

主(多喝水)+ is great for your health.

I love 宾(踢足球).

My hobby is 表(玩电脑游戏).

I has bought a book(王先生写的)等等。

我们发现,在上面的模型里,没有办法用一个单词进行描述,所以在演变的过程中,出来一个新的语法成分,叫做非谓语动词短语(to do ,doing, done,注意done与did的区别)


1、只加不定式作宾语的动词:plan, demand, promise, help, prepare, decide, refuse, choose, wish/hope, expect, fail, pretend, manage, determine, beg, arrange, threaten, claim, hesitate, happen等。

2、只加动名词作宾语的动词:admit, avoid, consider, escape, imagine, mind, miss, practice, suggest, advise, allow, permit, risk, prevent, resist, deny, forbid,advocate, forgive, acknowledge, postpone, delay, fancy, recall,finish/complete, acknowledge等

3、下面这些短语只能加doing作宾语:be addicted to, be accustomed to, get down to, lead to ,contribute to, devote oneself to , object to, look forward to, owing to, become/get/be used to, pay attention to等等。

4、既可以加to do, 也可以加doing的动词,且意思很相近的动词:intend, attempt, continue, begin, start等。

5、接to do 和doing 作宾语意义差别很大的动词:mean, forget, try, go on等。

To swim in the river is a great pleasure.(不定式)

Smoking does harm to the health.(动名词)

He pretended not to see me.(不定式短语)

I enjoy listening to popular music.(动名词短语)

Our monitor is always the first to enter the classroom.(不定式短语)

The boy playing football(动名词短语) is my brother

The dog killed by a car(过去分词短语) is very fierce.

