2020-06-21深饮神的话语(彼得前书2:1-3)Drink Deeply from God’s Word

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Steven Lee 李司提反
1 Peter 2:1–3 彼得前书2:1-3
1 So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. 2 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 所以要除去一切恶毒、一切诡诈、虚伪、嫉妒和一切毁谤的话, 2 像初生婴孩爱慕那纯净的灵奶,好叫你们靠它长大,进入救恩; 3 因为你们已经体验过主是美善的。
[Recap 1 Peter Series] This morning we return to our 1 Peter series. Just to reorient us, Peter has reminded his readers of their new birth and living hope in 1 Peter 1:1–12. Then from 1 Peter 1:13–2:3, there are five imperatives describing how believers are to live. The five imperatives are as follows: [回顾彼得前书讲道系列]今天早上我们回到彼得前书系列讲道。只是为了调整我们的方向,彼得在彼得前书1:1-12中提醒读者他们的重生和永活的盼望。然后从彼得前书1:13-2:3,有五条命令描述了信徒要如何生活。这五条命令如下:
Imperative #1 (1 Peter 1:13): Believers are to set their hopes fully on the grace that will be brought at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 命令#1(彼得前书1:13):信徒们要把希望完全寄托在耶稣基督的启示所带来的恩典上。
Imperative #2 (1 Peter 1:15): Believers are to be holy in conduct, reflecting their hope and resembling the heavenly Father. 命令#2(彼得前书1:15):信徒的行为要圣洁,反映他们的希望,并与天父相似。
Imperative #3 (1 Peter 1:17): Believers are to have attitudes characterized by fear and reverence for God, who is to judge and has provided the ransom. 命令#3(彼得前书1:17):信徒的态度要以对神的敬畏和尊崇为特征,因为神是审判者,并提供了救赎。
Imperative #4 (1 Peter 1:22): Believers are to love one another earnestly from a pure heart, because they have been born again by the living and abiding word of God. 命令#4(彼得前书1:22):信徒要以纯洁的心彼此真诚相爱,因为他们已被神活泼而持久的话语重生。
Imperative #5 (1 Peter 2:3): Believers are to long for the pure spiritual milk to grow up into salvation. 命令#5(彼得前书2:3):信徒要渴求纯净的灵奶,以长大进入救恩。
[Transition] This leads us to our passage this morning where Peter continues to highlight how believers are to live in light of their new birth and heavenly inheritance. [过渡] 这就引出了我们今天早上的经文,彼得继续强调信徒要如何根据他们的重生和天国的基业来生活。
[Prayer] Father in Heaven, you alone are good. You alone are sovereign. You alone are trustworthy and true. You alone deserve all the glory and honor. And so we long to know you more, to love you more, to become more like you, and to continually taste of your goodness and glory. Make that happen by the power of your Spirit, we pray in Jesus name, amen. [祷告] 天上的父啊,唯独你是良善的。 唯独你是至高的主宰。 唯独你是可信的,也是真实的。 唯独你配得所有的荣耀和尊崇。所以我们渴望更多地认识你,更多地爱你,更像你,不断地品尝你的恩典和荣耀。 求你藉着圣灵的大能使这一切发生。我们奉耶稣的名祷告,阿们。
[Introduction: Feeding Noelle] For the birth of our first child, Noelle, we spent seven days in the hospital because she had difficult feeding. We didn’t know—as first time parents—that every little drop of milk was important for her growth and development. Getting a newborn back to their birth weight is the first of many small milestones parents celebrate. Nearly everything you do—with little sleep and a recovering body—is to get sufficient physical nourishment to your baby so that they grow. This tiny human—weighting less than the average house cat—needs every drop of milk it can possibly get. [引子:喂养诺伊尔] 为了第一个孩子诺伊尔的出生,我们在医院住了七天,因为她吸奶有困难。 初为人父母,我们当时不知道,每一滴奶都对她的成长和发育都很重要。 让新生儿恢复到出生时的体重是父母们庆祝的许多小里程碑中的第一个。 几乎你所做的一切——在你睡眠不足、身体需要恢复的情况下,都是为了给宝宝补充足够的营养,让他们成长。 这只体重比一般家猫还轻的小人儿,它需要每一滴可能得到的母乳。
[Provide & Protect] As a parent I was hyper sensitive to our baby getting enough milk, and avoiding anything that would stunt or impair her growth. Filtered water, testing for lead paint, boiling dropped pacifiers, and using organic plant-based detergents. We all know that this stops after the first child, but the first one, we take all the extra necessary precautions. Why? Because we want them to grow up healthy, to develop fully, and to reach their potential. [供应和保护] 作为父母,我对宝宝能否吃到足够的奶水非常敏感,避免任何会阻碍或影响她成长的东西。 过滤水、检测含铅涂料、煮沸掉落的奶嘴、使用有机植物提取的洗涤剂。 我们都知道,这一切在生完第一胎后就停止了,但第一胎,我们会采取一切额外的必要预防措施。 为什么? 因为我们希望他们能健康成长,全面发展,发挥他们的潜能。
[Transition] In the same way, Peter writes because he wants his readers to grow up spiritually healthy, to develop fully, and to not “reach their potential,” but to “grow up into salvation” (2:2). Peter is concerned for their spiritual nourishment. [过渡] 同样,彼得写作也是希望他的读者灵命健康成长,全面发展,不是 "发挥自己的潜能",而是“长大进入救恩”(2:2)。 彼得关心的是他们的属灵营养。
