
come on: 别胡扯了,我才不信呢 

得了吧;算了吧 You say 'Come on' to someone when you think that what they are saying is silly or unreasonable.

'Have you said all this to the police?' — 'Aw, come on!'...

Come on, Sue, that was two years ago.

go out (with someone): 不是指外出,而是指年轻人与某人约会

  4 a : to meet someone for a romantic social activity : to go on a date with someone   

They went out a couple of times, but it was never serious.  

4 b : to have a continuing romantic relationship with someone   

I've been going out with her for quite a while now. = We've been going out for quite a while now.

gotta ['gɑ:tə]: 等于 got to或 have/has got to 

hump[hʌmp]: 驼背(亦作 humpback) 

hairpiece ['hɛəpi:s]: 假发 

chalk [tʃɔk]: 粉笔 

bemused[bi'mju:zd]: 糊里糊涂的,困惑不解的 

困惑不解的;茫然的 If you are bemused, you are puzzled or confused.

Mr. Sebastian was looking at the boys with a bemused expression.

He looked slightly bemused by all the questions.

'cause: 'because'的非正式表达 

go through: 经历(痛苦、困难等);遭受;忍受 

He's going through a painful divorce.

I understand what you're going through.

In order to learn the job well, you have to go through several months of training.

Sounds like a date to me.: Chandler的女人缘不佳,他的约会过程通常吃完饭就打住了,没有机会继续发展下去。

I have a date with Bob...

I felt like a teenager going out on a first date .

cafeteria[kæfə'tɪrɪə]: 专门指那种打饭的食堂,注意食堂不能是 dining hall,那是中式英语。 

naked ['neikid]:  赤身裸体的,一丝不挂的 

figure ['fɪgjɚ]: 认为;判断 

认为;猜想;估计【INFORMAL 】 If you figure that something is the case, you think or guess that it is the case.

She figured that both she and Ned had learned a lot from the experience.

'd better=had better (do something):  最好,应该,还是…为好 

(后接不带 to的不定式,在口语中有时连 had也省略掉) 

turn out: 原来是;证明是 

If something turns out a particular way, it happens in that way or has the result or degree of success indicated.

Sometimes things don't turn out the way we think they're going to...

I was positive things were going to turn out fine.

If I had known my life was going to turn out like this, I would have let them kill me...

weird [wiəd]: 古怪的;离奇的;不可思议的 

depressed [di'prest]: 沮丧的;消沉的;悲痛的 

抑郁的;沮丧的;消沉的 If you are depressed, you are sad and feel that you cannot enjoy anything, because your situation is so difficult and unpleasant./unhappy and without hope for the future

 She felt very depressed about the future.

She became deeply depressed when her husband died.

wanna=want to 

sweetie: 对亲人或爱人的昵称 

feel like: 感觉像是 

throat [θrəut]: 喉咙 

grab: 猛地一把抓住 

small intestine[in'testin]: (解剖)小肠  

pluck (at something) [plʌk]: 用手指下力气拽 

拔,拉,拽If you pluck at something, you take it between your fingers and pull it sharply but gently./

to pull part of (something) with your fingers especially more than once

“Look here, toad,” she said, thrusting her arms through the bars of the fence and plucking at the weeds on the other side.

cleanse [klenz]: t(尤指精神上的)净化,使纯洁 (‹例›clean 和 cleanse 在表示清洁有形的东西时,是同义词,如dirt、dust、wound等;cleanse还可以用来表示净化无形的东西,如breath、ideology、bad thoughts、guilty feelings、sin等。) 

Confessioncleanses the soul.

aura ['ɔ:rə]:  (据称有人能在人体四周看见其存在的)气场,灵气 

murky ['mə:ki]: 阴暗的;混沌的 

very dark or foggy

(ps themurky waters (= complicated subject) of sexuality and jealousy

to hell with someone/something: (表示生气、不满、不在乎)让…见鬼去吧 

used to say in a forceful and angry way that you do not care about someone or something.

They want me to stop, but to hell with them! I'll do what I want to do!

lesbian['lezbiən]: 女同性恋者  

fixate (on) ['fikseit]: 具有或产生不正当的依恋或偏爱,固着  

to look at or think about something constantly:to give all of your attention to something

Why do journalists fixate on scandals?

out loud: 高声地;响亮地

hysterical [his'terikl]:


sob [sɑ:b]: 啜泣,呜咽 

be hurting: 感到伤心的;痛苦的 

to feel emotional pain

He wanted her to know how much he was hurting.

gesture ['dʒɛstʃɚ]: v 用手势(或动作)表达 

consent [kən'sent]: 同意,允许  

strip joint [dʒɔint]: 脱衣舞夜总会(亦作strip club),这里注意joint这个词,特指一些规模不大不怎么好的小馆子,小场所,亦可用来指代小饭店。 

hormone ['hɔrmon]: (生理)激素,荷尔蒙  

wedding dress: 结婚礼服,婚纱 

decaf ['dikæf]: 无咖啡因的咖啡;脱咖啡因咖啡 


Lincoln High(School) ['liŋkən]: 林肯高中,这里指 Monica和Rachel共同念过的高中 

survivor [sə'vaivə]: 幸存者;生还者;挺过困难者 (这里特指林肯高中非常难熬,有很多不好的回忆) 

dejectedly [di'dʒektidli]: 情绪低落地;气馁地 

The players dejectedly walked off the field.

He stared dejectedly at his feet.

沮丧的;失意的;泄气的If you are dejected, you feel miserable or unhappy, especially because you have just been disappointed by something.

She looked a bitdejectedwhen she was told that she hadn't got the job.

bridesmaid['braidzmeid]: 伴娘 

gorgeous ['gɔ:dʒəs]: (色彩、外观等)绚丽的;华美的,一般作为形容某人或某物特别漂亮的最高级 

turn somebody on: 使感性趣;使性兴奋 

(informal) to make sb excited or interested, especially sexually

• Jazz has never really turned me on.

• She gets turned on by men in uniform.

freak (somebody) (out): 使强烈反应;(使)失去镇静;(使)烦燥不安,也就是抓狂 

(使)吃惊;(使)不安;(使)恼怒;(使)困惑If someonefreaks

out, or if somethingfreaksthemout, they suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused.

It sort of frightens me. I guess I am kind of freaked out by it.

I remember the first time I went onstage. Ifreaked out completely...

hit someone: 使某人意识到;被某人想起(过去式为hit) 

使突然想起When a feeling or an idea hits you, it suddenly affects you or comes into your mind.

Then the answer hit me. It had been staring me in the face.

kinda ['kaində]: (在书面英语中使用,表示非正式发音时的'kind of') 

drift apart: 逐渐变得疏远,(思想感情上)产生隔阂 

to stop having a close relationship

They used to be great friends, but they've gradually drifted apart over the years.

the city: 纽约本地人提到'城里',特指曼哈顿区 

Limoges gravy boat一种陶瓷餐盘

/lɪˈməʊʒ/ 利摩日:法国中西部一城市,位于波尔多东北部。它的陶瓷工业开始于18世纪。


Sweet'n Low一种代糖的制造商品牌


Mr. Potato Head 一种美帝的塑料玩具,最典型的形象是玩具总动员中的。这句话的意思大概就是,未婚夫长的头大,丑。 


issue ['isju:,'iʃju:]: (特别重要或大众关注的)议题;争端,争论点 
