book of Acts? Acts of the Apostles or the Holy Spirit or Jesus? 3. 使徒行传更好的书名应该叫什么?是使徒行传,还是圣灵行传,还是耶稣行传?
Verse 2 关于第2节
4. What is the Watershed moment of Luke/Acts? How is it that point clear in both individual verses and in the very structure of Luke/Acts? 路加福音/使徒行传之间的分水岭在哪里?这一点在哪节经文和路加福音/使徒行传的整体结构中是如何明确的呢?
5. Why does Luke stress that Jesus did not ascend until after he given instructions to his apostles by his Spirit? 5. 为什么路加强调耶稣要在祂用圣灵给使徒们指示后才升天?
Application Questions 应用问题
1. How do you put our election in the context of the ascension? Are there adjustments you need to make in your heart and life to embrace that point fully? 1.如何把我们的大选放在基督升天的背景下来对待?你的内心和生活是否需要做出调整,才能完全接受这一点?
2. How does the ascension of Jesus put the claims of all world religions in context? Are there adjustments you need to make in your heart and life to embrace the supremacy of Jesus fully? 2. 耶稣的升天是如何将世界上所有宗教的主张置于背景之下?在你的内心和生活中,你是否需要做出调整,才能完全接受耶稣至高无上的主权?
3. What part do you play in the new chapters that Jesus is writing? 3. 在耶稣所写的新篇章中,你扮演什么角色?
Prayer Focus: Pray for a grace to discern Jesus’ call upon your life through the Holy Spirit. 祷告焦点:祈求恩典通过圣灵辨别耶稣对你生命的呼召。

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