[Threats to Growth (FCF)] In the same way a parent is sensitive to their baby getting enough spiritual nourishment, and avoiding poisons like lead that will stunt their development, Peter is concerned with two things that threaten to stunt the believer’s spiritual growth: (1) spiritual poison, and (2) insufficient spiritual nourishment. Both of these things threaten the growth and maturity of believers in order that they might obtain salvation. [对成长的威胁(FCF)] 就像父母对婴儿得到足够的属灵营养很敏感,避免像铅这样的毒药会妨碍他们的发育一样,彼得关心的是两件可能妨碍信徒属灵成长的事情。 (1)属灵毒药, 以及(2)属灵营养不良。 这两件事都威胁到信徒的成长和成熟,妨碍他们获得救恩。
[Peter’s Metaphor] Peter continues the previous metaphor where they have been born again, “not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God” (1:23). Regeneration through God and his word has happened, enabling believers to “love one another earnestly from a pure heart” (1:22). But Peter is also concerned for his readers to grow, to mature, and to ultimately obtain salvation. [彼得的隐喻] 彼得继续应用前面重生的隐喻 “并不是由于能坏的种子,却是由于不能朽坏的,就是藉着 神永活长存的道”(1:23)。 藉着神及其话语,重生已经发生,使信徒能够 “从清洁的心里彼此切实相爱” (1:22)。 但彼得也关心他的读者成长、成熟,并最终获得救恩。
[Main Point/Proposition] Peter’s main point in our passage is that believers are to continually put away all poisonous attitudes to love, and instead drink eagerly and deeply from God’s word. Stay away from things that will stunt your growth, stunt your love, and stunt the community of faith. Instead, have the spiritual attitude of a thirsty and hungry infant. [要点/主张] 彼得在这段经文中的要点是,信徒要不断地除去所有对爱有毒害的态度,反之要热切而深沉地吸收神的话语。 远离那些会阻滞你的成长、妨碍你的爱、破坏信仰共同体的东西。 相反,要像婴儿一样有饥渴的灵性态度。
[Aim: Stay Thirsty] There is a beer commercial—and I’m not condoning beer drinking at all—where a man says, “stay thirsty my friends.” In a sense, Peter’s aim is to call his readers to stay thirsty—not for beer, but for God’s word and an experience of his goodness. [目的:保持口渴] 有一个啤酒广告——我不是在纵容喝啤酒——一个男人说:"保持口渴,我的朋友。" 从某种意义上说,彼得的目的是呼吁他的读者保持口渴——不是为了啤酒,而是为了神的话语和品尝祂的恩惠。
[Plan] There are two main halves to this text. [计划] 这段经文可以分成两段。
1.Put Away Poison (2:1) 1.除去毒害(2:1)
2.Pursue Pure Milk (2:2–3) 2.爱慕纯奶(2:2-3)
1.Put Away Poison (1 Peter 2:1) 1.除去毒害(彼得前书2:1)
1 Peter 2:1: So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. 彼得前书2:1: 所以要除去一切恶毒、一切诡诈、虚伪、嫉妒和一切毁谤的话
[Understanding the “So”] What we want to notice first is the “so” or “therefore” in 2:1, which functions as a logical inference from what immediately preceded in 1 Peter 1:22–25. In that passage, the main command was to “love one another earnestly from a pure heart.” Believers are to love each other in the body, why? Because we have been born again by the living and abiding word of God—this word is what remains forever. [理解“所以”]我们首先要注意的是2:1中的“所以”或“因此”,它指示的是从彼得前书1:22–25紧接而来的逻辑关联。 在那段经文中,主要的命令是“从清洁的心里彼此切实相爱。” 信徒要在基督的身体中彼此相爱,为什么? 因为我们已经被神永活长存的道重生了--这道是永远不变的。
[Imperishable Seeds Grow Grace] This is call to now live as those who have truly been born of this seed. Dandelions don’t grow from tomato seeds, and in the same way, malice, deceit, and hypocrisy don’t spring up from imperishable seeds of the gospel. Gospel seeds grow gracious and loving people. Satan plants weeds that sprout discord and dissension. [不能朽坏的种子长出恩慈] 这是呼召我们现在就要活成真正从这个种子里生出来的人。 蒲公英不会从西红柿的种子里长出来,同样,恶毒、诡诈和虚伪也不会从不朽坏的福音种子里冒出来。 福音的种子会长出有恩慈有爱心的人。 撒但栽种杂草,使之萌生不和与不满。
[Put Away or Rid Yourself] So this opening participle to “put away” or “rid yourselves” is a picture of stripping off filthy clothes. If you’re a medical worker working among COVID-19 patients, the image is stripping off all the potentially infected and exposed clothing and scrubs before you go home to hug your family. This word “rid yourselves” is often used for putting off sin. [除去或摆脱] 所以开头这个分词“除去”或“摆脱”就像是脱掉脏衣服。 如果你是一名照看COVID-19患者的医务工作者,那么在你回家拥抱家人之前,那画面就是你脱掉所有可能被感染和暴露的衣服并且全身都洗干净。 这个词也常常用来指摆脱罪。
Ephesians 4:25 以弗所书4:25
“Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.” “所以,你们要除掉谎言,各人要与邻舍说真话,因为我们彼此是肢体。”
Colossians 3:8 歌罗西书3:8
“But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.” “但现在你们要除去忿怒、恼怒、恶毒、毁谤,以及粗言秽语这一切事。”
James 1:21 雅各书1:21
“Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” “所以你们应当摆脱一切污秽和所有的邪恶,以温柔的心领受 神栽种的道;这道能救你们的灵魂。”
[Evil Actions & Attitudes] There is an active setting aside or ridding oneself of sinful snares that would compromise the believer. This would be like calling the addict to rid themselves of whatever substance it is that ensnares them. The list that Peter provides are not the things that might characterize pagans, but rather actions and attitudes that destroy the love and tenderness within a Christian community. [邪恶的行为和态度] 有一种主动的抛弃或摆脱罪的网罗,这网罗会损害信徒。 这好比呼召物质成瘾的人摆脱那种物质的网罗。 彼得所提供的清单并不是异教徒可能具有的特征,而是破坏基督徒团体内爱和温柔的行为和态度。
