
1.使用xcodebuild命令编译工程时,提示某些第三方库文件not found


xcodebuild -target Guide -configuration Release


  • Converted build to use an Xcode workspace & scheme (instead of project & target)
  • Rearranged workspace to have the App project and static library as siblings (not as parent/child)
  • Changed Xcode and workspace settings to use build locations specified in targets
  • Change Build Products Path for App and Library to use ../build (both project files are contained in sibling subfolders of a master directory, so having them build into the same folder solved the original linker/Ld command problem, I think)
  • Edited the App scheme to explicitly build the Library target, and build it before the App target
  • In the Build Phases for the App target, explicitly add the Library under "Link Binary With Libraries"
  • Change the location type of the Library's .a file reference to "Relative to Build Products"
  • Added a "Copy Headers" build phase to the Library project, added the appropriate headers to the Public section
  • Changed the Public Headers Folder Path of the Library project to "/include"
  • Changed the Installation Directory of the Library to $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)
  • Changed the Library Search Paths and the User Header Search Paths of the App target to $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)
  • Added a Clean command before the build on my Jenkins build server
  • Added explicit SDK and Arch arguments to the build command
  • Removed spaces from build configuration name


xcodebuild -workspace ClientName.xcworkspace -scheme AppName -configuration "ProdAdHoc" -sdk iphoneos -arch "armv6 armv7"

