关于apt-get remove 与 apt-get purge

今天在Ubuntu服务器上安装supervisor,部署没成功想卸载重来,sudo apt-get remove supervisor 后发现配置文件还在,便手动删除了配置文件。再次安装,提示配置文件不存在,WTF!配置文件不该你软件给我创建吗?我想。

查阅资料才知,还有 apt-get purge 这一选项,purge 清除。

apt-get remove 会删除软件包而保留软件的配置文件
apt-get purge 会同时清除软件包和软件的配置文件


not-installed - The package is not installed on this system
config-files - Only the configuration files are deployed to this system
half-installed - The installation of the package has been started, but not completed
unpacked - The package is unpacked, but not configured
half-configured - The package is unpacked and configuration has started but not completed
triggers-awaited - The package awaits trigger processing by another package
triggers-pending - The package has been triggered
installed - The packaged is unpacked and configured OK

当执行apt-get install时,apt软件包管理工具会先检查要安装的软件的状态,向我这种情况下,手动删除了软件配置后,并不会引起dpkg中记录的状态的改变,即仍为 config-files 状态,所以安装过程会直接跳过创建配置文件这一过程。于是当软件想要启动进程的时候,才发现找不到文件。

所以当你想彻底地删除软件包的时候,用 apt-get purge


你可能感兴趣的:(关于apt-get remove 与 apt-get purge)