• All Malice—could be translated as wickedness, but its emphasis is a type of ill-will that is directed towards others within the Christian community. It is the things that destroy harmony and unity: holding grudges, indifference to others, or mean-spirited. It is an all-encompassing term for wickedness and depravity. • 一切恶毒——可以翻译为邪恶,但它强调的是一种针对基督徒群体中其他人的恶意。 就是破坏和谐团结的事情:记仇、对别人冷漠或刻薄。 这个词囊括了所有的邪恶和败坏。
• All Deceit—this is primarily a sin of the tongue, hiding the truth, or operating dishonestly. All malice and deceit are in a sense broad terms, and then Peter is more specific with hypocrisy (a type of deceit) and envy (a type of malice or evil). • 一切诡诈——这主要是舌头的罪,隐瞒真相,或行事不诚实。 一切 恶毒和诡诈在某种意义上都是广义的术语,然后彼得用虚伪(诡诈的一种)和嫉妒(恶毒的一种)来进一步具体化。
• Hypocrisy—this could be translated “insincerity,” or inconsistency in one’s life and beliefs. This word is used in Matthew 23:15, which reads, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.” So these hypocrites are sincere but self-deceived. Your level of confidence in your opinion is not confirmation of your accuracy of understanding. • 虚伪——这可以翻译为“不真诚”,或一个人的生活和信仰不一致。 这个词用在马太福音23:15中: “虚伪的经学家和法利赛人哪,你们有祸了! 你们走遍海洋陆地,要使一个人入教;当他入了教,你们却使他沦为地狱之子,比你们更甚。” 所以这些伪君子是在真诚地自欺欺人。 你对自己观点的自信程度,并不能证实你理解的准确性。
• Envy—Envy destroys not only the individual harboring it, but it also wishes ill will upon others. Envy is a little like the gateway drug that leads to slander. It gives birth to resentment and bitterness, so that believers are unable to rejoice with those who rejoice or weep with those who weep, instead we are backwards, rejoicing when others weep, and weep when others rejoice. • 嫉妒——嫉妒不仅摧毁怀有它的个人,而且还希望摧毁他人。 嫉妒有点像一种入门毒品,能导致毁谤。 它让人生出怨恨和苦毒,以致信徒不能与喜笑的人一同喜笑,也不能与哭泣的人一同哭泣,反而是倒行逆施,别人哭泣时他喜笑,别人喜笑时他哭泣。
• All Slander—speaking poorly of others, spreading false stories, or disparaging one another destroys the intimacy of a community and its relationships. • 一切毁谤——说别人的坏话,散布虚假的故事,或者互相贬低,都会破坏社区的亲密和人际关系。
[Why This List?] I think Peter lists these things specifically, not just because they are sin, but because these are the types of attitudes and actions that give birth to greater division, discord, and disunity. They pull and strain the fabric of Christian love. Engaging in malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, or slander undoes the soil for Christian love to grow up in. It’s like mixing in rocks into your garden bed; it prevents the cultivation of love among believers and prevents our own personal growth in holiness. [为什么列这个清单?]我想彼得特别列出这些事情,不只是因为它们是罪,而是因为这些类型的态度和行为会产生更大的分裂、不和、不团结。 它们拉扯基督徒爱的结构,使之紧张。 从事恶毒、诡诈、虚伪、嫉妒或毁谤,会破坏基督徒爱成长的土壤。 这就像在你菜地的土壤里混入石头,它阻碍了信徒之间爱的培养,并且阻碍了我们个人在圣洁中的成长。
[Illustration: Poison in Community Well] These attitudes and actions could also be likened to pouring a poison into the shared well of a Christian community. Everyone comes to that well to draw water to drink, to cook, and to give to their animals. But to harbor malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, or slander is to poison this shared well so that what was once a source of life has now become toxic, giving rise to illness, sickness, and division. It takes time, but once enough enters the system, its effects are deadly to the church. Have you ever heard of a church split over tiny insignificant issues like the color of the carpet or [例证:社区井中的毒药]这些态度和行动也可以比喻为向基督徒社区共用井中投毒。 大家都到那口井里来打水喝,做饭,饮牲口。 但是,如果怀有恶毒、诡诈、虚伪、嫉妒或毁谤,就等于向这口共用的井投毒,使原本是生命之源的东西现在变成了毒药,引起疾病、病痛和分裂。这需要时间积累,但一旦达到足够的量,其效果对教会来说就是致命的。 你有没有听说过一个教会因为一些微不足道的小问题而分裂,比如说地毯的颜色之类的问题。
[Sobering Reality] This is a sobering reality because it means that Christians, who are theologically likeminded, who go to the same church, to all live in the same area, who all love Jesus, can still be tempted to poison the shared community well by their attitudes and actions. It may not be intentional, and perhaps even unintentional, but it does not make it any less deadly to brotherly love within the community of faith. [严肃的现实]这是一个发人深省的现实,因为这意味着,那些在神学上志同道合的基督徒,那些去同一个教会的基督徒,那些都住在同一个地区的基督徒,那些都爱耶稣的基督徒,仍然会受到诱惑,通过他们的态度和行动来毒害这个共同的社区。 这也许不是故意的,甚至可能是无意的,但这并不代表它对信仰共同体内的兄弟之爱没有任何杀伤力。
