
今天是读原著学英语的第二篇文章,《哲学故事》(the story of philosophy)。通过图原著,学习地道的英语表达。学习英语,是为了读原滋原味的英文著作。今天是分享的是第一章,第二节,苏格拉底(Socrates)。

苏格拉底生活在公元前470年~公元前399年,与我国孔子大概在通过一个时代。而且他们俩有一个相似点: 他们的思想影响深远,但是都是通过弟子们的记录才得以流传下来。




这里重点说一下苏格拉底在两千多年前,面对死亡,表现的从容与果敢,给我们树立了榜样也已发了我对“生”与“死”的思考。我一直认为,如何面对死亡是人生哲学的终极思考,不思考如何面对死亡,便不能深刻理解‘生’的意义。说实话,这个话题我也没想明白,可是看到苏格拉底主动选择死亡,让死亡变得比“生”更有意义,让一个伟大的灵魂在死亡面前得到升华,这让我有很大触动。我记得爱奇艺的《奇葩说》有一期的辩题探讨过类似的话题:“如果人可以永生,是好事还是坏事”。有一个观点特别有意思:如果人可以永生,有一个好处就是,我们可以主动的选择何时去死。当时间不再是稀缺资源,当生命可以永续到失去意义,“死”反而成为了一个幸福的追求。然而人生不过百年,还会有各种文人骚客感叹“逝者如斯夫”,每个人都还会面对“死亡”这个终点,于是“生”才有了探讨的意义。当学生们就苏格拉底出去的时候,他拒绝了,他是这样说的:“Be of good cheer,” he told his sorrowing friends, " and say that you are burying my body only.“ 柏拉图是这样记载的:

he rose and went into the bath-chamber with Crito, who bade us wait; and we waited , talking and thinking of .... the greatness of our sorrow; he was like a father whom we were bereaved, and we were about to pass the rest of our lives as orphans....Now, the hour of sunset was near, for a goof deal of time had passed while he was in.When he came out ,he sat with us again.... but not much was said. Soon the jailer...entered and stood by him,saying:" To you , Socrates, whom I know to be the noblest and gentlest and best of all whom ever came to this place, I will not impute the angry feelings of other men ,who rage and swear at me when , in obedience to the authorities, I bid them drink the poison-indeed I am sure that you will not be angry with me; for others, as you are aware,  and not I, are the guilty cause. And so fare you well, and try to bear lightly what must needs be; you know my errand."(这段狱卒说的话,比较难懂。首先,注意句式,是一个倒装句。To you ,...... I will not impute ......,这个句子是impute ...to...句式的倒装句,把 to 放前面了。) Then bursting into tears he turned away and went out.
Socrates looked at him and said:" I return your good wishe ,and while do as you bid." Then turning to us and said:"How charming the man is ; since I have been in prison he has always been coming to see me. . . and now see how generously he sorrows for me. But we must do as he says, Crito; Let the cup be brought, if the poison is preared; if not ,let the attendant prepare some."

文中的Crito 是苏格拉底的朋友。从文中,我们可以看出苏格拉底面对死亡的从容与淡定。当苏格拉底最终要停止呼吸的时候文章是这样写的:

He was beginning to grow cold about groin, when he uncovered his face (for he had covered himself up) and said, ——they were his last words,——“Crito,I owe a cock to Asclepius; will you remember to pay the debt?” "The debt shall be paid," said Crito:"is there anything else?" there were no answer to this question;but in a minute or two a movement was heard, and the attendant uncovered him; his eyes was set,adn Crito closed his eyes and mouth.

