赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 009 A Busy Family

I. Reading 阅读

It's a busy day at the Wangs' house. Mr. Wang is fixing his bike. Mrs. Wang is writing a letter. Tina is reading a book. Tony is exercising.
Even the dog is busy. It's chasing a cat. The cat is running for its life.
The Wangs are busy, but they're having fun.

II. Vocabulary&ldioms 单词短语注解

  1. busy [ˈbɪzɪ] a.忙碌的
    例: I am busy with my work.
  2. day [de] n.日子
  3. house [haʊs] n.房子
  4. fix [fɪks] vt.修理
    例: My uncle is fixing my broken watch.
  5. bike [baɪk] n.自行车 (= bicycle ['baɪsɪkl])
  6. write [raɪt] vt.写
    例: I am writing a letter to my friend.
  7. letter ['lɛtɚ] n. 信
  8. read [rid; rɛd] vt. 阅读,看(文章、书等)
    例: My father is reading the newspaper.
  9. book [bʊk] n. 书
  10. exercise ['ɛksɚsaɪz] vi. 运动
    例: I exercise in the park every morning.
  11. even ['ivən] adv. 甚至
    例: Even father likes ice cream.
  12. chase [tʃes] vt. 追逐
    例: The policeman is chasing the thief.
  13. cat [kæt] n. 猫
  14. run [rʌn] vi. 跑
  15. Iife [laɪf] n. 生命
  16. fun [fʌn] n. 乐趣(不可数)

III. Grammar Points 语法重点


  1. It's a busy day at the Wangs' house.
    a. It's a busy day.
    = It is a busy day.
    常用于"It is+时间名词"的句子结构中。
    例: It's Monday.
    What time is it?
    It's ten o'clock.
    b. at the Wangs' house 在王家的住所
    在上列短语中,at [æt]是介词,表示“在······之
    处”的意思。之后所接的宾语,多为表示家(house)、车站 (station)、邮局 (post office)、杂货店(grocery store)等建筑物的名词。
    例: There are many people at the train station.
    c. the Wangs' house 王家的住所
    the Wangs'是所有格,译成“王氏一家人的”,相当于所有格代词their(他们的)。专有名词(如John、Peter)或表示“人”的普通名词(如my father、the boy)形成所有格时,要在这些专有名词或普通名词之后加“'s”,之后再接名词,即:
    John's book(约翰的书)
    my father's work(我父亲的工作)
    the boy's dog (这个男孩的狗)
    the Lins' house ( 林家 )
    the boys' father(这些男孩子的父亲)
    故我们应说 “the Wangs' house”,而非“ the Wang's house”。
  2. Mr. Wang is fixing his bike.
    Mrs. Wang is writing a letter.
    主词 + am/are/is + 现在分词
    a. 在造例句之前,我们得先谈谈现在分词的形成方式:
  1. 绝大部分的动词原形可直接加 -ing即成现在分词,如
    do( 做 )→doing
  2. 但若动词原形以不发音的e结尾时,要先删除e,再加-ing,如
    write [raɪt] ( 写 ) → writing
    chase [tʃes] ( 追逐 ) → chasing
    make [mek] ( 制造 ) → making
  3. 若动词原形为单音短音节,且以一个辅音字母结尾时,应将该字母双写,再加-ing,如
    run [rʌn] ( 跑 ) → running
    sit [sɪt] ( 坐 ) → sitting
    b. 有了以上了解后、我们现在就可造出下列现在进行时的例子
    例: Mary is writing a letter.
    They are doing their homework.
    I am running in the yard.
  1. ...but they're having fun. (·····但他们很愉快。)
    have fun是固定的用语,表示“玩得愉快”、“过得愉快”之意,可不要逐字翻译成“有乐趣”。“...they're having fun.”是现在进行时,照理应译成“他们现在正玩得愉快",但此处为求译文顺畅,只译成“他们很愉快”即可。
    例: I have fun every day.

IV. Substitution替换

  1. Mr. Wang is fixing his bike/ television/ car.
  2. Tina is reading a book/ a magazine/ a newspaper.
  3. Tony is exercising/ jogging/ playing basketball.


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