[Seed Metaphor] If we go back to the seed metaphor of the previous passage, having been born of God’s living and abiding word, we still need to continually weed the garden, protect against critters and animals, bugs and pesticides, and other threats to the growth of this shared sincere brotherly love. [种子的隐喻]如果我们回到上一段经文中的种子隐喻,既然已经从神永活长存的话语中重生,我们仍然需要不断地在园子里除草,防备小动物、虫子和农药等威胁这共同真诚的兄弟之爱的成长。
[Suspicious & Uncharitable] How do these things sprout up within the church? We gossip or whisper about the things we’ve heard. We wonder aloud, instead of asking someone who can address our question. If you have concerns about something, I welcome you to ask one of your elders or any of the leaders. What we don’t want is anyone sowing seeds of discord, judging uncharitably, and cultivating suspicion. Instead, we can come right out and ask what you want to ask. [怀疑与无情]这些事情是如何在教会内部萌生的? 我们道听途说,蜚短流长。 我们想到什么就说什么,而不是问谁能解决我们的问题。 如果你有什么顾虑,欢迎你向你的长老或教会里任何一位领导请教。 我们不希望的是,有人播下不和谐的种子,无情的论断,培养猜疑。 相反,我们可以直接来问你想问什么。
[Application: Charity & Love within the Church] I think one of the primary ways we can seek to do this is to be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger, and to judge charitably. This is a challenge today. It’s never been easier to slander someone--to destroy their reputation, or your own for that matter—with a single post, a single tweet, or a single conversation. It’s easy to write off someone because of something you’ve seen them post or overhear what they say. Instead, we’re called to love one another earnestly, and often that means having conversations in order to understand each other. [应用:教会内的仁慈与爱] 我认为,我们可以寻求的主要方式之一就是快快地听、慢慢地说、慢慢地动怒,并以仁慈的方式进行判断。 这是我们今天的挑战。 历史从来没有像今天这么容易毁谤一个人——毁掉别人的名誉,或因此毁掉自己的名誉——只要在网上发一篇帖子,一条推特,或一次聊天。 你很容易因为看到某人发的东西或无意中听到他们说的话而把他们拉黑。 相反,我们蒙召要真诚地彼此相爱,而这往往意味着为了理解对方而进行对话。
• Camps & Tribes—it’s easy today to identify as part of camps or tribes, whether theological, social, regional, or political. Don’t let any allegiance override our allegiance to King Jesus. ​• 阵营与部落——今天很容易就能认定自己是属于哪个阵营或部落,无论是神学的、社会的、地域的,还是政治的。 不要让任何效忠凌驾于我们对君王耶稣的忠诚之上。
• Us vs. Them—it’s easy to think in terms of us vs. them (whoever the them may be). But it’s more important to think of others not as our enemies, but rather as those in need of the saving and transforming work of Christ. We pray for and bless our enemies, that God would have mercy on them. • 我们与他们——我们很容易从属于我们还是属于他们(不管他们是谁)的角度来考虑问题。 但更重要的是,不要把别人当作我们的敌人,而要把别人当作需要基督救赎和改变的工作的人。 我们为我们的敌人祈祷和祝福,求神怜悯他们。
• Charitable vs. Uncharitable—it’s easy to be uncharitable today, and challenging to be charitable and thoughtful in engaging one another. It’s easy to apply labels to dismiss one another perspectives, rather than do the difficult work of trying to understand one another’s perspectives. ​• 仁慈与无情——今天我们很容易不留情面,而在彼此交往中做到善意和体贴则很有挑战性。 人们很容易用标签来否定彼此的观点,而不是付诸艰难的工作,试图理解彼此的观点。
[Transition] Thus Peter calls his readers to put those poisonous attitudes and actions away. Don’t compromise your obedience to truth and the earnest and brotherly love we share because of our shared new birth in Christ. Those who have a shared heritage and Father—born again to a living hope—are to labor together in love for Christ’s kingdom. [过渡] 因此,彼得呼召他的读者把那些有毒的态度和行为除掉。 因为我们在基督里共同获得重生,所以不要损害对真理的服从以及我们分享的真诚和兄弟之爱。 那些共同拥有基业和天父的人——重生获得永活盼望的人——要在爱中一起为基督的国度努力。
2.Pursue Pure Milk (1 Peter 2:2–3) 2.追求纯净的灵奶(彼得前书2:2-3)
1 Peter 2:2–3 彼得前书2:2-3
2 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. 2 像初生婴孩爱慕那纯净的灵奶,好叫你们靠它长大,进入救恩; 3 因为你们已经体验过主是美善的。
[What Is this Pure Spiritual Milk?] What is this pure spiritual milk that Peter has in view? It is none other than the word of God. Believers are to hunger and obsess over God’s word. [这纯净的灵奶是什么?] 彼得所说的这个纯净的灵奶是什么? 它不是别的,正是神的话语。 信徒要渴慕和迷恋神的话语。
[Spiritual Milk] We should notice that the word translated “spiritual” is not the typical word used to convey the Holy Spirit (pneuma) or spiritual in 1 Peter 2:5 (“you…are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices”), but rather a different word (logikon), which could be translated “rational” or “reasonable,” but also connected to word logos. This milk is reasonable and rational like God’s word. It is not mystical (e.g., some society with secret codes, different levels, incense burning, and chanting), but rational, communicating the connection between the logikon and logos. [灵奶] 我们应该注意到,译为“灵”的词并不是彼得前书2:5中用来表达圣灵(pneuma)或属灵的典型词语(被建造成为 灵宫,作圣洁的祭司,藉着耶稣基督献上蒙 神悦纳的灵祭),而是另一个词(logikon),可以译为“理性的”或“合乎理性的”,但也与“道”(logos)有关。 这奶就像神的道一样是合理的,理性的。 它不是神秘主义的(如一些社团的秘典、圣阶、烧香和念诵),而是理性的,表达了 logikon 与道(logos)之间的联系。
