
基于《懂你英语》:Level 3 Unit 2 Part 2 Vocabulary-Sports / Vocabulary-Injuries

Being fit is also important to our health.
Some people choose to play sports to keep fit, while the majority of people go to the gym to work out.

今天的主题是:Working Out at a Gym. 玩转健身房

There are three things we are going to to talk about in today's lesson:
1.what you need to know about a gym.
2.how to socialize at a gym.
3.how to prevent injuries during a workout.

Part 1:健身房指南

Football is probably the world's most popular sport.

In basketball,players score points by shooting a basketball through a hoop.
hoop = 篮框
For example:
Hey man, let's go shoot some hoops.

Golf is an individual sport where players try to hit the ball into a hole in the ground.

gym membership = 健身房会员卡
For exmaple:
I am interested in signing up for a gym membership.
I want to sign up for 6 months.

-Are there any discounts available?
-We can offer you 20% discount if you sign up for a year.

That sounds good.
I'll sign up for a year.

slim down = 变瘦
For example:
I sit all day and never really get a chance to exercise. I want to slim down.

love handlers = 游泳圈
For example:
I was wondering if you could suggest some exercises to reduce my love handles.

I want to bulk up.

ripped 在指肌肉时意思是“精壮的”
For example:
I want to get ripped.
He goes to the gym veryday tring to get a ripped body.

core strengh = 核心力量
abs = abdominals = 腹肌
six-pack abs = 6块腹肌
For example:
I'd like to work on my core strength. I want to get six-pack abs.

Planks and sit-ups are both great ways to build your core strength.

biceps = 肱二头肌
dumbbell = 哑铃
barbell = 杠铃
pull-ups = 引体向上
For example:
Pull-ups can benefit your biceps.

You can do squats or bridges to keep your butt looking good.

set = 组数
rep = repetition = 组数
For example:
Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

The treadmill and elliptical machine are both cardio machines that can help you lose your weight and maintain health.

cardio = 有氧运动
For example:
Today is your cardio day, you can start with a 30-minute run on the treadmill.

yoga = 瑜伽
pilates = 普拉提

I'd like to join the 6 p.m. yoga class.
I'd like to sign up for a pilates class.

Part 2:在健身房社交

compliment = 赞美

If you want to socialize with others, the first thing to remember is that a compliment goes a long way.

  • You look very good.
  • Your abs look amazing.
  • Your biceps look amazing.

posture = 体态
For example:

  • You hava a beautiful posture.

  • You look gorgeous!

  • You've lost a lot of weight!

  • How much have you lost? 10 killos?

  • You've made some fantastic progress.

  • What are you working on now?

  • Today is my cardio day. I'm working on my abs and legs. I'll do a lot of squats and sit-ups.

  • When do you usually come here?

  • I come here very day around 8 p.m.

  • What about you? How often do you work out?

  • I'm really busy recently, so I just work out twice a week, mostly on weekends.

  • How a good workout.

  • I hope you enjoy your gym time.

  • I'll see you around.

Part 3:避免运动受伤

When people fall down they can break a bone. A broken bone can be very pianful.

He pulled a back muscle while doing pull-ops.
He pulled a muscle in his leg.

ankle sprain = 脚踝扭伤
She sprained her ankle while running on the treadmill.

shoulder injury = 肩膀受伤
knee injuries = 膝盖损伤
heart attack = 突发心脏病
A heart attack can happen very suddenly.
If someone has a heart attack, call for an ambulance right away.

Listen to your body.
Don't push yourself to the point of pain.

First, every workout should begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down period.
You can do some movements to loosen up your joints.
Then your can do some dynamic stretching such as lunges or leg swings.

It's better to get your heart pumping during a warm-up session, so your can do some jogging on the treadmill or jump rope for a few minutes.
After the warm-up session, your muscles and joints should feel loose.
Also you should be mentally ready for the workout.

During the cool-down period, you should take some time to allow your heart rate to slow down.
Stretching out is a fantastic way to cool down your body.

The second tip is to stay hydrated.
Remember to drink plenty of water.
If you are dehydrated druing a workout, you will cramp easily and have a high pulse.

The third tip is don't work out on an empy stomach. Eat a small meal or snack before workout.
I guess the most important thing is to keep a positive attitude and enjoy your workout.
Do not push yourself too hard, and appreciate the progress you've made.