[Milk Does the Body Good] We can see from the passage that the milk of God’s word causes Christians to “grow up into salvation.” It’s like the old milk commercials with the tagline, “It does the body good.” The same can be said of God’s word; it does the body (both individual and corporate body) good. This milk is “pure,” without contamination. Mothers know that even their diet can affect the acidity or taste of their milk. But this milk is pure. [奶可养身] 从这段经文中我们可以看到,神话语的奶水使基督徒“长大,进入救恩”。 就像很早以前的牛奶广告,广告语是“它对身体有益”。 神的话语也是如此,它对身体(包括个人和团体的身体)有益。 这奶是“纯净”的,没有受到污染。 妈妈们都知道,她们的饮食会影响奶水的酸碱度或口感。 但这奶是纯净的。
[Like Newborn Infants] Believers are to “long for the pure spiritual milk.” Notice with me a number of things that can help us to understand what Peter means by this command. First, notice that he Peter continues this birthing theme from the previous passage because we are to be “like newborn infants.” The born again are now infants, beloved children of God. This ought not to be missed. We are God’s children, adopted into his family. We are to be infants in their hunger and longing for milk. [像初生的婴孩] 信徒要“爱慕那纯净的灵奶。” 请和我一起注意一些事情,可以帮助我们理解彼得这个命令的意思。 首先,请注意,彼得延续了上一段经文的重生主题,因为我们要“像初生的婴孩”。 重生的人现在是婴儿,是神所爱的孩子。 这一点不应该错过。 我们是上帝的孩子,被收养到祂的家中。 我们要像婴孩一样嗷嗷待哺,渴慕奶水。
[Nourishment of Milk] Elsewhere in the Bible—particularly in 1 Corinthians and Hebrews—milk is contrasted with solid food. Milk is used to describe something for spiritual babies and for the spiritually immature; it conveyed spiritual immaturity and elementary teaching. [奶的营养] 在圣经的其他地方——特别是在哥林多前书和希伯来书中——奶与固体食物形成对比。 奶用来形容属灵婴儿和属灵不成熟的东西,它传达的是灵性上的不成熟和初级教导。
• 1 Corinthians 3:2 “I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready” 哥林多前书3:2 “我喂给你们吃的是奶,不是饭,因为那时你们不能吃,就是现在还是不能”
• Hebrews 5:12–13 “[12] For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, [13] for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child.” 希伯来书5:12-13 “[12] 到这个时候,你们应该已经作老师了;可是你们还需要有人再把 神道理的初步教导你们。你们成了只能吃奶而不能吃干粮的人![13] 凡是吃奶的,还是个婴孩,对公义的道理没有经历”
[Nourishment & Sustenance] But Peter doesn’t have that connotation in mind when he calls his readers to long for the pure spiritual milk of the word. Instead, we are to be like babies who eagerly crave and desire this milk as our sole and complete source of spiritual nourishment. It is the pathway of growth, it is the source of life, and it is how babies grow and mature. So the image is complete and total dependence upon God and his word. In the same way that a baby is completely dependent and sustained by its mother’s milk, we are to “grow up into salvation” by longing for and drinking of God’s word. [营养和供养] 但彼得呼召读者渴慕纯净的灵奶的道时,并没有这种内涵。 相反,我们要像婴儿一样,急切地渴求和渴望这奶水,作为我们属灵营养的唯一和全备的来源。 它是成长的必经之道,是生命的源泉,也是婴儿成长和成熟的过程。 所以这个比喻是指完全、全然地依靠神和祂的话。 就像婴儿完全依靠母亲的乳汁来维持一样,我们也要通过渴慕和饮用神的话语来“长大进入救恩”。
[Illustration: Craving for Milk] I remember in those early days, when feedings were timed and naps were on a schedule, my wife would sometimes go out to run an errand. But she would need to return home in time for the next feeding. And there would be those times, when the baby wakes early, is desperately obsessed with milk, and mom is nowhere to be seen. This is a terrible feeling; screaming, crying, and sweating. If this baby was strong enough, it would hurt you to get its milk. It’s is obsessed and single-minded in its desire for milk. You get the idea. This is an insatiable craving for its mother’s milk. We are to obsess over God’s word. It is our source of life and spiritual nourishment. Are we like that with God’s word? Or do we take an “I can take it or leave it” attitude with reading God’s word, corporate worship, and listening to preaching? [例证:对奶的渴求] 记得我们孩子小的时候,喂奶是定时的,午睡也是有时间安排的,老婆有时会出去办事。 但她需要在下次喂奶之前及时回家。 而会有那么几次,宝宝提早醒来,拼命哭着想吃奶,妈妈却不见踪影。 这种感觉太可怕了,孩子又是尖叫又是哭闹,满身大汗。 要是这个婴儿足够强壮的话,为了喝到奶他可能还会伤到你。 他对奶的渴求是如此的痴迷,别无所求。 你懂的。 这是对母乳的迷恋。 我们也要迷恋神的道。 它是我们生命的源泉和灵命的养料。 我们对神的话语是这样的吗? 还是对读神的话语、集体敬拜、听道抱着“可要可不要”的态度?
[Citing Psalm 34:8] We should notice that in verse 3 Peter cites Psalm 34:8, which reads, “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” Peter likely as Psalm 34 on the mind, since he cites it later in 1 Peter 2:10–12 (quoting Psalm 34:13–16). [引用诗篇34:8] 我们应该注意到,在第3节中,彼得引用了诗篇34:8的内容:“你们要尝尝主恩的滋味,便知道他是美善! 投靠他的人有福了!” 彼得可能在写这封信的时候想到了诗篇34篇,因为他随后在彼得前书2:10-12又引用了诗篇34:13-16。
The theme of the Psalm is that when the righteous are experiencing trials and suffering—much like the setting of 1 Peter—they can be confident in God’s deliverance. It is in many ways the perfect Psalm for Peter’s audience, a reminder to hope in God who “saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18). This Psalm reinforces Peter’s call to crave for God’s word, because they have already tasted of God’s goodness. 这篇诗篇的主题是关于义人经历试炼和苦难时——很像彼得前书的主题——他们要吧对神的拯救充满信心。 这首诗在很多方面适合彼得的读者,提醒他们要盼望神“拯救灵里痛悔的人”(诗篇34:18)。 这篇诗篇加强了彼得对渴慕神的话语的呼召,因为他们已经尝到了神的恩惠。
[Heightening Our Longings] The point of verse 3 is to remind his readers that if they have in fact experienced and tasted of the goodness of God, they only want more of it. The call for longing for the pure spiritual milk of God’s word is not a call to choke down something you hate. Instead, it’s a call to savor the sweetness of a single taste of a perfectly baked cheesecake, with a perfect drizzle of salted caramel and fresh whipped cream. Once you taste of its goodness, the longing and desire is not merely of duty or discipline, but rather a deep longing informed by a pleasant experience of God’s goodness, kindness, and love. We want more of God when we have seen and experienced and tasted of his goodness. [加强我们的渴望] 第3节的意思是提醒他的读者,如果他们事实上已经经历并尝到了神的恩惠,他们只想得到更多。 呼召渴慕神话语中纯净的灵奶,并不是呼召你去扼杀自己讨厌的东西。 相反,它是呼召你去品尝那完美制作的芝士蛋糕,完美地淋上咸焦糖和鲜奶油。 一旦你尝到了它的好处,这种渴望和愿望就不仅仅是出于责任或纪律,而是出于对神的良善、仁慈和爱的愉快体验所唤醒的深度渴望。 当我们看到、经历、尝到神的恩典时,我们会更加渴慕神。
[Purpose: Grow Up Into Salvation] The purpose of this pure spiritual milk is that it will grow us up into salvation. This is not the first instance where Peter describes salvation as something that Christians grow up into or obtain at a later time. Peter describes our salvation as “being guarded through faith … ready to be revealed in the last time” (1:5). For the believer, their salvation is already and not yet. Spiritual growth and maturity is essential to final, end-time salvation for the believer. To be born of God and born again, is to increasingly long for God and his word. [目的:长大进入救恩] 这纯净灵奶的目的,就是要让我们长大,进入救恩。 这不是彼得第一次把救恩描述为基督徒成长为或在以后才获得的东西。 彼得将我们的救恩描述为“因信蒙 神能力保守的……得着预备在末世要显现的救恩” (1:5)。 对于信徒来说,他们的救恩是已然同时也是未然。 属灵的成长和成熟对于信徒最后的、末世的救恩是至关重要的。 从神而生,重生,就是越来越渴慕神和祂的话语。
[Salvation as Trajectory] Salvation is not a ticket—you either have it or you don’t, but rather as a trajectory of ongoing spiritual growth and maturity until final consummation of our journey. In Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian does not read the Bible and then transport to the Celestial City, but he undertakes a journey to the Celestial City. So for believers, we can to put off the things that would stunt our personal growth and poison the brotherly love of the Christian community. Instead, we long for the pure spiritual milk of God’s word. [救赎的轨迹] 救恩不是一张门票——你要么有,要么没有,而是一个灵性不断成长和成熟的轨迹,直到我们的旅程最终圆满。 在《天路历程》中,基督徒并不是读了圣经就被运往天城,而是一步一步走到天城。
所以对于信徒来说,我们可以把那些会阻碍我们个人成长,毒害基督徒群体的兄弟之爱的事情除掉。 继而我们爱慕神话语中纯净的灵奶。
Application & Conclusion 应用与结语
[Beware: Poison of Worldly Philosophies] We need to be aware of the poisonous worldly philosophies that lace the good spiritual milk of the word. Whether it’s the godless philosophies that are trying to advance anarchy, chaos, or ignite a race war. There are those who are trying to tear apart the fabric of our society, undermining the framework of the Christian home, and advancing radical LGBTQ agendas. We have those who are marshalling anti-government, anti-police, anti-logic or reason, and anti-STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) agendas. There are those who are undoing the very notion of male and female. [警惕:世俗哲学之毒] 我们要警惕那些毒害人的世俗哲学,在好的灵奶中掺进杂质。 不管是那些无神论的哲学,是想推进无政府主义,混乱,还是点燃种族战争。 有些人正试图撕裂我们社会的结构,破坏基督教家园的框架,并推进激进的LGBTQ议程。 我们有一些人正在调集反政府、反警察、反逻辑或理性和反STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)的议程。 有一些人正在取消男女性别的概念。
[Slow Creep into the Church] We must be aware that the world’s ideas are creeping into the church, and then Christians are buying into these philosophies. Then we divide along lines and allow malice, deceit, and other poisonous attitudes to fester, undermining Christian love and charity. We cannot allow it to happen. How do we combat this? We need to return to our first love. We need to hold God’s word above all other slogans, ideologies, and movements. We must continually allow the word of God to inform, shape, and mold our attitudes, thoughts, actions, and instincts. [慢慢地潜入教会] 我们必须意识到,属世的思想正在悄悄地进入教会,然后基督徒就会相信这些哲学。 然后我们就会划界线搞分裂,让恶毒、诡诈和其它有毒的态度发酵,破坏基督徒的爱和仁慈。 我们不能允许这种情况发生。 我们该如何应对? 我们需要回到最初的爱。 我们需要把神的话语放在所有其他口号、意识形态和运动之上。 我们必须不断地让神的话语告知、塑造和形塑我们的态度、思想、行为和本能。
[Unbelievers: Come and Taste] The taste that we have received—for those who are believers—is the sweetness of the goodness of Jesus Christ. For those who have not tasted yet of God’s goodness—who have never trusted in Jesus—come this morning and taste. Come and see how good God is in providing a way of escape for sinners who have no other way. This is God’s kindness and mercy on display. He gives hope to the hopeless, brings calm to your inner chaos, and salvation despite your sins. Come and taste that the Lord is good. How? I would suggest reading the gospel of John. It was written so that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, and in believing you might have life in his name. [不信者:来尝尝] 我们所领受的滋味——对于那些信徒来说——就是耶稣基督恩惠的甜美。 对于那些还没有尝到上帝恩惠的人——他们从来没有相信过耶稣——今天早上来尝尝吧。 来看看神是多么的好,为走投无路的罪人提供一条逃生的路。 这就是上帝的仁慈和怜悯的体现。 祂给无望的人带来希望,给你内心的混乱带来平静,尽管你犯了罪,但祂还是会给你救赎。 来尝尝吧,主是美善。 怎么尝呢? 我建议先阅读约翰福音。 把这些事记下来,是要你们信耶稣是基督,是 神的儿子,并且使你们信了,可以因他的名得生命。(约翰福音20:31)
[Believers: Drink Deeply from God’s Word] It is somewhat tempting to now apply this by teaching on or reminding you of the spiritual discipline of knowing God’s word through reading it, listening to it, meditating on it, memorizing it, and praying it. And that would be all well and good. But as I was pondering this a quote from Paul Miller’s A Praying Life came to mind and seemed fitting. He writes about prayer, “Oddly enough, many people struggle to learn how to pray because they are focusing on prayer, not on God” (A Praying Life by Paul Miller). I wonder how many of us struggle to learn to treasure and read and meditate on God’s word because we’re focused on checking the box and accomplishing the discipline, rather than tasting and drinking deeply from God’s fountain of endless grace. [信徒们:深饮神的话语] 现在通过教导或提醒你通过读、听、默想、记忆和祷告来认识神的话语的属灵操练,是有些诱人的应用。 ˇ那就太好了。 但当我在思考这个问题时,我想到了保罗-米勒《祷告的生活》中的一句话,似乎很合适。 他在谈到祷告时写道:“奇怪的是,很多人都在努力学习如何祷告,因为他们把注意力放在祷告上,而不是放在神身上。”(保罗-米勒的《祷告的生活》)。 我不知道我们有多少人在努力学习珍惜、阅读和默想神的话语,因为我们专注于逐项完成任务和成就纪律,而不是品尝和深喝神无尽的恩典之泉。
[Just Begin] Don’t overthink the mechanics of reading your Bible. Just read it. There is a newer believer that has been here at the North Campus and been a believer for maybe 2 years. He’s already on his third or fourth time reading through the Bible. It is his pure spiritual milk and he’s the satisfied fat baby gorging himself on God’s word. And that’s how it’s supposed to be. O that we would be awaken in fresh ways to God’s goodness that we have tasted and seen, and that we would eagerly long for the pure spiritual milk of God’s word. [刚刚开始] 不要过分考虑读经的技巧。 读就是了。 在北堂有一名新信徒,在这里信主大概2年了。 他已经在第三遍或第四遍地读圣经了。 这是他纯净的灵奶,他饱食神的话语,吃得胖胖的。 而这本该如此。 哦,愿我们以新鲜的方式唤醒我们所尝过和见过的神的恩惠,愿我们热切地渴慕神话语中纯净的灵奶。
[Commune with God] Come and communion with God in his word and prayer. Find your soul’s satisfaction from God and his word by knowing him more, meditating on his commands, basking in his promises, receiving his forgiveness, and marveling at his power and sovereignty. O remember how good and sweet he is. O remember how kind and mercy he is. O recall how great his forgiveness continues to be despite our sins. [与神相交] 来吧,在神的话语和祷告中与神相交。 从神和祂的话语中找到你灵魂的满足,更多地认识祂,默想祂的诫命,沐浴在祂的应许中,接受祂的饶恕,惊叹于祂的大能和主权。 哦,要记得祂是多么良善,多么甜美。 哦,要记得祂多么仁慈和怜悯。 哦,回想一下,尽管我们犯了罪,但祂的饶恕仍然是多么伟大。
[Encouragement to Children] For the children and young people this morning, put your faith and trust in Jesus. Even if church feels stuffy at times, sometimes you don’t know what the pastor is saying up front, mom or dad make mistakes, you don’t know if Jesus is going to let you down, maybe you’ve been hurt or had some hard things happen in your family, or maybe you’ve just grown up at church and you don’t know if you really believe these things or it’s just the only world you’ve known. Let me encourage you to come and taste that the Lord is good. [对孩子们的鼓励] 对于今天早上的孩子和年轻人,请将你的信心和信任放在耶稣身上。 即使教会有时候感觉很闷,有时候你不知道牧师在前面说什么,爸爸妈妈会犯错,你不知道耶稣会不会让你失望,也许你受到过伤害,或者家里发生过一些难事,或者你只是在教会里长大,你不知道自己是否真的相信这些东西,或者这只是你唯一知道的世界。 请允许我来鼓励你们,来尝尝,主是美善。
[Evangelistic: Call Others to Taste] We are also called, as God’s people, to share and preach this good news. It calls to mind the children’s book Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss. Sam is relentless in getting his friend to taste green eggs and ham. [传道人:呼召别人来品尝] 作为神的子民,我们也被呼召去分享和传扬这个好消息。 这让人想起苏斯博士的小人书《绿蛋与火腿》。 山姆不遗余力地追着让朋友品尝绿蛋和火腿。
[Share this Good News] We are to be like Sam-I-am in calling our friends, coworkers, and neighbors to consider tasting of the goodness of God. He is sufficient to carry your burdens. He is trustworthy in trials. He is faithful when all else fails. He is sovereign in a world of chaos. And for children, who have grown up in the church who don’t know if they are believers—wrestling with their faith—consider God’s goodness. [分享这个好消息] 我们要像山姆那样,叫我们的朋友、同事、邻居考虑品尝神的恩典。 祂有足够的力量来承担你的重担。 在试炼中祂值得信赖。 哪怕其他所有人都失败,祂也会保守信实。 乱世之中,祂是主宰。 而对于在教会中长大的孩子,他们不知道自己是否是信徒——在信仰中挣扎——请考虑神的恩典。
[Christ Will Surely Glorify] Finally, as God’s people, we have a great and sure confidence where we are headed. Christ died to purchase for himself a bride of infinite cost. Jesus will not let anarchy, worldly philosophies, wars, division, suspicion, or even evil itself destroy his bride. Christ died for it, and he is now at work bringing each and every person to maturity and completeness. As we submit to Jesus, as we saturate ourselves and satisfy ourselves with his word, he grows us up into salvation. Those who he predestined, he justified, and those whom he justified he will also surely glorify. Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Therefore, renew your heart as you come to him, and drink deeply and eagerly from his word, enjoying his goodness, and trusting his provision. [基督必将荣耀] 最后,作为神的子民,我们对自己未来的方向有很大的把握。 基督死了,为自己赎买了一个代价无限的新娘。 耶稣不会让无政府主义、世俗的哲学、战争、分裂、猜疑,甚至恶魔本身来摧毁祂的新妇。 基督为此而死,祂现在正在工作,使每一个人都达到成熟和完全。 当我们顺服耶稣的时候,当我们用祂的话语浸润自己,满足自己的时候,祂就使我们长大进入救恩。 祂预先命定的人,祂就称他们为义,所称为义的人,又使他们必定得荣耀。 没有什么能使我们与神在基督耶稣里的爱隔绝。 因此,当你来到祂面前的时候,要更新你的心,从祂的话语中深深地、热切地喝下,享受祂的恩惠,相信祂的供应。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Title: Drink Deeply from God’s Word 讲道标题:深饮神的话语
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 2:1–3 讲道经文:彼得前书2:1-3
Main Point: Believers are to continually put away all poisonous attitudes to love, and instead drink eagerly and deeply from God’s word. 要点:信徒要不断地除掉一切对爱有毒害的态度,而热切地深饮神的话。
Outline: 纲要:
1.Put Away Poison (2:1) 1.除去毒害(2:1)
2.Pursue Pure Milk (2:2–3) 2.爱慕纯奶(2:2-3)
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题:
1.Why does Peter list these five things in 2:1 and how does it follow logically from the previous passage (1:22–25)? 1.为什么彼得在2:1中列举了这五件事,它在逻辑上是如何从上一段经文(1:22-25)出发的?
2.How do you see malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander being tempting for you? What are some of the reasons believers would be tempted to behave in this manner? 2.你如何看待恶毒、诡诈、虚伪、嫉妒、毁谤对你的诱惑? 信徒会受到这些诱惑的原因有哪些?
3.What are some newborn infant characteristics that help us understand Peter’s metaphor for longing for the pure spiritual milk of God’s word? 3.新生婴儿有哪些特征可以帮助我们理解彼得比喻渴慕神话语中纯净的灵奶?
4.In the same way children are to continually grow, how are believers to continually grow up into salvation? What are some areas of growth you identify in your own life? 4.小孩要不断成长,同样,信徒要如何不断成长进入救恩呢? 在你自己的生命中,你确定有哪些方面的成长?
5.What does it mean for believers to have tasted of the Lord’s goodness? What are some examples in your life? 5.信徒尝到了主的恩惠,这是什么意思? 在你的生命中,有哪些例子?
Application Questions: 应用问题:
1.Are there any poisonous attitudes or actions that you are convicted of? Confess these to one another and to the Lord. 1.是否有什么有毒的态度或行为,你觉得为此痛心? 彼此认罪,并向主认罪。
2.Do you “long for the pure spiritual milk” of God’s word like a newborn longs for milk? If not, what are some things we can do to feed our hunger for God? 2.你是否像新生儿渴望吃奶一样,“爱慕神话语的纯净灵奶?” 如果没有,我们可以做哪些事情来满足我们对神的饥渴?
3.Of the various ways to intake God’s word (e.g., read, listen, memorize, meditate, study, hear preaching, pray), what are one or two areas where you can renew your enjoyment of God? 3.在各种摄取神的话语的方法中(如读、听、背、默想、学习、听道、祷告),有哪一两个方面可以让你重新享受神的话语?
4.How tasting of God’s goodness shape your faith and understanding? 4.品尝神的恩惠如何塑造你的信仰和理解?
5.Name a few people who have never tasted of God’s goodness. How can we redouble our prayers, pursuit, and labors to winsomely, lovingly, and boldly share the good news of Jesus? 5.说出几个从未尝过神的恩惠的人。 我们怎样才能加倍祷告、追求和努力,以温柔、爱心和勇敢地分享耶稣的好消息呢?
Prayer Focus: 祷告焦点:
Praise God for giving us his word, allowing us to taste of his goodness, and for growing us up towards salvation. Confess any sins of malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, or slander, or any other attitudes or actions that divide rather than build up the body of Christ. Thank God for his forgiveness, and for causing us to be born again through his living and abiding word. Ask God for a greater longing, hunger, and desire for him and his word, so that we would continually grow up into salvation. 赞美神,因为祂赐给我们祂的话语,让我们尝到祂的良善,让我们长大,进入救恩。 承认任何恶毒、诡诈、虚伪、嫉妒、或毁谤的罪,或任何其他分裂而不是建立基督身体的态度或行为。 感谢神的饶恕,感谢祂通过祂永活长存的话语使我们重生。 求神让我们对祂和祂的话语有更大的渴慕、饥渴和渴望,使我们不断地长大,进入救恩。

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